I Have A Dual World Seal

Chapter 558: Accidental Serious Cases Team Handling Cases

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"From this station, Matsui Shrine on the outskirts of Nagoya suffered a gas explosion in the early hours of last night, causing many deaths."

"It is reported that at 0:00 yesterday, it was the Matsui Group's annual family gathering. At that time, many important figures of the Matsui family were at the shrine."

"According to the Nagoya No. 1 Hospital, a number of injured people were sent to the hospital in the early hours of yesterday, and it is inconvenient to disclose the specific circumstances."

"We interviewed the police at the scene. According to a police officer who did not want to be named, the gas explosion and the building collapsed. Because the main body of the shrine was a wooden building, the fire ignited. Most of the Matsui family died on the spot, and a small number of people also suffered The serious injuries have not been out of danger so far, and a small number of the injured are not serious, but several priests and service personnel of the shrine."

"It is reported that Satoshi Matsui, chairman of the Matsui Group, and members of the board of directors Matsui Oishi and Matsui Iwaji, three important figures of the Matsui family died on the spot."

"Matsui Group's stock price plunged this morning, down 17 percent by noon."

"The head of the Matsui Group in North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East has rushed back to Japan overnight to deal with this major event that will affect the future development of the Matsui family."

"It is reported that three days later, the Matsui family will hold a grand ceremony in Matsui Building, and at the same time vote for the new chairman of the group."

It's been a long time in Japan that there has been such an event that almost wiped out the family, not to mention the famous family in the Nagoya area, and the Matsui family who is also well-known in Japan.

This news has also been moved back to China, and of course there are good people who have spread the history of the Matsui family to everyone.


The simple applause gathered into a monstrous wave, and of course there were inevitably some reflection monsters and pseudo-virgins, among which were mixed with some leading parties.


Lin Wan sneered, "If those people in the Matsui family knew that their entire family was destroyed, the cause was the moth that these people made, and I don't know if they would climb out of **** and drag these people back together?"

In fact, Lin Wan was very resistant to such a thing as destroying a whole family. She had been hesitant before. When dealing with enemies who wanted to assassinate her and the shareholders of overseas Japanese schools, she only punished the first evil, not her family.

But the problem is, there are some people who are provoking and killing people in the country all day long, disgusting Chinese people, and then seeing the ugly faces of those people at the Matsui family gathering, even the most disciplined policeman like Lin Wan can't help it.

Lu Zheng also sneered, "These people disgust us, but they also make most simple Chinese people feel the same enemy. Many things are actually double-edged swords, whether the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind prevails over the east wind. , are indispensable.”

Lin Wan nodded, "In the final analysis, our national strength is stronger."

Lu Zheng also nodded, "It's like raising the refills of ballpoint pens that touted the Japanese back then. If you help the Japanese people, we will destroy his industry, and then the Japanese companies that are guarding small businesses will not dare to do so. It's flattering."

Lin Wan couldn't help but wanted to laugh, because later, many Japanese companies cooperated with China, and the premise was that they must not report how advanced my stuff is.

The Leading Party can blow without thinking, but businessmen are not stupid, arousing national sentiment in China, and what should I do if they directly kill their own industry?

Coupled with the later exposure of data fraud and quality problems of Japanese products, it is now possible to blow the rice cooker and the sushi fairy.

The topic has gone too far, Lin Wan and Lu Zheng have returned to Haicheng at this time, and are eating duck in a roast duck restaurant, Lin Wan asked Lu Zheng while swiping her phone, "Three days later, the rest of the Matsui family will meet again. Together, what should we do?"

Lu Zheng said lightly, "Within a year, go to **** to pay off your debts."

After a pause, Lu Zheng asked Lin Wan, "Are you going?"

"I won't..." Lin Wan blinked, suddenly paused, remembering that she didn't go to Los Angeles with Lu Zheng last time, and then Lu Zheng staged a Hollywood blockbuster in Los Angeles.

"You won't make any big noise again this time, will you?"

Lu Zheng resolutely shouted injustice, "How is it possible, I have always been low-key and reserved, how could there be such a big commotion?"

Lin Wan glanced at Lu Zheng, this time she just went to the Matsui Building, leaving a secret hand for the rest of the people. Lin Wan still needed to go to work that day, so she was too lazy to go.

"I'll go to work and call."

"Okay, I'll come back to pick you up for dinner after I'm done."

Lin Wan nodded, then smiled, "I'm still going to spend three days, but I didn't expect them to get together for an event, but it saved us a lot of trouble."

Lu Zheng nodded in agreement, and then said, "By the way, you are now successful in cultivating the "Taiyuan Xuanshu". Let me pass you a few practical little methods, right?"

It is said that after obtaining the "Taiyuan Xuanshu", Lin Wan practiced hard for half a year. With the help of Yujing Dan, she finally widened her meridians and cultivated her true qi. It was just that the true qi was thin before, and she just continued to practice. Now Lu Zheng sees her. There are also ten years of Taoism, and you can practice some simple spells.

"Oh? Okay, okay!" Lin Wan's eyes lit up and she nodded again and again.

Of course, the "Taiyuan Xuanshu" also brought his own spells, such as Taiyuan Xuanguang and Taiyuan Divine Talisman, but the requirements were relatively high, and Lin Wan still could not meet the requirements.


""Five Spells", enough for you, go back to teach you at night." Lu Zheng smiled.

Lin Wan was in high spirits. When the two were talking, they suddenly froze for a moment. Then they turned around together, and saw that Lin Wan's former colleague Huang Xiumin and another young policewoman came in together. They found a seat in the lobby and sat down. Vegetables to eat.

Lu Zheng looked at Lin Wan, meaning to call him together.

Lin Wan shook her head and pointed to her ear.

Lu Zheng raised his eyebrows and noticed that the two had small walkie-talkies in their ears.

"On a mission?"

Lin Wan nodded and glanced around, but did not find their target.

"Is it not here yet?"

"Maybe?" Lin Wan said, "Let's just pretend we don't know her."


As soon as Lu Zheng finished speaking, he was stunned when he saw Huang Xiumin turn his gaze to the two of them.

Lu Zheng smiled, and Lin Wan pointed to her ear and nodded with a smile.

Then, the two sides looked away in tacit understanding, ignoring each other.

Sitting next to Lu Zheng, Lin Wan naturally tore a steamed cake, sandwiched a few pieces of duck skin and cucumber, dipped it in sweet sauce with green onions, then rolled up the steamed cake and gave it to Lu Zheng.

Lu Zheng didn't look at Huang Xiumin, but couldn't help but be curious. He looked at the door from time to time, and then asked, "Let the serious crime team follow me in plainclothes, what kind of serious case is this?"

Lin Wan thought for a while, and when she saw Liang Yuandong and Liu Leng walking into the doorway, her eyes flashed, "It's not necessarily following, maybe it's getting ready to act."

Lu Zheng blinked, ate the last burrito in two or three bites, and drank another mouthful of duck soup, "Okay, it's over."

"Then let's go, UU reading www.uukanshu.com don't disturb Xiu Min and the others to handle the case." Lin Wan picked up the satchel.

Check out and leave.

Ignoring Huang Xiumin's bared expression, Lin Wan and Lu Zheng walked towards the gate while chatting about whether to go to the movies or the playground in the afternoon.

Right across from the gate, a middle-aged man with an unremarkable appearance came in. After entering, he looked around, and then accidentally bumped into Lin Wan.

It's just that Lin Wan stepped aside and gave way to the other side.

"I'm sorry, sorry!" The middle-aged man quickly apologized, then bypassed the two and walked into the store.

Lu Zheng and Lin Wan looked at each other, and then they couldn't help laughing, because although Lin Wan avoided the collision just now, the man still managed to put a USB flash drive into Lin Wan's bag.

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