I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 582: Starting To Counterattack (Part 1)

Under the investigation of the Red Emperor, those entertainment companies targeting Star Entertainment had nowhere to hide.

On the contrary, although Xia Ying participated, only one vice president expressed dissatisfaction with Star Entertainment, but he didn't really target Star Entertainment.


The reason is very simple, Xia Ying is a state-owned enterprise after all, so she has to rely on her status, if she goes out to target Star Entertainment in person, her reputation will not be good!

What's more, it seems that Star Entertainment's company is much unhappy. They only need to express their dissatisfaction with Star Entertainment, and naturally someone will fight for them.

In fact it is.

After Xia Ying's vice president named Xu Zhonglai expressed dissatisfaction with Star Entertainment, the three major entertainment companies Huaxing, Chengying, and Xia Ce took the lead, united dozens of entertainment companies, and formulated a plan against Star Entertainment.

So far, it has been quite effective, causing a lot of losses and troubles to Star Entertainment.

Huaxing Entertainment mainly shoots movies, and it is also a listed company. Before the celebration party, Gao Yan also met with their boss, and some unpleasantness happened.

Later, Mr. Wang wanted to take revenge, but after investigating Gao Yan's background, he immediately stopped.

Originally, he thought that he would never have the chance to vent his anger in this life, but he did not expect to have the opportunity to vent his anger so soon, and with Xia Ying's backing, and so many allies, he is no longer afraid of Gao Yan!

Therefore, he sent people to do the digging!

Tianyun clubhouse.

Seeing Gao Yan coming, a look of joy flashed across Tu Yun's face.

During this time, Tu Yun was obsessed with cultivation. Realm has reached the Innate late stage, and it won't be long before he can reach the Innate peak. As for whether he can reach the Great Master, it is hard to say.

After all, she is different from Su Long, Su Long himself is a strength, and Tu Yun is the strength.

"Sister Yun, I have business to see you!"

Gao Yan sat down beside Tu Yun, and put his arms around her waist.

Tu Yun curled her lips: "You say you have business with me, but your actions are not very serious!"

"You can't blame me, who told me that my sister is too attractive!"

Gao Yan said with a rascal face.

Tu Yun also knew what kind of virtue Gao Yan was, so he asked, "Tell me, what can I do with my sister?"

Gao Yan's eyes turned cold: "You send someone to find the brokers who hold the stocks of Chengying, Huaxing and Xia Ce, borrow as much as you want, and then pay them back in a month. After you get the stocks, sell them directly!"

"it is good!"

Tu Yun didn't ask Gao Yan what he wanted to do, as long as she supported what Little Brother wanted to do.

So she handed Xiaodie in for some instructions!

Tianyun clubs are all over the country, and they have a very wide network of contacts. Therefore, in less than half a day, the people arranged by Xiaodie borrowed 2.3 billion shares of Huaxing Entertainment, 3.8 billion shares of Chengying, and Xia Ce 19 100 million shares!

Of course, there is also interest.

If the time is long, the interest can be lowered, but the time is too tight, so I paid 5 points of interest, that is to say, 100 million has to be paid 5 million in interest.

The three stocks are worth 8 billion, and the interest alone has to pay 400 million.

Moreover, selling a large number of stocks of the three companies will inevitably have a big impact. It would be good to sell 8 billion stocks for 7 billion.

This time, there will be a loss of 1.4 billion.

But is it really so?

If after a month, the stocks of the three companies plummeted, Gao Yan bought the stocks at a low price and returned them to the brokerages, and he could earn the difference.

Not only hit three companies, but also made money!

The time came to the next afternoon.

The shares worth 8 billion were completely sold, and a total of 7.1 billion was cashed out, which was 100 million more than expected.

Because of a large amount of cashing out, the stocks of the three companies also fell!

The three companies were a little panicked, and they immediately arranged for an investigation.

But they haven't waited for them to find out who sold their shares in large quantities.

On Weibo, an account called Broken Whistleblower: A video was uploaded, and the title of the video was that Li Xing was so high-ranking.

Less than ten minutes after uploading this video, it received 100,000 likes, 120,000 comments, and more than 80,000 reposts!

This Li Xing is a popular niche under Huaxing.

In the past few years, he has been highly praised by China Star, and has starred in several costume TV dramas and two movies, all of which have achieved good results.

Therefore, he was selected as one of the four college students of the new generation.

The location of this video was shot in a villa, and the protagonists of the video were Mr. Wang and Li Xing of Huaxing.

The performance of the two in the video can be said to be unsightly, quite eye-catching!

Fortunately, the whistleblower has made a mosaic on the key parts, otherwise, it will be even more eye-catching!

Huaxing Entertainment responded quickly.

Immediately contact Weibo to take down this video.

At the same time, the public relations department of Huaxing Entertainment directly reprimanded the whistleblower for falsifying the video, and issued a lawyer's letter to sue the whistleblower for discrediting Mr. Wang and Li Xing.

At the same time, he threatened the whistleblower to make a public apology immediately, otherwise, he will call the police for this behavior!

But what made Mr. Wang furious was that Weibo had clearly agreed to take down the video, but after half an hour, the video was still on Weibo, and it was pushed to the top of the list by netizens instead.

As for this video, it directly exceeded 2 million likes, 1.78 million comments, and more than one million retweets.

It turned out that Mr. Wang, who was not very famous, was completely popular!

Originally, someone sold a large number of Huaxing Entertainment's stocks today, which caused quite a panic. Now Huaxing's boss has been imprisoned, which directly caused shareholders to sell their stocks, and finally caused Huaxing's stock price to fall by the limit!

The market value evaporated more than 5 billion out of thin air.

Huaxing Entertainment, General Manager Office.

Mr. Wan pointed at the PR manager with a grim expression and scolded, "What's going on, why hasn't the video been removed from Weibo?"

The PR manager said with an aggrieved face: "Boss, I have contacted Weibo many times, but they said they will deal with it immediately!"

Actually, they don't know.

Weibo is also very embarrassing, because they found that they couldn't take down the video.

Later, they wanted to ban the whistleblower's account, but they still couldn't do it!

Of course, Li Xing was the most affected.

His Weibo originally had more than 40 million fans. Although there is a lot of water in it, the real data also has more than 10 million fans, and most of them are female fans!

Now after Li Xing was exposed in the video, his female fans shouted that they couldn't take it anymore and unfollowed it one after another, and some impulsive female fans cursed Li Xing on Weibo.

Unfollowing by fans is actually nothing.

What scares Li Xing the most is that the merchants he endorsed called to cancel the cooperation and asked him to pay compensation!

The film and TV drama projects that have been negotiated have also called to cancel the cooperation!

When the time came to five o'clock.

The whistleblower posted a new video.

Compared with the previous video, this video is even more popular. It is actually a scene of a group of celebrities gathering together. One of them is Li Xing, and a man and a woman are also artists of Huaxing!

As soon as this video came out, the entertainment industry exploded.

And this video was quickly pushed to the hot search by netizens.

At seven o'clock that night, photos and videos of Li Xing and several people being arrested in the video appeared on Weibo!

Suddenly, the entertainment industry was in an uproar!

Many stars with unclean buttocks fell into panic and worry.

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