I Have A God-Level Income System

Chapter 583 Summation And Compensation (Part 2)

The next morning, the stock market opened.

Huaxing Entertainment's stock price plummeted, and in less than ten minutes, it fell to the limit again, and the market value once again evaporated billions out of thin air!

At this moment, the whistleblower broke the news again.

The target of this revelation is no longer Huaxing, but Chengying Media.

Chengying Media is composed of two major parts, one is an entertainment company, and the other is a theater company.

This time, the Whistleblower broke the news about Chengying’s tax evasion. In addition, there is also evidence of them stealing and falsifying the box office!

In just one night, the fan of Whistleblower, who is obviously a rookie account, has broken through 3 million fans.

The first two videos are all but confirmed and arguably given the stone hammer.

Therefore, the credibility of the evidence he broke the news is extremely high.

The stock market is a barometer.

As soon as this revelation came out, although it has not been confirmed yet, the stock price of Chengying fell at a visible speed.

However, it was better than Huaxing Entertainment. It took 22 minutes for Chengying's share price to drop to the limit!

When the time came to noon.

The whistleblower released a third video.

The first half of this video is a picture of Xia Ce's two female stars accompanying him for a drink.

Two charming female stars sat on the lap of a middle-aged Fatty, one on the left and the other on the right. The middle-aged Fatty showed a lustful expression, and his hands were not very honest!

In the end, two female stars entered the hotel room with this middle-aged Fatty!

In the next two minutes of video, a lot of mosaics were played, but the faces of the three people were completely out of the camera!

Although these two female stars are not Xia Ce's leading female stars, they are also second-tier stars.

Therefore, this video after the fire on the Internet.

As soon as the stock market opened in the afternoon, Xia Ce's stock price also began to plunge, and successfully fell to the limit!

Within a day, the stock prices of the three giant companies in the entertainment industry dropped by the limit one after another. This also made many people see a lot, guessing that there is a black hand behind the scenes targeting these three companies!

But it's not over yet!

Starting at 5:00 p.m., Mr. Whistleblower will upload a video every hour.

And these videos involve multiple entertainment companies in the entertainment industry!

Although these entertainment companies are not listed, they have had a considerable impact on their word of mouth, and even the movies and TV series with seven or eight stars in them are being released and broadcast on TV stations!

that night.

Inside a clubhouse.

Huaxing, Chengying, and Xia Ce's three bosses met in a low-key manner!

Mr. Wang said with a gloomy face: "Two days ago, someone bought a large amount of stocks from a brokerage that held our company's stock, and the person behind it was the Tianyun Club. Lil Guan, do you have anyone to suspect?"

Xia Ce's boss said thoughtfully: "Could it be Star Entertainment? Don't forget, we are teaming up to target them, and it's normal for them to fight back!"

"I think so!"

The boss of Chengying said coldly: "This Star Entertainment is too unscrupulous!"

"Now is not the time to discuss these things. What should we do next?" Mr. Wang said with a sullen expression. His family's stock has fallen by the limit for two consecutive days, and if it continues to fall for a few days, he should go bankrupt.

Next, the three began to discuss countermeasures.

But after discussing for more than an hour, there is still no solution. In fact, the best way is to admit their mistakes and surrender to Star Entertainment, but they can't get rid of this face.

Just then, Mr. Wang's cell phone rang!

He glanced over and picked up the phone.

After the other party just said one sentence, his face changed drastically, and there was still a bit of panic in his eyes.

At this time, the phone of Boss Chengying also rang, and similarly, after hearing the other party's report, his expression became extremely ugly.

Immediately after, Boss Xia Ce's phone rang, and after that, his expression also changed, and there was a little more regret and annoyance in his expression.

"Did you also know that Xu Zhonglai was taken away for investigation?"

Mr. Wang looked at the discolored two and asked.

There was a hint of panic in Boss Xia Ce's eyes: "It seems that Star Entertainment has a deeper background than we imagined!"

is not that right?

Xu Zhonglai just expressed his dissatisfaction with Star Entertainment in front of them.

Even if Xu Zhonglai had no problems and was released, he would not be able to continue working in Xia Ying.

If there is a problem, hehe, there is no need to say more about his fate.

"Admit defeat!"

Boss Chengying said with a wry smile: "Even Xu Zhonglai has been dealt with, we can't handle it!"

"It has to be like this!"

"I'm afraid Star Entertainment won't let us go easily!" Mr. Wang said in a complicated tone.

"Go to Shanghai and talk to Li Chaonan first, and see what conditions he has!"

Boss Chengying proposed!

On the other side, Gao Yan received a call from Martial Spirit.

"Brother Yan, the result of that guy's review has come out, and he will probably be sentenced for several years!"

Gao Yan: "Okay, sir, I understand. I won't say thank you. Next time I come to the capital, I will bring you two bottles of good wine!"

Martial Spirit came: "Okay, that's it!"

After chatting for a few more words, the two sides hung up the phone.

Gao Yan didn't know if there was any problem with Xu Zhonglai. The reason why he didn't expose the other party on the Internet was because he considered the official face, so he took advantage of the contacts from Martial Spirit to clean up the other party!

At the same time, it was also a warning to Xia Ying.

Don't think that you are a state-owned company, so you can reach out, this time only the vice president will be cleaned up, and next time, even the general manager will be cleaned up together!



The general manager's office can be said to be full of people!

Li Chaonan was delighted, he raised his wine glass and said to a group of high-level executives: "Our boss's methods are sharp. Not only did he clean up Huaxing, Chengying and Xia Ce, but even Xia Ying's shitty vice president did not escape. Come on, let's have a drink together!"

The next day, Xia Ying, Hua Xing, Xia Ce and Cheng Ying's boss all came to Shanghai to visit Li Chaonan.

It is clear that it is a summation.

Therefore, the posture of the four of them is very low.

However, Li Chaonan didn't agree directly, but called Gao Yan first to ask Gao Yan's opinion!

Gao Yan made Li Chaonan open his mouth.

Although this time Gao Yan can make billions by borrowing stocks.

But it's just his personal income, Star Entertainment also has to get compensation, right?

After receiving Gao Yan's instructions, Li Chaonan really started to speak loudly.

First of all, in the future, for all movies released by Star Entertainment, the shooting rate must not be less than 40%.

Secondly, the three companies have to transfer several projects to Star Entertainment at a low price. In addition, each company has to transfer five celebrity artists to Star Entertainment for free.

And these five star artists have to be chosen by themselves!

In addition, due to Huaxing's poaching, it caused a lot of losses to the crew, and they had to use real money to pay for the losses.

Faced with Li Chaonan's lion's mouth, the four bosses were very angry.

Then start haggling.

But Li Chaonan put on a look of reluctance, and if he disagreed, he had to continue to deal with you, depending on whether you can handle it?

In the end, the four bosses could only pinch their noses.

To be honest, they were really scared.

Just because of the whistleblower, their stock prices are falling by the limit every day.

If the Whistleblower continues to break the news, their stock price will collapse completely in a few days!

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