I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 603: The two immortals follow!

Speaking of this, the stone felt as if it had done a bad thing, and was a little embarrassed.

But I don't know how shocked Jiang Ao was!

"So, you are not setting up a formation, but giving instructions to these sands and rocks underground, let them follow your instructions, and let me inadvertently keep spinning in place?"

Shishi nodded and said, "Yes, I just want to scare you away and make you think that you are in a maze so that you won't discover my existence. But I didn't expect it, but you discovered it."

Hearing this, Jiang Ao couldn't help feeling dumb.

Not bad, this stone has its own ideas, which is quite interesting.

As a result, he would even take the stone away.

Maybe he can tell himself how to accompany believers in the future?

After the immortal world stabilizes, he only needs to refine the world. In addition, he can travel around the immortal world, looking for divine power, and at the same time, he can slowly cultivate the beliefs of the creatures in the world!

Once the Godhead comes out, it will definitely become his bag.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ao said, "I can take you away. I wonder if you have such an idea?"

"Take me away?"

Hearing Jiang Ao's words, Shishi couldn't help but look overjoyed and smiled honestly, "Is it really okay? I'm stupid, I don't know how to fight!"

Jiang Ao was speechless for a while, I took you away, not for you to be a thug, but for you to be a radar!

"It's okay, I want to travel in the fairy world, so I can help you find out where there is supernatural power, and then you and I can absorb it!"

"Ah, this is really great!"

A smile appeared on Shishi's face.

"However, it might be inconvenient to take you away like this. I wonder if you can turn back into a small piece of sand?"

"Yes! My body is just a piece of sand, of course I can change back to my body!"

After the stone was finished, his figure suddenly became smaller.

The speed was so fast that even Jiang Ao didn't notice it!

If he hadn't been locked in the stone by his consciousness, he might not be able to find the location of the stone among the thousands of sand.

"By the way, what's your name?"

Jiang Ao quickly asked, it's impossible to keep screaming, right?

"My name is Shi Mo, and I don't know why I am called this name, but I have known that I am this name since I have the wit."

The sand made by Shi Mo floated and fell on Jiang Ao's nose.

Jiang Ao didn't dare to let out the air, for fear that the aura he showed would blow him away.

"Come on, get bigger, and you will hide in my zongzi from now on. If you find anything, you can tell me secretly, okay?"

"Yes! As long as I leave here, I can find divine power more easily!"

Shi Mo also said excitedly.

"However, there is another point I need to emphasize. I can only say secretly, otherwise, if someone finds out, it will be miserable!"

"Yes, I know! The **** came down secretly last time. If someone finds out, he will be miserable too!"

Shi Mo's words made Jiang Ao stunned again.

Before, Shi Mo had already said that the **** had come down secretly.

However, this time there is one more sentence, and it is miserable to be found!

What does it mean?

In other words, it may be the personal work of the god.

If this is the case, is it possible to guess that the gods, who are in the gods, are not what?

Then, if I wanted to turn over, I didn't know where I got the news, and went to the lower realm to find the One Hundred Thousand Heavens Taoism.

and so……

One hundred thousand days of Taoism is a very important thing!

"Do you know the use of what he came down to find?"

Jiang Ao quickly asked.

"I don't know very much, but I seem to have heard him say to himself that if you find that scripture and master all of its contents, you can make your strength grow by leaps and bounds! It may even threaten the status of the human king! "

Hearing that, Jiang Ao knew the function of the One Hundred Thousand Heavens Taoism even more, thinking about this book, but it must not be discovered by anyone!

At this time.

Several silhouettes suddenly rushed over not far away.

Jiang Ao was startled, and he felt the aura of Luo Tianshang from them, wondering if Nangong Yiling sent him over.


When those Luo Tianshang rushed to Jiang Ao, they knelt down quickly.

"I have seen the warden master, the two immortal emperors have cleared their previous suspicions, and they are now looking for the warden!"

Jiang Ao nodded, stopped talking to Shi Mo, turned his head to look at them, and said, "Then we will go back!"

"Yes, Lord Warden!"

When several Luo Tianshang heard this, they were relieved a lot.

Nangong Yiling gave them a death order, if they couldn't find Jiang Ao, they wouldn't have to come back.

Fortunately, they not only found out about being proud, but after hearing what they said, they were willing to follow them back.

Because they went back with all their strength, they only spent less than a cup of tea before returning to the palace.

After seeing Jiang Ao, Nangong Yiling and Bei Ming hurriedly greeted Jiang Ao.

"I have seen the warden! We have decided to stop in all directions, and unite to maintain peace in the fairy world!"

After Nangong Yiling finished speaking, Bei Ming Kuang also came up to express his attitude.

The general idea is similar.

However, he said that his order may not be implemented so quickly, because he is here, there will be a delay in time.

Jiang Ao smiled and said: "It's okay, Monan Star is not long from Zhongbei Star. Next, you have to do your best to stabilize the situation in your two domains. Next, I will go to the Eastern Immortal Territory and the Western Immortal Territory! For the two great immortal realms, the immortal emperor is dead, so I am afraid that they will be confused, and then let those demons and evil immortals take advantage of it!

"What the warden is saying is that we also expected this, so we plan to follow the warden and fight!"

The words came out of Bei Ming Kuang's mouth, and Jiang Ao couldn't help being surprised.

Do you dare to discuss this matter?

Originally, Jiang Ao didn't want to bring it.

But after thinking about it, it would be more convenient to take them with you.

Why not take it with you!

After all, his superficial strength is only Da Luo Jinxian.

Coming along the way, just saying anything is easy to attract hatred.

It is better to let them follow and save a lot of trouble!

"That's great. Then you quickly arrange things, and then we will go to the Western Regions first!"

In Jiang Ao's heart, he felt that the Western Regions might be more serious.

Because the immortal Emperor Ximen cultivated the ruthless Tao.

Now some of him, maybe many people who are dissatisfied with him, may jump out.

Moreover, it is very likely to compete for power.

Once chaos occurs, the enemy will have a chance to take advantage of it.

"There is nothing left. As long as the order is passed on, someone will execute it! We will also retreat at the frontier, so that everyone will turn to maintain stability in the domain and will not take it back!"

Nangong Yiling and Bei Ming said so frantically.

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