I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 604: Mix into the army!

Jiang Ao said, "If this is the case, let's set off now. Let's go to the Western Regions to take a look. I always have an unknown premonition."

A few days later, a group of three people appeared on a planet in the western fairyland.

At this time, their faces were solemn.

Along the way, almost all the planets they saw had wars.

This means that the Western Regions are completely messed up!

"Master, it seems that the Western Region has really taken the position! It's just unexpected that we haven't received any news!"

At Jiang Ao's request, they were no longer called Warden Jiang Aodian, so they were afraid of revealing their identity.

"Maybe people from the entire Western Regions have participated in it. You know, the strength of the Western Regions is the strongest, and there are several immortals alone! Now that the Western Emperor is dead, naturally, they saw the opportunity and wanted to achieve A hero!"

Jiang Ao didn't know how tragic the scene of Emperor Immortal's seizure.

But the previous life was a costume TV that could not be seen without a few reveals.

"Yes, fortunately we weren't dead..."

Bei Ming madly replied thoughtlessly.

The immortal emperor Ximen died in the hands of this young master, and he was killed with a single sword.

"Look again, if it's just that they kill themselves, that's fine. But if there are evil immortals or demons and demons involved in it, then this matter is not that simple!"

Jiang Ao pondered for a moment and said, "Go, let's go to the next planet and see!"

"it is good!"

When the two of them were about to follow Jiang Ao to fly out of the planet, a group of fairy soldiers suddenly walked in the distance.

The leading fairy general has the cultivation base of the Ninth Rank Luo Tianshang!

Even beside him, there are two Seventh-Rank Luo Heavenly Immortals!

But Bei Ming Kuang and Nangong Yi Ling both turned into the fifth rank Luo Tianshang.

If it is the fairy monarch, their appearance will definitely cause others to attack.

After all, the appearance of Xianjun would make others think and think of seizing the emperor in the Western Regions.

Originally under Ximen Xiandi's men, they fought to death.

But if there are outsiders who want to come in for a sip of soup, they will definitely not agree, and they will definitely unite and kill them together!

"Stop! Stop!"

As soon as the troops appeared, they immediately stopped the two.

Jiang Ao thought, and said: "Stop, maybe we can find out some news!"

Hearing that, the two of them were not moving, but turned around and watched this team of fairy soldiers come up.

"You want to escape? Betrayed our Immortal Emperor Taihao?"

Without saying anything, the immortal general stepped forward and waved. Although the immortal soldiers behind him had only the cultivation base of Lei Luo Jinxian, they all surrounded them tightly, and they were not afraid at all.

Jiang Ao and others couldn't help laughing.

It was Nangong Yili who stepped forward and said, "We are not from this planet, but we are passing by here!"

"Huh! Here we have a warning, no one is allowed to go out! Unless you choose to be loyal to Immortal Taihao, there is only one dead word!"

The Ninth Grade Luo Tianshang looked at them arrogantly.

In his opinion, these three people care where you are from and where you are going.

Let's pull it in first!

After several battles, many people are still missing!

Hearing what Luo Tianshang said, Jiang Ao couldn't help laughing.

From this moment he wanted to force them to join the army, you can see how terrible the battle in the Western Regions was!

Not even letting them pass by here.

But at this time, let alone Jiang Ao's refusal, just add two immortal emperors, it is impossible to be driven by them!

However, Jiang Ao smiled slightly, and said, "Since it was invited by Immortal Emperor Taihao, we might as well join us!"

His idea is very simple. Instead of the three of them colliding like headless flies, he might as well follow their army to see, there may be unexpected gains.

In addition, since Immortal Emperor Taihao is short of people, other immortals must also be short of people.

Hearing Jiang Ao's promise, Bei Ming Kuang and Nangong couldn't help but be surprised.

But at this time they followed Jiang Ao's actions, following Jiang Ao's command all the way, and naturally they would not choose to leave at this time.

"Since our young master has agreed, then we will join you! However, we also have requirements!"

Nangong Yiling was relatively able to speak, he took the initiative to speak.

If you change to Bei Ming mad to come forward, it is estimated that they have not joined, first kill them all.

This was what Jiang Ao had ordered.

He and Nangong are the only ones to deal with, and Bei Ming Kuang can be a thug.

"Master? Hahaha, join our army, I don’t care what you are! Don’t say it’s a big battle now, even if it’s normal, it’s your strength! If you can show matching strength, then I might as well give you one Master Wandang, after all, Luo Tianshang has this qualification!"

Although both are Luo Tianshangxian, his ninth rank Luo Tianshangxian is already at the peak.

Go up again and you will be Xianjun.

As for the two immortal emperors, only the fifth rank Luo Tianshang was displayed at this time.

"Okay, then I will show you a hand first!"

Nangong Yiling didn't say a word, stretched out his hand and pointed.

A huge celestial force, majestic!

Although the realm is low, how can ordinary people block the power of the immortal emperor?

Nangong Yi Ling's attack was to establish his prestige.

Therefore, the direction he pointed was a group of fairy soldiers and generals behind that Luo Tianshang!

But knowing that Jiang Ao was going to join it now, he didn't hurt the killers, but flew them one by one, but the power was controlled very cleverly, and no one was hurt!

If it were to be played by Bei Ming Kuang, it would definitely have seriously injured these people directly.

This is the irregularity of cultivating the power of heaven.

Because Bei Ming madly cultivates the Dao of Heaven.

Once this force came out, it was extremely frantic!

When the opponent's Luo Tianshangxian saw him, his pupils suddenly shrank and saw all the men behind him flying out. He thought it was Nangong Yiling. This was a sneak attack. When he was about to shoot, he suddenly realized that Nangong Yiling was attacking. , Without any murderous intentions!

In shock, he quickly spread his fairy knowledge toward the rear.

Only then discovered that none of his men were injured!

What an exquisite control!

There is a powerful fifth-rank Luo Tianshang, and, in terms of this control power, it is obviously not under him!

Suddenly, his face changed!

"Yes, your strength is very strong, and being a ten thousand captain will insult you! It's better to follow my account and be a lieutenant!"

He knew that he would give a sweet date after the big stick.

Although he thought he gave a big stick.

In fact, the big stick was held in Jiang Ao's hand.

"Vice general?"

Nangong Yiling didn't have a bottom, turned his head and glanced at Jiang Ao.

Jiang Ao nodded, his requirements were not high.

As long as you mix in, there is not so much shit.

"My young master agreed! But the three of us have to be together."

Nangong Yiling said, the most important thing is that they cannot be separated.

If they were separated, Jiang Ao would have some trouble.

And Bei Ming mad, may not be able to suppress his temper.

"Good talk, good talk! The three of you are together! I will give you a lieutenant token now!"

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