I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 645: Sneak attack!

"How come there are two immortal emperors stopping us suddenly, what should we do?"

"To fight or not to fight?"

"I can't beat and beat, I'm a fart! Let's listen to them, wait here and don't move!"

A group of three immortal monarchs with ugly faces, they really didn't expect why they met two immortal emperors when they seized the throne!

One is the Northern Immortal Emperor Bei Ming Kuang famous for Kuang!

The other is the Southern Immortal Emperor, Nangong Yiling who is famous for his wisdom!

Isn't it rumored that they are going to have a big fight between them, when did they join hands to stop us three little fairy kings?

Could it be that they intervened in the position of the Western Immortal Emperor?

In other words, puppets have been prepared long ago, and they must support them!

But what is the purpose of this?

And the three military divisions behind the three immortals looked at each other through black robes, and they communicated using the evil fairy's secret method.

It's abnormal.

Their questions are the same.

Why did the immortal emperor suddenly appear?

Could it be that they discovered that the palace had been occupied by Lord Hierarch, so they wanted to stop us, and then they forcibly attacked the palace and killed Lord Hierarch?


They stop here, so who is responsible for attacking the palace?

In the eyes of people like them, the immortal emperor was already the supreme power in the entire immortal world.

How come there are people stronger than them?

Could it be that... is the legendary fairy lord?

Thinking of this, the three military divisions all looked terrified!

In order to subvert the immortal world, they had already touched the immortal world thoroughly.

Legend has it that there is indeed a fairy lord in the fairy world who has lived in the chaotic world for many years.

However, it is said that the Immortal Lord basically does not leave the Chaos World.

They inquired about many kinds of news, and after the integration, they confirmed that the immortal master was indeed in the chaotic world.

Moreover, the reason why the Chaos World is not released is because of some influence!

So, is the immortal master out of the mountain now?

Thinking of this, everyone was shocked, especially the three evil immortals.

Originally, in their plan, there was no news about the Immortal Lord.

Therefore, Tianxie Xianjun definitely didn't know that the Immortal Lord had come out!

So, is Immortal Monarch Tianxie fighting the Immortal Lord now?

Just as they were hesitating to ask Tianxie Xianjun, a fairy suddenly cried out in surprise and said: "By the way, Wutian Xianjun is no longer there, so what about Taihao Xianjun? I have heard from before that it was them. Fight together!"

"Yes, I heard it too! Could it be that..."

Another fairy monarch also said quickly.

As for the entire western fairyland, these fairy monarchs have their own channels to get all kinds of news.

And there are some secrets of communication.

Otherwise, how would they give orders for such a huge battle?

"Now my informant, there is no news at all from there...I don't know what happened!"

The last fairy shook his head.

At this time they formed an alliance.

But their respective dark lines will not be exposed.

"How can that be good? I don't know what the situation is now."

The faces of several fairy princes showed sadness, and it was even more impossible for them to know the conjecture of evil immortals.

So at this time, there were two immortal emperors in front of them, and they didn't know what to do.

If it is a strong attack, they won't have any advantage.

But if they are waiting here, the position of the immortal emperor... will they grab it or not?

They used all the resources and waited to sit on the Immortal Emperor Bao Sit.

But at this time.

Seeing that he was about to arrive at the Immortal Emperor's Palace, with the power of their tripartite, it was possible to take the Imperial Palace, but now, he was stopped by the Immortal Emperor.

What a failure!

"No, it can't be counted like that!"

An immortal emperor stood up unwillingly.

They are all desperate in this trip.

There is no turning back!

"What can we do if it doesn't count? Two immortals, have we ever fought?"

"Yeah, one is known for its madness, the other is known for its wisdom. How we fight, it's just going up to die!"

The three immortal emperors argued endlessly.

And their military division was shocked at this moment, because he couldn't contact the evil immortal monarch at all.

As everyone knows.

At this time, Tianxie Xianjun had already seen a figure falling in front of them!

It is Jiang Ao!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that you were out of the prison star, and you can stand in front of me again! Boy, this time you don't have a helper, let me see how you deal with me!"

Tianxie Xianjun was taken aback for a moment, then he laughed wildly!

He has two obsessions.

One of them is becoming a god.

The other was to kill the Thunder King and the Formation King. Later, in the world of evil immortals, there was another Jiang Ao!

Because when he saw that he was about to become a god, he almost died in Jiang Ao's hands!

Otherwise, by chance, he got a divine soulweed from Qiongqi, and he might have died in it long ago!

But after he came out, he was a blessing in disguise and his strength became stronger.

But Jiang Ao had no assistant!

This is tantamount to trade one after another!

"Why, don't you think that if I dare to appear, I will kill you with full confidence!"

Jiang Ao said lightly.

"Joke! It's up to you? Anyone whose strength has changed, you're still a big Luo Jinxian! Boy, I admit that you have nothing to do with your supernatural power! But you, if you use one point, you lose one point, as long as I carry it. For a while, when your supernatural power is used up, I can pinch you to death at will! Not to mention, I still have a hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon soldiers here! How do you deal with me?"

"Hehe, what do you think?"

Jiang Ao laughed disdainfully, then took out a piece of tea and held it slightly in his mouth.

A faint divine power, Jiang Ao deliberately let it leak out!


Fairy Tianxie immediately felt it!

"Damn, you have a fetish to supplement your divine power?"

Tianxie Xianjun's eyes showed a greedy look!

Divine power is what he lacks!

If he had such a fetish, then he could completely let the five powers in his body condense the divine power in advance!

Although he had the power of a demigod before.

However, there is still a lot of difference from the true supernatural power!

"Fantasy, I have a lot! Want to do it? Then come and get it! Hahaha!"

There was ridicule on Jiang Ao's face.

But Tianxie Xianjun could no longer control the greed in his body, so he rushed towards Jiang Ao!

"Sora, it's time for you to do it!"

When Jiang Ao greeted Immortal Lord Tianxie, he suddenly shouted!

A space exploded, and two figures rushed out of it!

The immortal monarch Tianxie looked terrified, thinking that someone was coming to attack him!

Unexpectedly, Sora didn't mean to attack him at all, but rushed towards the demon soldier!

Suddenly, dozens of space demons were all crushed to pieces!

"Space Demon King!"

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