I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 646: Master, there will be a period later!

Tianxie Xianjun naturally knew the Space Demon King, and when Jiang Ao beheaded him at that time, Kong also exerted some strength.

Unexpectedly, it didn't take long before he regained his strength!

"Damn it! What do you mean!"

He couldn't help shouting angrily, and immediately understood that everything Jiang Ao did was to attract his attention, so that the Demon King would take action and kill all the Space Demons who had come.

In this way, if the demons still want to position the demons again, they can only send spatial demons from that world!

But now, all the space demons are dead, and he wants to send a message, but he can't pass it!

Even the demons over there thought that one hundred thousand demons had come, which was completely enough, so there was no need to send a message back!

"No, it's wrong!"

Thinking of this, Immortal Lord Tianxie immediately reacted, Jiang Ao and Kong's purpose is definitely more than that!

And those monsters!

"Damn it!"

He immediately looked at the Yaozu side!

I saw Kong's head tentacles, constantly swinging, stirring the space heaven!

In an instant, all the space monster races were resonated!

I saw their tentacles swinging with the rhythm of Sora!

A huge space channel has taken shape!

"Master, there will be a period later!"

Following Kong's violent shout, he waved his big hand, and countless spatial monster races were taken directly into flight!

Then, they all rushed into the space channel!

"no no!"

Tianxie Xianjun immediately rushed over, trying to catch a space monster!


He is already slow!

Not only that, Jiang Ao also took advantage of this time to start!

"Leave it to Lao Tzu!"

Jiang Ao directly punched!

The fire crystal of Chaos Fire had long been held in his palm!

Suddenly, just as soon as the fist was thrown out.

A huge flame rushed out along his fist, and the goal was the heart of Tianxie Xianjun!

"Damn it, get out of me!"

Fairy Tianxie knew he could not stop any space monster race!

Although he knows some space and heavenly realms, he still doesn't understand at all his accomplishments in traversing planes and establishing spatial channels.

At most, you can only use the space stone to expand the formation at the time, and it becomes an incomplete evil fairy world!

Therefore, he put all his anger on Jiang Ao!

He condensed the five forces in his body and blasted towards Jiang Ao's chaotic fire!


The pillar of fire formed by the chaotic fire exploded directly!

The flame immediately fell into the countless demons and demons, and immediately caused a scream!

No matter how strong they are, they are not farewell to Xianjun!

In addition to the two leaders, a demon king and a demon king!

"Go on, go on, kill him!"

Tian Xie Xianjun burst out loudly.

The two demon kings and the demon king also knew that they had encountered a strong enemy, but with such a strong strength, their men rushed up, and they just died!

Therefore, they rushed up by themselves!

"Reincarnation Eye!"

The devil takes the lead!

A colorful mysterious light rushed towards Jiang Ao!

"The system has detected swallowable magic power. May I ask whether the host is swallowing it!"


Without any hesitation, Jiang Ao immediately chose to swallow!

He didn't even think about dodge, letting the colorful mysterious light shine on his body!

"Hahaha! You are strong, no matter how strong you are, how can you overcome my reincarnation eye!"

Seeing his trick, the devil couldn't help laughing!

He also didn't expect that Jiang Ao looked quite strong, dared to challenge Tianxiexianjun, and under one move, he would even compete with Tianxiexianjun, but in the end, it was not his own reincarnation. Hit?

"Damn, he's okay!"

As the Demon King rushed, his figure grew bigger, and his eyes kept paying attention to Jiang Ao!

Seeing that he was okay at all, he spoke loudly to remind the devil!


The devil's laughter also stopped abruptly!

"No, it's impossible! He clearly hit my reincarnation eye, how could it be ineffective?"

He looked incredulous!

Even if the fairy prince is caught, there is no way to hide it!

Although he was okay, it was his powerful strength that broke through the cycle of reincarnation!

This can only be said that he broke the eye of reincarnation, rather than defending it!

But right now, Jiang Ao has nothing to do!

"Huh! A mere foreign race is worthy of being arrogant in my fairy world? And you, the evil fairy! You colluded with the foreign race in an attempt to bring the whole fairy world to charcoal! The sin is unforgivable, so die!"

After finishing speaking, Jiang Ao was facing the Demon King who rushed over, and blasted him with a punch!

With a touch of supernatural power, with an unrelenting aura, it directly blasted the demon king that was still growing!

"Impossible! My demon power is so strong, how could a big Luo Jinxian hurt me?"

After being hit by Jiang Ao Yi, the Demon King immediately vomited blood.

The body slowly retracted again!

"Hahaha, nothing is impossible! Although I am the Great Luo Jinxian, I am not using the power of the Great Luo Jinxian!"

Jiang Ao laughed wildly, and with another punch, he slammed at Tian Xie Xianjun!

"Ben Lei Fist!"

This punch, with endless thunder and lightning!

This thunder and lightning is transformed by divine power!

Thunder and lightning are the nemesis of evil immortals!

Ordinary thunder and lightning can no longer cause much damage to the level of Tianxie Xianjun!

Only by divine power can he give him a fatal blow!

"Damn! This kid's strength hasn't weakened at all, even... he has become much stronger! Could it be that he really found some gods?"

Fairy Tianxie doesn't know what Jiang Ao has experienced!

He is getting stronger, but in fact, Jiang Ao is constantly getting stronger!

Especially outside the Dianprison Mountain, killing two immortal emperors gave him an epiphany!

The important thing is.

His strongest killer move.

Ben Lei Sword has not been taken out yet!

This is his last hole card!

Even if Tianxie Xianjun knew that he had Ben Lei Sword.

He is not afraid at all!

As long as he is given the best chance, he will take out the Thunder Sword and give him a fatal blow!

"Damn, kill him, go, go!"

Tianxie Xianjun glared at the Demon King and the Demon King!

Although, they came up to help!

However, his purpose is not so.

What he wanted was that one hundred thousand demon soldiers and demon soldiers rushed to die!

Only in this way, there will be enough lifelessness for him to absorb!

It's just that he didn't expect that the Demon King and the Demon King were afraid that these men would go up and die in vain, and in the end they both rushed to help!

and so.

What Tianxie Xianjun said at this time made them think that they were attacking again!

The devil is better.

It's just that the magic eye can't affect Jiang Ao.


The Demon King was seriously injured!

But he knew that if Jiang Ao was not killed, I'm afraid their plans of the demons and demons would be ruined!

Like I have a god-level swallowing system, please collect it: (wuxiaspot.com) I have a god-level swallowing system. The literature is updated the fastest.

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