I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 647: One thing!

"Damn, go up and kill him!"

The Demon King shouted!


The next scene.

It makes everyone dumbfounded!

I saw that Jiang Ao's forehead suddenly appeared some fleshy teeth.

They kept twisting between Jiang Ao's forehead, and soon a third eye appeared!

"No, it's impossible! It's impossible! How could a human being have the magic eye unique to our demons!"

He was horrified to find that Jiang Ao's third eye was exactly the same as his own!

Could it be that it is also the eye of reincarnation?

There was a chuckle from the corner of Jiang Ao's mouth.

Then, the third eye suddenly opened!

A colorful mysterious light suddenly rushed out!

The goal is the Demon King!

"no, do not want!"

The Demon King had seen how powerful the Demon King's reincarnation eyes were.

So, panic crawled all over his face.

How fast is the speed of light?

In addition, the energy used by Jiang Ao's magic eyes is filled with divine power!

He can't resist it at all!

"call out……"

The sound of breaking through the air sounded.

I saw that the huge body of the Demon King suddenly formed a ripple.

It's as if the wind here is touching the water!

Demon King, just trapped!

"Hahaha! Yes, this magic eye is very useful! No, no, yours is the magic eye, and mine is the magic eye!"

Jiang Ao turned his head and looked at the Demon King.

However, he did not resort to the Demon King.

He knew very well.

His own magic eyes come from his magic eyes.

Presumably, even if you hit him, it might not produce very good results.

There is a great possibility that will let him out of trouble!

Therefore, dealing with such things as the Demon King is left to the Raiden King!

Jiang Ao laughed disdainfully, turned his head, and aimed his eyes at the rippling Thunder Lord!

"call out!"

Another divine light shot out, and it actually hit the Thunder King's body!

Suddenly, the plane of Raiden Karmapa's body no longer distorted, but turned into a paper shape.

Afterwards, the piece of paper slowly appeared three-dimensional again!

Raiden Karmapa, is back!

I saw that he suddenly opened his eyes, and there was a confused look in his eyes!

But the moment he saw Jiang Ao, he immediately woke up!

"Hahaha, Jiang Ao, if I haven't seen you, I don't know what I am doing! But if I see you, I will understand!"

He laughed and stopped explaining.

Instead, he stared directly at the Demon King with a glare in his eyes!

"You are surprised, let this lord be recruited! Today, this lord will let you see what kind of strength you have! The devil king, these crooked demons, die!"


The Thunder King actually exploded his entire body!

When those voices disappeared, Jiang Ao couldn't help but froze!

If it weren't for his spiritual knowledge, he wouldn't be able to find out where he went!

When the demon king discovers the figure of the thunder king again!

He has appeared behind the devil!

"The previous trick didn't work for you, so let you try again, the Thunder Light Slash that burned the blood of the Lord!"

With a violent shout, the sound came from nine days!

The Lord of Thunder and Lightning came out of countless thunder and lightning!

It seems that thunder and lightning are him, he is like thunder and lightning!

Jiang Ao's eyes flashed!

Unexpectedly, the Lord of Thunder and Lightning turned his body into his own Thunder Light Long Sword!

In this way, presumably the Devil King is totally unstoppable!

It seems that the devil must die!

Jiang Ao no longer looked at it, but turned his gaze to Heavenly Xie Xianjun!

"Next, it's your turn!"

"Joke! Don't think you can kill these little girls, you can think you can kill me!"

At this time, Tian Xie Xianjun's heart was also a little nervous.

Because of Jiang Ao's methods, he really couldn't see through it!

Obviously, it is the demon eye belonging to the demon clan, why does it suddenly appear on him!

Moreover, the attributes of the Demon Eye are exactly the same as those of the Demon King!

So, will he have some of his own moves?

This is not just his ability to learn.

It must be an instinct of the body?

Could it be that he has the legendary Eucharist?

Or a monster?

Or is it... a monster?

at this time.

Fairy Tianxie's thoughts are chaotic.

He wants to force himself to calm down.

However, Jiang Ao would not give him such a chance!

"Success, Immortal Lord Tianxie! I will kill you on the spot in the name of the warden of the Immortal Realm! The charge is for colluding with another world!"

The voice just fell.

In Huanyu, there was a sudden explosion!

It seems to be responding to Jiang Ao's words!

Jiang Ao was also taken aback.

However, he did not stop.

Instead, he raised his fist and rushed towards the evil fairy!

"Boy, you're looking for death! If you don't take out the divine sword, you can't kill me!"

Tian Xie Xianjun roared and threw a punch!


With this punch, he hit the army of one hundred thousand monsters!

The Demon King was trapped, and the strength of these demon races was no better than Luo Tianshang at best!

Fairy Tianxie has no strength at all.

Therefore, one hundred thousand demon soldiers. More than half dead!

Countless demon power and Ming power mixed together!

Even with some unwilling grievances!

In any case, they couldn't understand why Heavenly Evil Immortal Monarch, who still belonged to the same camp, would actually do something against them?

Jiang Ao's expression changed!

He didn't know what Tianxie Xianjun meant at first!


When all these forces were sucked away by the Immortal Emperor's Palace, he immediately understood!

"Damn! I finally know why you want to occupy the Immortal Emperor's Palace! You changed the formation of the Immortal Emperor's Palace, from a gathering of immortals to a gathering of spirits! The biggest reason why you collude with alien races is that In order to divide the immortal world, let them come and provide you with power. Let your five powers reach a balance! Damn, the evil fairy, you must die!"

One thought, ten thousand ways!

Knowing the purpose of Tianxie Xianjun, Jiang Ao immediately retracted his fist, and instead drew out the Lei Lei sword, guarding the front of the hundred thousand demon soldiers!

He already felt it.

Those meditation power and demon power, under the action of the formation, were all absorbed by the heavenly evil immortal monarch to the body power!

His momentum suddenly became a lot stronger!

If the power of the demons passes...

He can definitely become a god!

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly!

Thousands of calculations, I didn't expect that the immortal Lord Tianxie came out in such a short time, it can be considered as complete!

I was almost deceived by myself!

"Hahaha, boy, do you know now, is it too late? Do you think that without the power of the demons, I am not enough?"


Jiang Ao's expression flickered, what he thought was to try to prevent the Heavenly Evil Immortal Monarch from not getting the five powers.

He thought quickly in his head.

Because before, his fifth power was the power of faith.

However, the evil fairy world was completely destroyed by himself.

His followers did not, and did not provide him with the power of faith at all.

And the believers who rely on the inner world, that little strength is simply not enough!

"Hahaha! Let me tell you, the power of the Demon Race and the Demon Race, I have long been enough! What I lack is the power of Mind! Do you think I still lack the fifth power? Or, guess what , What am I missing?"

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