I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 648: In the name of the warden!

Jiang Ao's expression flickered, and Tianxie Xianjun was so conceited at this time, and he must have the chance to win. Otherwise, why did he act like this again?

"Presumably, you can't guess how?"

Seeing Jiang Ao's silence, Tian Xie Xianjun laughed wildly, and said: "Because you destroyed my Xie Xian world and then killed my body, I had to return to the fairy world from the chaotic world! Who can think of it? , I have absorbed countless Chaos powers in the Chaos World, so all these powers have become my fifth power! Now I have all five powers. As long as the Ming power is enough, I can combine the five powers Unity, turned into supernatural power!"

After speaking, he gathered a palm and blasted towards Jiang Ao!

Before the divine power was achieved, these 100,000 magic soldiers would be missing!

As long as all these 100,000 demon soldiers die, then the power of the spirit emitted will be enough!

Although, as long as a certain period of time passed and the Western Immortal Territory was chaotic enough, he could also absorb enough power.

But at this time, the enemy is currently, but it can't care so much!

As for how the Demon Realm and Demon Realm would treat him, he had already become a **** at that time, so he cared how they felt?

Therefore, Tianxie Xianjun doesn't care at all!


A huge force blasted towards Jiang Ao.

"Chaotic Fire, go!"

Jiang Ao let out a low cry, and the chaotic fire instantly expanded and enveloped his whole body!

After that, they all gathered together and gathered in Jiang Ao's hands!

As Jiang Ao blasted out with a punch, a huge fireball greeted him with the power of the Heavenly Xie Xianjun!

"Boom boom boom!"

The entire Simon star was trembling!

I don't know if the planet cannot withstand these two huge forces banging together, or the planet's will feels scared!

All in all, the huge forces collided together, and the resulting power almost destroyed all the creatures in the entire space!

Although Tianxie Xianjun has not achieved a god, his power at this time has reached the peak of the power of a demigod!

And Jiang Ao, although he used supernatural power.

But because he needs to keep his strength, he doesn't use much, and the final result is only on par with Tianxie Xianjun!

"Hahaha, even if you have divine things to supplement divine power, my demigod power is continuous! Boy, unless you hit with all your power and use all of your divine power! Otherwise, what can you do with me?"

The power of Tianxie Xianjun can be said to be inexhaustible!

He laughed unscrupulously.

The voice tore through the void and spread very far.

"Tian Xie Xianjun, even if you have the fifth power, what about it? I, Jiang Ao, want to destroy you because you can't stop it!"

Right now, he does not have the upper hand.

Therefore, if you want to kill the Heavenly Evil Fairy as soon as possible, you can only use Ben Lei Sword!

"The sword is coming!"

Jiang Ao let out a low voice, and Ben Lei Sword immediately appeared in his hand!


Fairy Tianxie also stared at him, and began to face Jiang Ao squarely.

At the beginning, in the world of evil immortals, he died in this divine sword!

It's okay that Jiang Ao can't make a sword. Once he makes a sword, he also needs to be sharp!


He didn't want to just run away.

To become a **** soon, he needs a handy weapon.

The Excalibur is the best weapon!

"Boy, this sword is going to be mine soon! Give it to me to die!"

The Divine Sword has been released, and Heavenly Xie Xianjun does not dare to slow down. Once he releases it, he will do his best!

Because of Jiang Ao's supernatural power, coupled with the divine sword, he can be completely beheaded on the spot!

And all he can rely on now is the inexhaustible power of the demigod!

"Boom boom boom!"

Tian Xie Xianjun danced wildly at the sky, and the explosion sounded endlessly!

"Summon the Soul of Death in the name of my Heavenly Evil Fairy! Come out! Borrow my supernatural power!"

With the sound of the explosion, several pieces of space were blasted into fragments.

At the same time, he burst out loudly, and Jiang Ao was stunned!

He heard it right!

The **** of evil is indeed calling the **** of death!

That soul that was hit by Jiang Ao into a different dimension!

Jiang Ao was surprised!

He originally thought that after he had divine power, Tianxie Xianjun could no longer be his opponent, at best it could make him linger.

Unexpectedly, he could summon the Soul of Death?

Just when he was surprised, a black shadow flew out from the broken void!

Afterwards, this black shadow landed on the body of Tianxie Xianjun!

"Jie Jie Jie... boy, are you afraid that you didn't expect it? Before I became a god, I could summon the soul! What advantage do you have in this way? This is the final hole I have to deal with you!"

Tianxiexianjun's face began to become savage, and his expression was constantly changing!

Obviously, it is suffering great pain.

However, he didn't show anything, enough to explain the endurance of Tianxie Xianjun!

"Thank you for all this! You killed the **** of death in the evil city, but let go of his spirit! You don't know that everything in the evil world is under my control! You think he escaped into a different dimension, but I don’t even know that the alien space is only part of the evil fairy world! Or... the alien space is an alternative internal world created by myself! Therefore, the **** of death has always been in my internal world, suppressed by me! "

As soon as this remark came out, it was tantamount to completely solving Jiang Ao's doubts!

But this is not important.

The important thing is that what Jiang Ao is facing now is almost a real god!

"So what! Reaper, I can kill him once, and I can kill him a second time! Just use me..." Having said that, Jiang Ao lowered his head slightly, looked at the divine sword in his hand, and yelled. Came out: "Ben Lei Sword!"

"Swordsmanship, thunder strike!"

The voice just fell.

On the entire Ximen star, the situation changed.

Countless dark clouds appeared out of thin air.

And in the void and the universe, there was also a dense cloud of thunder clouds!

Every thundercloud is a flash of thunder, which contains tremendous energy!

The countless magic soldiers guarded by him were all dull.

I thought that they would die under the hand of Tianxie Xianjun.

But never thought that Jiang Ao saved them!

Before they could react, Jiang Ao summoned such a terrifying cloud layer!

Every thunder and lightning seems to blow them to pieces!

Too strong……

There are such people in the immortal world, aren't we here to die?

They were splitting their hearts, but at this time they didn't even have the thought of running away!

Coupled with the fact that the demon king is dead, they are like a mess!

Jiang Ao didn't care what these demon soldiers thought at this time. Right now, the only thing that mattered was to kill Tianxie Xianjun as soon as possible!

"I care if you have the spirit of death! As long as you dare to harm the immortal world and betray the human race, then there is only one dead end!"

"In the name of me, Jiang Ao, the warden!"

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