I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 676: One against five!

"What a great formation!"

Another voice rang in the sky.

Afterwards, a huge immortal force suddenly formed a huge fist, which hit the formation pattern!


Suddenly, this fist directly smashed all the formation patterns into pieces!

"Combined attack? Interesting!"

The formation king laughed.

He could tell at a glance that this fist was a collection of five people.

As soon as the voice fell, the five figures fell from the sky.

When they landed, the five slammed their punches together and blasted on the head of the empress.

That prison was also shattered.

The King of Jin didn't get angry and laughed, clapping his hands loudly.

"Interesting, really interesting, it's been a long time since I met the immortals to join forces!"

"Friend Fairy, although I am waiting for everyone to be weaker than you, but if the five of us work together, you may not be able to get it!"

The head Xianjun said solemnly.

"Hehe, I used to have friends with him. Every time he kills, everyone is a strong enemy! The fairy king of the evil immortal, the demon king of the demon world, or the demon king of the demon world, he can kill Less! It's a pity that with your companions working together, you never know how strong you are alone! Today happens to be the best practice for you five!"

After finishing speaking, the formation king stretched out his hand and pointed, and several formation patterns rushed towards the five people like the sea in the storm!

"It's waved into a formation again! Could it be that the legendary formation king failed?"

The five faces changed a lot!

The name of the King of Formation, a non-veteran Xianjun, has never heard of it!

But everyone who has heard of it knows the power of Jin Wang!

That's right.

Just as he said.

Kill, which one is not a strong enemy?

Any one of them will cause a **** storm in the fairy world!

And now, such a character has become their opponent!

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that this monarch's name would be known to others, yes! It seems that no matter how long time is, this monarch will not be forgotten!"

Hearing this, the king's heart was filled with pride.

Compared with Raiden Karmapa, his reputation is indeed weaker.

Because in the past, the king of formation trapped people, and then the king of thunder and lightning killed them.

Unless the opponent surrenders directly, Gan Yuan is bound.

Otherwise, the kills are all from the Raiden Karmapa.

Although he didn't care, his mentality had changed at this time, and he felt a little unfair.

Why is the king of the formation following you, the king of thunder and lightning, and your reputation in the immortal world is yours?

There is no resentment, but it feels a bit unfair.

At this time, with one opponent to five, there was a feeling of exasperation.

Whatever his heart is, he is even more unscrupulous when he shoots!

"Five people strike together, I will defeat you all!"

The formation king didn't intend to kill, but wanted to use his full strength.

Because in his heart, after all, he still has good intentions.


In the eyes of others, it was more like the king of the formation was about to kill them, their expressions changed drastically, and they fled around!

All of a sudden, Zhong Fangxing was in a mess!

The empress was even scared to Huarong.

She finally waited for the rescue of the five immortal monarchs, but she did not expect that these five people would not only fail to win the formation king, but also might even fall far behind!

I saw the formation king stretched out his right hand, his five fingers were constantly twisting in different rhythms, and the direction of each finger formed a formation!

Each formation method immediately covered the five immortals!

"Be careful, we separate first!"

The face of a fairy changed drastically.

If the formation king sets up the formation in turn, they still have a countermeasure.

But now, the five formations are all formed, covering them separately.

They take care of themselves, where can they help others?

As soon as the voice fell, the five formations appeared on their heads as if they were moving in a flash.

It seems that the power has been accumulated for a long time, and it is covered immediately!

"Damn it, get away!"

The five knew it was impossible to escape directly.

Simply because they sacrificed their own fairy weapons, they exploded themselves without any hesitation, relying on the impact force generated at the moment of the explosion, delaying the fall of the formation.

It was just such a little bit of time, each of them rolled away lazy donkeys, and rolled out from the gap below the formation in embarrassment!

After standing up, all five of them were humiliated and disheveled!

The original appearance of Xianfeng Dao bone is now a beggar.

"Interesting, really interesting! I didn't expect that one against five would be so fun!"

At this time, the formation king, like a urchin, clapped his hands and screamed excitedly.

As everyone knows, his inner demons have slowly bred out at this time.

It's just that he didn't notice it himself.

The demons are everywhere.

As long as a person constantly wants to become stronger, the heart demon exists all the time.

Because the Lord of Chaos and Jiang Ao are on opposite sides, the king of formation has an imbalance in his mentality.

Therefore, the heart demon took advantage of the vacancy and slowly affected the formation king.

"Damn, looking at his extremely relaxed appearance, obviously he can sacrifice five more formations at once! We are now defenseless, if we do it again, I am afraid it will be another disaster today!"

The head Xianjun's face sank, winked at them, and they immediately understood the meaning.

After countless years of understanding, they decided to rush back to the treasure house of Emperor Xian!

It's about life and death.

You can only fetch all kinds of fairy tools from the treasure house and behead the king of formation to death!

They didn't know that the formation king didn't want to kill them, just for fun.

But because the formation king showed his strength, especially his aura, it really scared them.

That's why they had such an illusion!


The formation king's pursuit ability is not good.

Moreover, his mind was slightly relaxed, and he was even run away by these five people!

"Eh, what are you running? Have fun again!"

The formation king's intention was still unfinished, and he hurriedly chased them.

But he is very strong.

But the speed is actually a flaw.

This is also the reason why the Lord of Chaos had arranged him to go with the Thunder King before, so that they could complement each other.

"His speed is not fast, we took the treasure quickly, maybe there is still a chance to leave!"

The head of the fairy king discovered the weakness of the formation king at a glance.

But Xianjun, where can it be slower?

The formation king soon chased into the palace of the emperor.

At this time, the five fairy monarchs have already arrived in the treasure house!

"Open the door! Take the fairy!"

The five quickly took out their tokens and placed them in five hidden places in Shimen!


Shimen moved and made a loud noise.

The faces of the two women hiding in the innermost treasure house changed drastically.

"Lan'er, have we been discovered?"

Zi Yan said in horror.

"Don't worry! If it is discovered, we can still run! Besides, we don't have any treasures!"

Lan Erqiang said calmly.

But they didn't dare to relax at all, because five footsteps came in, making them stand upright!

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