I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 677: Divide the spoils!

The five immortal monarchs were eager to find the fairy weapon, so they didn't expect that someone would sneak in inside.

All the seven- and eight-rank fairy swords and swords were in their hands.

Because of the misunderstanding, the King of Formation may kill them, and they will not leave any fairy tools that can be used!

Just move the treasure house to empty!

"Huh? I didn't expect that there are still good things here?"

Just as they had collected all the immortal artifacts, the formation king finally rushed outside the treasure house, feeling the aura of the huge immortal power, he couldn't help but scream.

"Damn it, the formation king is chasing here! Be careful everyone!"

The formation king can wave his hands into five formations to break them everywhere.

So there is no point in matching or not, the five decided to escape separately!

But Jin Wang saw them through at a glance.

I saw him dancing with his hands quickly this time, and a big formation was formed directly!


With the treasure house as the center of the eye, the entire Immortal Emperor's Palace was shrouded in it!

"I haven't said to let you go, why are you anxious?"

Jin Wang smiled faintly, but the faces of the five people changed drastically!

Feeling the incomparable power, they lost the courage to explode the fairy weapon in their hands.

Because the formation has been completed, it doesn't make any sense to explode.

"King of the formation, we have no grudges against you, why do you want to kill us?"

Seeing that he couldn't escape, the headed fairy said indignantly.

"Who said to kill you?"

Jin Wang glanced faintly, with a look of disdain in his eyes.

"My lord just wants to play with you, but you are too useless, even my lord's formation can't be broken, it's really boring!"

As soon as these words came out, the five immortals were suddenly shocked!

Not kill them?

Then why the shot is a powerful formation, so they are so trapped that they can't move!

It also made them have to explode the fairy weapon. What a loss!

"What does it mean that the king trapped us here at this time?"

"My lord said it a long time ago, I want to play with you. However, your strength is a little too weak, it is a waste of my time! However, you have some good things here, so I took one. Give it to my kid!"

Qingluan was also an immortal monarch, an ordinary immortal weapon, and the formation king couldn't take it to give him, so he caught a seventh-grade immortal world at a glance.

Although the Ninth-Rank Immortal Artifact is the most top class, there are not many such immortal implements in the entire Immortal Realm.

Even the two immortal emperors used only 8-Rank.

It's pretty good to be able to give Qingluan a seventh-rank fairy sword.

As soon as the voice fell, the fairy sword in the hands of a fairy monarch flew directly.

"call out!"

In the next instant, this sword had already appeared in the hands of the formation king.

"Yes, this sword is really good!"

The king of the formation swung his sword at random, and was contented and planned to leave.

"and many more!"

At this time, a fairy king suddenly stopped the formation king.

"Why, this monarch only took this fairy sword, are you not convinced?"

Jin Wang squinted his eyes, slightly revealing a murderous look.

These five immortal monarchs can trap them all with one move, and they can't overcome any storms if they want to.

Now dare you to wait for a while?

"No, it's not!"

The fairy prince hurriedly said: "Senior Formation King, this junior means that if you leave, then I can't wait to break the formation, how can I get out?"

The formation king said lightly: "Can you get out, what do you do with me? If you can't get out, then stay here!"

After speaking, he ignored it, wandered in the pavilion, and left directly.

After a few steps, they disappeared out of thin air.

Because here is his formation.

Others can't walk around easily here, but the formation king is extremely relaxed.

"what should we do?"

Seeing that the formation king disappeared, the five immortals looked at each other.

Just trapped them here?

It's like killing people, digging regardless of burying!

"I can only take one step and look at one step. I don’t know if the formation king is just a normal trapped formation or a kill formation! If it is a trapped formation, it is better to say, if it is a killing formation...maybe we will also have personnel here. !"

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being silent for a while.

"By the way, no matter what, we have to plan for the worst! Anyway, the immortal emperor is dead, why don't we take all the treasures in this treasury? If it is a killing array, we can have more immortal tools. One more way to survive!"

The implication is that these treasures are regarded as unowned, in order to be able to go out, they can't take care of that much!

"Also, the treasure house inside, we have never been in, and we don't know what good things will be!"

"It's true. The treasures on the outside have 7-Rank and 8-Rank. If they are on the inside... will they be more and stronger?"

In the small treasure house, because of the godhood, Zhong Jin never allowed these people to enter.

They also don't have keys, and there are restrictions on the door.

If you want to get in, you can only break it forcefully!

"Let's take a look first. Now that we have taken these immortal artifacts, we just take it for ourselves! We have guarded the treasure house for the immortal emperor for so many years, and all kindness should be over!"

"Yes. Since he is no longer there, let these things be our rewards! Staying here is also accumulating dust!"

"Even the emperor and a woman are useless! It's useless to hold it! If we don't take it, we will be taken away by others!"

The five immortal monarchs discussed it, and immediately decided to take away all the treasures here, regardless of him!

"This door is unbreakable, it seems that I can only storm it!"

After studying for a while, these people couldn't find a way to open it, and could only plan for the worst.

The two women inside were shivering!

The voices of the five people all reached their ears.

If this breaks open, it would be strange for them not to be besieged!

Five immortals!

They are just big Luo Jinxian!

Zi Yan said anxiously, "Lan'er, what shall we do now?"

If the other five people just come in and take a look, it would be nice to say.

But the point is, they want to take away everything here!

How to hide this?

"If that's the case, let's not do it at all. We will take all the things here first, and then think of a solution!"

There is only this door here, and with their strength, it is impossible to break through the treasure house and escape from other places.

Not to mention, there is still a big formation outside, and they can't escape where they want to escape!

Simply take the things in it!

"Yes, let's talk about it after taking it, I wanted to take it long ago!"

Hearing Lan'er's words, Zi Yan was not polite, and started to load things into his portable space.

"Lan'er, you have one piece of this thing, and I have one piece. If we can get out alive, we will use it as a necklace!"

Ziyan took the godhead and threw it away at will!

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