I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 679: Anti-trapped little treasure house!

"Zi Yan, be careful!"

Lan'er's face changed drastically, and she rushed over, blocking Zi Yan!


Lan'er is just an ordinary Daluo Jinxian, how can he withstand the full blow of Xianjun?

Suddenly, Lan'er was blasted out of the big treasure house, breaking several pillars!


Zi Yan yelled in horror and turned around.

"Hahaha, Da Luo Jinxian dare to sneak into the Immortal Emperor's Mansion and steal things! Little girl thief, are you really brave?"

The fairy who just attacked had an evil smile on his face.

I have to say that Ziyan and Lan'er are really all over the country!

I don't know how many years of withering the treasure house, making them faintly moved.

"Zi Yan, I'm fine, hurry up!"

Lan'er's voice was full of breath. Although there was some anxious tone in it, there was no sign of injury.

Suddenly, the five immortals were all taken aback.

Isn't it?

It's fine if we can't beat the formation king. After all, they are Xianjun, who speak and wave into formation.

We are inferior to our strength.

Can you fight a big Luo Jinxian, can't fight?

Hearing Lan'er's cry, Zi Yan immediately reacted.

This is for her to close the door!

Zi Yan didn't have time to think about it, so he flew forward and stretched out his hand to press on the stone gate!

"Lock Heaven!"

Immediately, Shimen began to close!

Shimen is not big at first, it can only accommodate one person in and out when it is opened to the largest extent!

Seeing the Shimen closed, the immortal monarch inside, his expression suddenly changed!

Because the key is still in the door, if it is locked inside, they won't be able to get out for a while!

"Damn it!"

The headed Xianjun rushed to the door.

As long as one person is outside, you can use the key to open the door!

Who still traps them?


When Ziyan closed Shimen, he also expected that the people inside would definitely come out!

He even took a big step to the side and blocked himself in the crack of the door!

"Go away!"

Xianjun yelled, and the same palm came out!

With this palm, he used his full strength and huge celestial power to make Zi Yan think that he was going to die in an instant!

Juli blasted her shoulder fiercely.


Zi Yan was prepared this time, but he didn't even move!

Lan'er was knocked into the air because she just swooped out, losing weight and naturally unable to stabilize her figure.

And Zi Yan, in order to stop the fairy from coming out, all the power of his body was used on his feet!

"Get out of here!"

Xianjun's face changed drastically, and he slapped Zi Yan again!


At this moment, the big treasure house was shaken!


Ziyan still didn't move!

He didn't even move any steps!

"Damn, damn!"

Xianjun didn't know why this happened, so he stood there blankly!

And Zi Yan also took a step back at this time, her eyes showed a look of horror and survivors.

Shimen was also closed at this time!

All five people were locked inside.

At this time, Zi Yan felt that his back was soaked, no matter how dirty the ground was, he sat down.

Lan'er also rushed in from outside the door at this time.

She was also unscathed.

"I almost thought I was going to die!"

Lan'er patted her chest, rushed over and hugged Zi Yan.

"It's okay, it's okay, Lan'er, thank you for saving me!"

Zi Yan also said emotionally, and she was grateful for the moment Lan'er was struggling just now.

"It's not that I saved you, but the senior! He said that we can take the full blow of Xianjun! Sure enough, we have nothing!"

Laner said quickly.

"Yes, after hearing your voice, I remembered, so I blocked the door! Hahaha, it's a pity that my clothes can only be touched!"

Zi Yan smiled, just a little regretful.

"It's okay, as long as we are alive! Didn't he know his brother? Big deal, let him draw another one for us in the future!"

Lan Er quickly comforted.

"Ah, I'm afraid this won't work. Didn't he say that he and Young Master will be enemies in the future?"

"What kind of enemy is not an enemy, and there is no permanent enemy. I believe that with the elder brother's ability, it may be possible to turn fighting into jade! If it is an enemy of life and death, then seniors must kill us directly?"

Laner tilted his head and said.

"Yes, they are locked inside, and now we can go out with peace of mind!"

Zi Yan clapped her hands and stood up, happily like a little girl.

"Yes, we are walking around here, and I heard from them that there is no one here, we are not afraid of anything."

Inside the small treasure house.

The five immortals were furious and smashed the Shimen frantically.


Shimen still stood still.

Ziyan and Lan'er held hands, walked towards the outside of the treasure house, and by the way, closed the door of the big treasure house.

I don't know if the door of the big treasure house can be held or found?

Two days later, both women were a little tired.

Because they found that they couldn't break the formation at all.

All the methods are used.

In other words, they don't even know where the edge of the formation is!

Several times, they walked out the door.

But he found that with a flash before his eyes, he returned to another place in the fairy house.

In desperation, the two of them sat down to rest.

I don't know what to do next.

In the treasure house, there was no movement, presumably the five immortals also temporarily accepted the fact that they could not get out.

And where can they be better?

The difference between one locked inside and the other locked outside!

the other side.

The Formation King had already arrived at Dianprison Mountain, and he did not say hello to Qinghexian.

Instead, he opened the secret realm entrance directly, and the whole person flashed past and entered the prison star.

At the same time, he did not stay in the prison star, and rushed to the chaos hall in a nervous state.

at last.

When he arrived at the Chaos Hall, he couldn't help but knelt down.

"Sinner Qin Wuji, I have seen the Lord!"

After speaking, he kowtowed his head heavily.

It smashed on the stone steps in front of the hall and made a clear and dull sound.

"Do you dare to come back?"

Inside the door, there was an icy voice, and then the door opened, and a huge suction force directly sucked in the King of Formation.

"Lord, the sinner comes back and just wants to redeem his merits, and Wuji is loyal to the Lord!"

Jin Wang knelt, did not raise his head, but threw his whole body on the ground.

"Where's Leifa?"

The Lord of Chaos said lightly.

"Back to the Lord, Lei Fa has already planned to follow Jiang Ao! And I am not their opponent, so I escaped back!"

Jin Wang said with some fear in his heart. Based on his understanding of the Lord of Chaos, the more okay he is, the more angry he represents the Lord!


The Lord of Chaos snorted coldly, and saw King Jin flying upside down.

However, instead of flying out of the door, he crashed into a stone pillar, fell heavily, and vomited a mouthful of blood!

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