I Have a Godly Devouring System

Chapter 680: Give gifts!

The King of Formation didn't dare to come out, got up, and continued to lie down.

"Since you can come back, I will spare you for the time being! The chain of heaven is now on Jiang Ao, if you can take the chain of heaven, this skill will be offset!"

Hearing this, the formation king was overjoyed and quickly said: "Master, Wuji wants to concentrate on practicing here this time. After I have cultivated into the nine-day formation, I can kill two people. By then, the chain of heaven will not be able to do it casually. Bring it!"

"Give you half a month to practice! No matter if you have not completed your cultivation, after half a month, help me get the chain of the heavenly path! Or it is the one hundred thousand heavenly path! As long as you get it, I can return to the gods. A bit... sits for you!"

When the Lord of Chaos finished speaking, he closed his eyes, and if it was normal, it meant that this was an order to leave.

The King of Formation gritted his teeth and said: "Bingzhu, this time, Wuji has something to ask for!"


The Lord of Chaos slowly opened his eyes.

"After Wuji escaped back, I passed by the Chinese fairyland. Because I haven't seen his wife and children for a long time, I bought some gifts and planned to give them. I also hope that the Lord will allow Wuji to meet his own wives and children! Retreat and practice a great array!"

After speaking, the king of the formation was nervous and a little uneasy.

The reason why he didn't betray the Lord of Chaos was actually to meet Xie Ran and Qingluan.

There was no falsehood when these words came out.

After staring for a while, the Lord of Chaos said: "Then I will send you there! Remember, I will give you half a day! After half a day, you will retreat by yourself!"

The voice fell, and the Lord of Chaos closed his eyes again.

Then, in front of the King of Jin, a black whirlpool suddenly appeared!

The whirlpool produced a huge suction force and directly sucked in the formation king!

After he felt steadily landing, the formation king realized that he was in a whole new world!

"Here...is the place where Xie Ran and Qingluan live?"

The formation king looked around for a while, and then released his own fairy knowledge.


He found two people.

Xie Ran at this time has indeed changed back into a human form, and is exactly the same as he remembered!

Xie Ran didn't have any breath of strength on her body. She was sitting on a stone bench with her hands resting on her cheeks while her eyes were fixed on a young man.

The man is Qingluan.

Great changes have taken place in Qingluan.

He is practicing sword at this time.

It's just that Qing Luan's hand was holding an ordinary wooden stick that could no longer be ordinary, but it was also cut to the length of a sword, so it would be easier to use.

Swordsmanship was taught by the formation king himself.

It's not a high-level swordsmanship, it's not bad to practice it to the extreme.

At least you can protect yourself.

The immortal world pays more attention to the power of heaven and the strength of immortality.

The power of swordsmanship and fairy magic is just some means of exerting power.

Jin Wang hurried over.

"Ran Er!"

Running to Xie Ran, Jin Wang shouted affectionately, his tone trembling slightly, he was very excited.

Although I had a conversation with Xie Ran, Xie Ran was just a spiritual card at that time.

This feeling is completely different.

"Wuji? Are you here?"

Xie Ran's eyes were filled with joy, and when she stood up, she threw herself into the arms of the king, with tears in her eyes, she couldn't help but flow down.

"Ran'er, why is your strength gone?"

The formation king let go of Xie Ran and looked up and down. With his immortal monarch realm, he did see that Xie Ran was already just an ordinary fairy!

Xie Ran said: "Wuji, the Lord said that replying to my body is already very difficult. He can’t get my power to recover completely, but that’s okay. I will be an ordinary fairy, and I will rely on you and my son to protect me in the future. !"

She said nonchalantly, her eyes wandering between Qingluan and Jinwang.

Qing Luan also stopped practicing his sword, and slowly walked to the front of Jin Wang.


He knelt down directly.

During this time, he stayed with Xie Ran.

I learned a lot from Xie Ran's mouth, and even what kind of character the King of Jin was like before.

Qing Luan's impression of his father has changed greatly.

"The son is still in the realm of the fairy king, but your strength is gone?"

Jin Wang frowned slightly.

Qing Luan quickly said: "Father, the Lord said that I was only possessed by the gods once, and my body did not suffer much damage, so I recovered without any problems. It's just that the mother is more difficult because of the recovery from the spirit card. some."

He also helped the Lord of Chaos speak.

The king always felt that something was wrong.

But seeing the person I most remember standing in front of me, I couldn't help but forget this idea.

"Son, practice hard, you will definitely do something big in the immortal world!"

He stretched out his fist and hammered Qingluan's chest vigorously, and then said: "I'm going out this time and I brought you some gifts. Can you please see if you are satisfied?"

"Ah, there are gifts?"

Xie Ran's eyes showed surprise.

Although she and the formation king met in the fairy world.

But at that time, it was on the opposite side.

Later, when I met again in the evil fairy world, I felt love at first sight or not.

Women love romance by nature.

But they are on the opposite side, and they usually have to hide and tuck them, so what kind of love are they talking about?

Xie Ran was overjoyed when she heard that there was a gift.

Jin Wang smiled and took out the purple dress from the portable space, and said, "Go and try it. This is a product of Tianyifang."

Tianyifang's reputation in the fairy world is not bad, Xie Ran has also heard of it.

"Tianyifang has been around for so many years, is it still there? This shows that their clothes are really good!"

Seeing that it was purple, Xie Ran was even more happy, and hurriedly walked to the wooden house to change it.

"Father, mother has a gift, what about mine? Isn't it just clothes?"

Although Qingluan is a fairy king.

But because I haven't had much contact with people, I'm just a teenager.

King Jin said with a smile: "Of course not, I will give you a sword!"

Hearing that it was a weapon, Qing Luan smiled on his face and couldn't wait to say: "Father, is it a fairy sword? Third-rank or fourth-rank?"

In the world of evil immortals, the fourth grade immortal sword is a remarkable thing.

Qingluan's vision is naturally affected.

"You guessed it right! Seven-Rank Immortal Sword, three plus four equals seven!"

The Jin Wang smiled and took the sword out of the portable space, reversed the sword, and handed it over!

"Seven... Seventh-Rank? Dad, you actually gave me a seventh-Rank fairy sword?"

Qingluan trembled all over, with an incredible expression in his eyes.

He knew that the 9th rank was the highest and the 1st rank was the lowest.

He couldn't even think of these seven products!

"Seventh-Rank only. This is something that Dad took easily. Next time I go out, I will bring you an 8-Rank immortal device for you to accompany you!"

"Thank you father! In this way, if the Lord asks me to do the task, I will be more confident!"

Qing Luan uttered these words subconsciously, making the formation king suddenly startled.

Lord, even arranged a task for Qingluan?

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