I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 126 Actually, I'm a Superman

From the sky over Tennessee, the Quinjet is getting closer and closer to its destination, Washington...

The two uncles and nephews on the fighter plane were talking about it.

"By the way, I haven't asked you yet, how did you get this superpower? Also, when did you find out that you have superpowers?"

From the surprise after learning that Leon is a superpower, to the curiosity about Lyon's superpower, Coulson quickly adjusted his mentality.

These days, having superpowers is better than no superpowers.

Especially when you are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and face all kinds of extremely dangerous tasks all day long, your superpowers may be the key to deciding victory or defeat or life and death!

Although, Leon's super power sounds a bit tasteless...

"Oh, do you remember the car accident I had when I was 17?"

"Of course!" Coulson nodded, as if recalling the scene at the time, with a trace of unbearableness on his face.

"After the car accident, when I was in the hospital, for a while, I had a very bad headache. I took some painkillers from the doctor, and when I took the bottle, I touched the doctor's hand..." Leon lowered his head slightly, He seemed to look at his hands again: "That time, it was the first time I discovered my superpower."

"I was thinking, maybe the car accident, besides the scar behind my ear, was another gift for me..."

In his heart, Leon had already simulated this passage hundreds of times.

When it comes to that paragraph, he has practiced dozens of times in front of the mirror, what expression he should show.

He knew that after explaining this wave, he would not have to continue to face Lao Ke's questions and doubts in the future.

He naturally has to explain it to Lao Ke well, once and for all!

Hearing about Leon's awakening of his superpowers, Coulson was also a little emotional: "No wonder your grades are so good..."

"Obviously, when you were in high school, your grades were not so outstanding. How could you suddenly get a terrible score of almost full marks on the SAT test?"

"Also, when you were in college, all your homework was A, and it was easy to get a scholarship..."

"After entering the army, I joined the Rangers as the youngest..."

"It turns out that all this is because of superpowers!"

Listening to Coulson's sigh, Leon raised his brows and defended weakly: "Hey! I also study hard!"

However, Coulson waved his hand and said the defense was invalid.

"Okay, it doesn't make sense to investigate these now. If I had such superpowers, I would use them too. After all, superpowers are also an advantage for you, and you don't need them for nothing."

Coulson didn't care at all whether Lyon used his superpowers to achieve good results.

What he cares about is why Leon only tells this secret now...

"Since you awakened your superpowers after the car accident, why didn't you tell me then?" Coulson looked at Leon's blue eyes and asked very seriously, "Don't you trust me?"

This is a very easy question to answer, referred to as "send points question"!

I saw Leon shook his head like a rattle, and with a very positive tone, he answered loudly: "Of course not!"

After loudly expressing his loyalty, Leon gave the reason:

"When I first got the power, I was just a child. How do I know that there are actually superpowers in this world..."

"At that time, I thought that I was the only alien in the world. I didn't dare to tell anyone about my abilities, and I didn't even dare to make any physical contact with other people..."

"I'm just afraid that after you know that I have superpowers, you won't want to associate with me..."

As he spoke, Leon seemed to recall the unbearable past,

The brows could not help but close, and there was a bit of bleak color on his face...

Seeing his nephew's appearance, Lao Ke patted him on the shoulder very understandingly, and comforted: "The past is over, why do you still think about it."

"However, when I think about it now, I was a little ridiculous at that time."

"After joining S.H.I.E.L.D. and going through so many things, I realized that my original concerns were completely self-inflicted."

"It turns out that in this world, besides me, there are many superpowers! Having superpowers is not a very shocking thing!"

. . .

During the conversation, the Kun-style fighter jet with automatic driving was set, and unknowingly, it had already returned to Washington, D.C.

After flying over the Trident headquarters and disarming the stealth system, the communication system immediately received a signal from Trident: "This is the Trident headquarters, call S.H.I.E.L.D. 620!"

"S.H.I.E.L.D. 620 received, here is Agent Phil Coulson, number F45IXF512, requesting to land."

"Headquarters received! Landing pad No. 7 has been emptied and allowed to land."


Along with the waves on the lake, a circular hole of about 30 square meters was slowly opening.

Leon, who was sitting in the driver's seat, clenched the joystick with both hands and flew towards the lake.

The Kun-style fighter jet flew into the underground hangar of the Trident headquarters directly from the opening on the lake.

As soon as they stepped down from the cabin door of the fighter plane, Leon and Coulson saw Maria Hill, like a glamorous blue rose, standing there quietly, as if waiting for them.

Without waiting for Leon to speak, Hill stepped forward and said to Leon, "Frey wants to see you!"

"Huh? Is it just me?"


Leon and Coulson looked at each other, shrugged, and walked to the elevator alone.

Leon, who came to the director's office with ease, pushed the door open, and just wanted to make a sound, he was interrupted by Fury, who was sitting in the chair:

"Don't talk yet, I want to show you something."

With the operation of the virtual keyboard on the desktop, a virtual screen suddenly appeared on the wall, and a video began to play on it:

It was a surveillance video shot in Jiuqiao Town.

And the content is exactly the whole process of Lyon and the four warriors of Asgard, working together to surround the Destroyer!

After the video was played, Fury pointed to the video image on the virtual screen, and stared at Leon with the only remaining eye, and asked in a deep voice, "I don't know yet, your archery is so so sharp…"

"Don't you have anything to say?"

Looking at Fury with an expressionless face, Leon knew that Braised Egg seemed to have long since doubted his extraordinary archery and fighting ability.

Too. You know, Leon is a person who has been included in his high-profile list of key training objects, the Avengers program, the future management of S.H.I.E.L.D., etc.!

According to the urination of Fury, the ubiquitous king of secrets, there is no way to see Leon's combat effectiveness, which is constantly improving...

Thinking of this, Leon felt that since Fury has spoken about this matter, confessing to one person is a confession, and confessing to two people is also a confession...

For once and for all!

Leon, who had made a decision in his heart, suddenly lowered his face and put on a very serious expression:

"Actually, I'm a superhuman!"

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