I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 127 Super power, it's ridiculous

From the unchanging expression on Fury's face, he didn't seem surprised or surprised by the fact that Leon said.

Leon was even more certain, Braised Egg knew this for a long time, just waiting for him to say it himself.

This is a test to see if Lyon is worth his trust...

Perhaps he felt that the expression on his face was a little too cold. Sitting in the office chair, Fury twitched the corner of his mouth and continued to ask in a gentle tone: "I want to know, what is your superpower? What can I do? How can I get it?"

Hearing Fury's question, Leon immediately used the same rhetoric to deal with Coulson to tell Fury again.

However, this time he changed the word again.

In this version of the story, Leon's superpowers are not acquired through physical contact, memory or skills.

But a powerful learning ability!

Whether it is super power, or various skills, theoretical knowledge, as long as he is given enough time, he can learn.

Although this explanation is a bit ridiculous, superpowers are such a thing, and there is no logic at all.

After all, no one dares to say it, and he can explain it all.

Therefore, Leon directly changed the core of the story.

Fury is not Colson.

From the degree of favorability of the two, it can be seen that the attitude of the two towards Lyon: Coulson is "unswerving", while Fury is just "harmonious"...

For Fury, Leon doesn't need to reveal so much to him, he just needs to let him know that he is a useful talent, a superpower who can be entrusted with important tasks, that's enough.

Hearing Leon's confession, even Fury, who had already seen Captain Marvel, flashed a hint of surprise in that one eye: "I didn't expect your superpowers to be so powerful..."

"Does Coulson know?"


Hearing Fury's words, Leon knew that Fury was testing him.

Leon is not afraid, and Fury will ask Coulson whether his superpowers are the truth to compare everything he said.

Because, on the way back to Washington, in addition to confessing his superpowers to his uncle, Lyon also unified the caliber with Coulson.

Lyon believes that Coulson will never tell anyone about his superpowers.

However, just in case, if Fury asked, Coulson said that Lyon's superpower is a powerful learning ability.

For the sake of his nephew, telling Frie a little lie was nothing to Coulson at all.

In Coulson's heart, Lyon's status must be higher than Fury's.

Although it is a bit complicated and troublesome, in order to better protect his secrets, Leon feels that it is all worthwhile.

Thinking of this, Leon nodded according to the original plan, and said, "He also just learned about it not long ago."

Through the intelligence and observations of the past four years, Fury probably has a relatively intuitive feeling about Leon's superpowers.

No wonder Leon's knowledge reserve and combat ability have improved so quickly, it is simply astounding.

It turned out that it was all thanks to the help of superpowers...

Even if he believed what Leon said, Fury still felt that it should not be taken lightly.

As the head of the world's huge secret agency, his bloody experience taught him that he could not completely trust anyone.

A super agent with super powers?

Can be of great use!

However, keep watching.

"Tell me, what did you experience when you went to New Mexico this time?"

After the topic of superpowers, Fury did not forget to ask about the process of this New Mexico incident.

See Fury shifting the conversation to the New Mexico event,

Leon is also happy to share with Fury, the first contact with the Asgardians...

. . .

After staying in the director's office for half an hour, I roughly reported some information about New Mexico and Thor's identity to Fury, and Leon was told by Fury, "It's hard work, Agent Leon, go back and rest." Eviction order.

And after Leon walked out of the office, he stood quietly in front of the floor-to-ceiling window with his hands behind his back. Fury, who was wearing a black trench coat, looked at the scenery outside the window and couldn't help but be fascinated.

However, seeing his frowning and contemplative expression from time to time, it seems that he is fighting fiercely in his mind.

After about a few minutes, Fury loosened his frown, as if he had figured out something, and suddenly turned around!

Came to the desk, opened the drawer, and took out a document with a white cover.

I saw that on the cover on the white background, "The Avengers Project" was written in bold letters!

Staring closely at the document in his hand, Fury murmured to himself: "I hope, I didn't miss it..."

. . . . . .

After dealing with Fury, Leon did not intend to continue to wait for Coulson, but went straight to the underground garage and wanted to drive back to New York.

From the extremely fast frequency under his feet, it can be known that he can't wait to return to New York and his apartment.

Of course, it's not because he misses the big floppy bed in the apartment, or because of the colorful world of New York.

Rather, he needs a safe place where no one else is present to see what he has achieved in this New Mexico incident!

When he thinks of the powerful skills Thor may have, Leon's heart is like an arrow...

However, when Leon, who was so excited, walked to the hall of the headquarters, his steps suddenly stopped!

There was a hint of hindsight on his face.

At this time, he remembered that the Porsche he bought had already been smashed beyond recognition in Jiuqiao Town!

Moreover, he was at the Trident headquarters and did not store other means of transportation.

In other words, if he wants to return to New York, which is more than 300 kilometers away, in addition to taking a downwind, he can only see which kind friend can take him for a ride...

At this moment, a voice full of magnetism sounded behind him:


When Leon turned his head, he saw a somewhat unexpected face.


The one who stopped Leon was Grant Ward, the super spy with one of the strongest acting skills in the MCU.

Don't look at him with a smile and a dashing look, think he is in a good mood now.

In fact, his super spy's heart is very depressed.

To say why, it's all down to Lyon...

Since Lyon joined S.H.I.E.L.D. last year and made his mark, Hydra sent him to approach Lyon and observe this young man who is highly valued by Fury.

However, Leon is always on the lookout for the dragon, either on a mission or on the way to a mission.

Ward didn't have much chance to meet him at all!

And this time, seeing Leon who suddenly appeared at the Trident headquarters, Ward quickly seized the opportunity to strike up a conversation.

However, before he could ask, Leon raised the corners of his mouth wildly, and said first:

"You came just in time! Take me for a while!"

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