I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 200 Investigating Deadpool

Originally, before Leon and Natasha arrived, Audrey had almost prepared dinner.

With Natasha's help, it didn't take long for the wooden dining table to be filled with all kinds of delicacies.

Assorted Vegetable Soup, Pasta with Curried Meatballs, Roma Chicken…

Looking at the Italian-style feast on the table, Leon, who was sitting opposite Coulson and Audrey, took a deep breath of the aroma: "It's really fragrant! Have you ever studied cooking?"

"Oh, you're too kind, I just followed the recipe."

After tasting a bite of pasta, Leon couldn't help but his eyes lit up and praised repeatedly: "Wow! The taste is just right, your craftsmanship is simply amazing!"

"Haha, you passed the prize..."

I have to say that this beautiful cellist can be regarded as a good wife and mother in terms of cooking skills.

At least, it is comparable to Lyon's cooking level.

You know, Leon is a self-cooking master with the skill of [Cooking Mastery]...

Under the background of the food, the atmosphere at the table gradually became lively.

"By the way, how did you two meet?"

Although Lyon has heard the answer to this question from Colson's mouth.

However, instead of reminding Natasha, he looked at the couple Coulson and Audrey with relish.

Although the act of taking the initiative to eat dog food is a bit silly. However, Natasha took the initiative to ask about the relationship between the two, which was a good way to shorten the distance between them.

Here's what she's good at, and the skills she lives by...

However, when Audrey heard this question, her face changed obviously.

"Uh...I don't know if this can be said..."

After hesitation, Audrey couldn't help but look at Coulson, who was sitting beside him, and used his eyes to seek his opinion.

And Coulson showed a smile that reassured her, and said softly: "It's okay, they are all SHIELD agents, they all understand."

"A year ago, I was harassed by a psychic..."

The acquaintance of the two is a typical case of heroes saving beauty.

However, although it is a bit old-fashioned, Leon and Natasha listened attentively and did not want to miss every detail.

Even if the two exchanged affectionate glances from time to time, Leon and Natasha roared in their hearts:

bring it on!

Let the dog food come more violently!

. . .

At Coulson's place, after filling their cheeks with dog food, Leon and Natasha, who were very full, said goodbye to them.

After leaving the apartment, they did not return to their residence immediately, but came to a bar.

As soon as they stepped into the bar called "Emily's Tears", Leon and Natasha found a relatively secret booth and sat down.

The melodious light music reverberates throughout the bar, making the somewhat quiet environment instantly more sentimental and romantic...

However, the topic Leon and Natasha were talking about was not romantic.

Following the conversation in the car, the two continued to talk about the "Winter Soldier"...

"Have you reported this to S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Of course! It's just that they think, maybe I'm wrong, that the Winter Soldier doesn't exist at all..."

After speaking, Natasha suddenly paused, picked up the glass of whiskey, and took a sip: "However, my intuition tells me that there must be some important secret hidden in that research facility..."

"Perhaps, you are right. After all, in this world, too many incredible things are happening every day."

"Even billionaires in steel suits flying all over the sky, and physicists who turn into big green men are nothing new."

"Not to mention this seemingly impossible ghost story?"

After saying these meaningful words, Leon picked up the wine glass and gestured to Natasha: "I have long been concerned about these incredible things, so I don't think it's strange..."

Natasha smiled suddenly and picked up the glass, "That's right!"

With two glasses colliding,

Made a crisp "clang" sound.

. . . . . .

Time flies, 2009 is also unknowingly, three months have passed...

Just when Leon wondered if Fury had forgotten him somewhere, the one-eyed chief finally remembered him again!

Although this period of time without performing tasks was extremely comfortable, he even once forgot that this was the dangerous Marvel world.

However, when Leon saw that he was still 18,000 away from 100,000 experience, he suddenly woke up!

This is not when Ge You is lying at home, being a salted fish! ! !

Only when there is a task to perform, the system will release the corresponding task, so that he can have the opportunity to gain experience; with experience, he can learn more powerful skills!

I have accumulated half a year of experience, just for the awesome [Thunder God's Power], still waiting for him!

Realizing that this would not work, Leon, after receiving a message from Fury asking him to come to the Trident headquarters to meet him, immediately got into his sports car and drove across hundreds of kilometers of interstate highways from New York at a speed of 120 miles per hour. Arrived in Washington...

In the director's office, Leon and Fury stared at each other with one eye.

After a long time, Leon asked Fury again in a somewhat skeptical tone: "You mean, let me investigate this mercenary called Deadpool and see if I can find relevant information about the killing of Rumlow?"

I thought that Fury called himself over because there was some big event, such as superpowers doing things, terrorists controlling nuclear bombs and other tasks, let him settle it.

Unexpectedly, he asked himself to investigate the follow-up of Rumlow's murder.

And the object of the investigation is the little bastard who had a relationship with him and the MAX skill - Deadpool? !

Doesn't this mean that the murderer is going to investigate the case he committed? !

This operation, I have to say, is quite irritating...

Thinking of this, Leon has already prepared a draft for his investigation report: "After investigation, Deadpool did not see that the murderer who killed Special Forces Captain Brock Rumlow that night, the report is complete!"

Of course, Fury didn't know Leon's speechlessness and spit at this moment.

With a calm face, he just slapped a document on the table and said:

"That's right! According to Coulson's investigation, the only clue to the identity of the murderer is this mercenary named Deadpool."

"This mercenary was in a nearby building the night Rumlow was killed."

"Perhaps, he saw the murderer's appearance; or, there is some evidence that can help us find the murderer..."

"I understand."

Holding the mission document and walking out of the office, Leon couldn't help thinking of the business card that Deadpool threw to him that night, and couldn't help showing a slightly helpless smile:

"Hong Kong, I'm not very good at dealing with this kind of guy who doesn't play cards according to the routine..."

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