I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 201 Sister Margaret's Bar

The jukebox was playing David Bowie's "Space Oddity," a mix of foul language and F-words in the room.

The noisy conversation and the haze of cigarettes made the whole bar seem extra lively.

Several young ladies in white vests and Qi B's hot pants walked among the wine tables with trays full of inferior beers.

From time to time, the burly man sitting on the seat will slap the buttocks of the Q bomb, causing bursts of scolding.

This is Sister Margaret's bar, a talent market for mercenaries.

This is for money, mercenaries who can do anything dirty for anyone, an exclusive safe zone.

The people who wandered around here were either vicious mercenaries or sturdy killers with a few lives in their hands.

It is conceivable that when Leon, whose aura and clothes were obviously out of tune with the surroundings, walked into the bar, the attention he received...

The eyes of vigilance, contempt, curiosity, etc., are constantly projected from all directions.

Wearing a white shirt inside and a black trench coat on the outside, Lyon with a calm face, compared to others, seems like a Wall Street elite who just got off work...

When he came to the bar, Leon, who had just sat down, heard the slightly ridiculous words of the bar owner standing in the bar with a pair of black-rimmed glasses:

"Hey! Dude, you are not lost, this is not a fancy French restaurant..."

Leon raised his brows lightly and replied lightly, "I'm sure, I'm here where I'm looking."

Hearing this, the bar owner, who is Deadpool's friend Wesher, spread his hands, shrugged his shoulders, and said indifferently: "Then, what do you want?"

"Give me a mojito with two olives."

"Okay, come right away!"

It didn't take long for Wiesel to put a mojito cocktail that didn't look delicate in front of Lyon.

"Enjoy your mojito slowly..."

Just when Wiesel was about to turn around and leave, Leon stopped him: "Wait a minute!"

Under the suspicious eyes of the other party, Leon took out a business card from his trench coat pocket and put it on the table at the bar, "I have something to ask Mr. Wilson, and he owes me a glass of wine..."

Wisle took a look at the business card, and when he saw the code name "Deadpool", he immediately recognized that it was his friend Wade's business card.

Although I don't quite believe it, Wade will have any intersection with this handsome brown-haired guy who looks unusual in front of him.

However, he still asked very cautiously: "Who are you? What's the matter with him?"

Speaking of this, Leon's mouth twitched.

Originally, Leon didn't want to come to Sister Margaret's bar in person to find Deadpool.

He has Deadpool's business card and phone number, and logically, he can call him directly, chat, drink and so on.


What Leon didn't expect was that Deadpool guy actually wrote a fake phone number on his business card!

When Leon called, the person on the other side was "The number you dialed is an empty number..."

This made Leon stunned at the time.

Forced to be helpless, Leon had to personally come to Sister Margaret's bar to find the little bitch who reported the fake number.

What is the most basic trust between people?

"You can call me Leon, I'm in a hurry and need Mr. Wilson's help. But the phone number on the business card is empty. So..."

Speaking of which, Leon also spread his hands helplessly and said, "This is why I came here."

"Hahaha, you are not the first person to be deceived by him."

At this time, Wiesel also understood that Leon was not here to seek revenge.

So he kindly suggested, "Unfortunately, he's not here now. Do you need me to call him?"

"sorry to bother you…"

While Wiesel was calling Deadpool, Leon left the bar, found a table in the corner, and sat down.

ten minutes later,

"Deadpool" Wade Wilson, wearing a gray hoodie and jeans on the lower body, wore a disfigured face like an avocado fucking an older and more disgusting avocado, on the chair opposite Lyon, Sitting down abruptly.

Although it was the first time I saw the true face of Deadpool, I was somewhat caught off guard.

However, Leon, who had been prepared for a long time, did not express his inner surprise.

As for Deadpool, who noticed this detail, for some reason, his heart warmed slightly...

"Hey! DiCaprio, you're coming, why didn't you call me in advance?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he didn't treat Leon as an outsider at all, he just picked up his mojito and drank it.

"Wow! I have to say, your taste is good..."

Leon glanced at the guy who went his own way, and replied coldly: "I also want to call, the number who asked a certain guy to give is an empty number..."

"Huh? In this era, there is still such a person? It's so disappointing!" Wade Wilson, who was thick-skinned to block bullets, made a very surprised look, making the corners of Leon's mouth continue to twitch.

It seems that it is impossible to win a fight with him...

Leon gave up the idea of ​​continuing to get close to him, took out his S.H.I.E.L.D. agent ID card directly from the pocket of his trench coat, and shook it in front of Wade.

"Wade, I'm a Leon agent from S.H.I.E.L.D. The reason why I came to find you is that there is a murder case that needs your assistance to investigate."

After seeing the documents in Leon's hands, the mocking expression on Wade's face temporarily restrained.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.? I've heard of this name. Aren't you the world policemen who are all over the world to maintain peace? Why do you have time to come to me, such a little-known mercenary..."

Talking, Wade suddenly looked Leon up and down with an interesting expression: "I didn't expect that you are actually a person from S.H.I.E.L.D...."

"what do you want?"

Hearing this, Leon immediately took out a photo from his trench coat, handed it to Wade, and asked, "Have you seen the person in the photo?"

Wade took a look and found that it was a middle-aged man with fierce eyes and a tough figure.

"What's the matter? Is your uncle gone?"

Ignoring Wade's one-liners, Leon looked at him calmly and said, "You just need to answer me, have you seen him..."

"Hey, don't be so serious, we are not in the interrogation room of the police station..." After speaking, he suddenly turned his head and said to the non-existent reader, "Do you mean it?"

Knowing that this is the character setting for Deadpool to break the fourth wall, Leon, who didn't care too much, explained directly:

"Remember our first encounter in Tokyo? That night, the man in the photo was assassinated!"

"And the scene of the crime is in the alley next to the building where you cut a group of poles into sticks!"

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