The morning sun always has a refreshing feeling.

Especially in Long Island, New York, a place with beautiful scenery and a pleasant climate…

On a road in Suffolk County, accompanied by a low "roar" sound, a figure galloped past in an instant!

Driving his black Lamborghini, the dual-minded Leon, holding the steering wheel with both hands, was thinking about something in his mind.

Thanks to the constant operation of "Qi" in the body, in the basement of the villa, Lyon, who had been fiddling all night, still looked energetic.

Early in the morning, he was going to drive back to Manhattan to meet with Bo Tu to discuss the listing of "Shafwad".

Although as a hands-off shopkeeper, Lyon can leave many things to bloggers and other professionals.

However, some important decisions still need to be made by him...

at this time!

The road was smooth, and there was a sudden change in front of the distant road where there was no traffic.

About 700 meters away, on the side of the road, a car with double flashing lights was parked!

Beside the car, there was also a tall blond woman who stretched out her right thumb for help.

Looking at the "combination" in front of him, Leon immediately understood the situation.

"It must have broken down..."

While thinking about this, he slightly released the accelerator under his feet and slowed down the speed of the sports car.

A distance of hundreds of meters is fleeting.

When Leon slowly parked the car beside the blonde woman and rolled down the window, he realized that the other party was so beautiful!

The proud figure is even more attractive with the black floral top and green pencil skirt.

That face, which is biased towards Eastern Europeanization, looks very much in line with Lyon's aesthetics.

The big peach blossom eyes, coupled with the high nose of the small bridge, are like the spirits of nature, staring quietly ahead.

Especially the beauty mole on the right side of the mouth, which made her delicate face even more seductive.

Amazed by the beauty of the other party, Leon was slightly stunned, then quickly reacted and smiled: "Hey! Do you need help?"

The blonde beauty lowered her body slightly, looked at Leon in the sports car, spread her hands, and said helplessly: "My car broke down, and I have contacted the towing factory. But they said that it will take 20 minutes to come over..."

"I wonder if you can give me a ride?"

Hearing this request, Leon sat in the driver's seat without thinking too much, and waved directly:

"Come up!"

"Thank you very much!" After thanking, the blonde beauty opened the car door, stretched her long legs, and sat in the passenger seat.

The faint fragrance lingered in the entire car at once, causing Leon to squint a little, and then his spirit was lifted.

As soon as she sat down, the beauty stroked her hair and continued to express her deep gratitude to Leon: "You really helped me a lot! If it wasn't for you, I might have to wait outside for another twenty minutes..."

Leon held the steering wheel and said softly: "It's nothing, it's a trivial matter. At this time, few cars drive this way..."

After a pause, Leon continued to ask: "You haven't told me where are you going..."

"Oh! Just put me near Thirteenth Avenue in Queens if it's convenient."

"Okay." After replying, Leon looked at the beautiful woman beside him through the rearview mirror and asked, "You don't look like a local."

"Huh? Why do you say that?" The blond woman turned her body slightly, and with her bright blue eyes, looked at Leon's profile with interest, and asked.

"Your accent..."

"Oh! So, you guessed it, I'm English."

The woman stroked her palm and smiled and explained, "Just in time to take advantage of the holiday, I came to New York for a trip to relax."

"Who knows, the car rented yesterday suddenly broke down today..."

Hearing the other party's origin, Leon's face didn't change much, he just replied lightly, "Oh,

It was so…”

However, there were ripples in his heart...

Because of riding a stranger, Leon unknowingly slowed down the speed of his sports car in pursuit of safety.

This inadvertent move also gave the two more time to talk...

"By the way, my name is Ophelia, how about you?"

"You can just call me Leon." After a simple reply, Leon said again in a non-salty tone and pointedly: "Ophelia... a very nice name."

Hearing this, the other party just smiled and responded very generously: "Thank you, this is the name my mother gave me. She likes the story of Hamlet very much..."

Although the other party's sexy voice kept coming from his ears, there were already thousands of thoughts in Leon's mind...

In fact, from the moment he saw the other party, Leon knew the other party's full name and favorability.

Originally, the "favorability degree: cold" on the other side's head did not attract Leon's attention.

Instead of helping the other party, the other party will be grateful to himself.

However, when he was slowly searching for the extremely rare name "Ophelia Sarkisian" in the memory bank, he was shocked and thought of a person.

A high-level Hydra that he has never seen, but has heard the name of...

That is the only female leader of the Hydra branch, the "Viper" known as "Lady Hydra"!

Although it is not quite sure, the blond stunner sitting next to him is the legendary "Mrs. Hydra"

However, Leon recalled now and found that the time when the two met was a bit too coincidental...

As he himself said, at eight in the morning, at this time, people on Long Island are still enjoying a hearty breakfast at home, and not many people choose to drive into the New York City area.

Along the way, apart from his car driving towards the city, Lyon hardly saw other cars.

Perhaps, the other party is waiting for him here specially? !

It's not impossible...

Moreover, there is another doubt that makes Leon a little concerned, that is: the accent!

Although the other party's English accent is very pure, in front of Leon, who is proficient in various languages, there is still a flaw.

When the other party speaks, there are some accents and tones, and the fluctuations are very even, not as varied as the British accent.

Leon could hear it as soon as he heard it, it was the phonetic feature of Hungarian.

Only by using Hungarian for a long time will such a habit be formed subconsciously.

After all, some things can't be changed no matter how hard you try...

To sum up, Lyon came to a conclusion:

Even if the other party is not "Mrs. Hydra", it is definitely not the "British who came to travel and relax" as she said!

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