Leon's suspicion is right.

This blond and beautiful woman sitting in the co-pilot of the sports car is one of the leaders of the Hydra branch known as "Lady Hydra", Ophelia Sarkisian "Viper"!

A week ago, Ophelia, who arrived in New York from Chicago, used the intelligence provided by Pierce and her own observations to roughly figure out Leon's whereabouts.

So, a beautiful encounter was born...

So far, Ophelia's plan to approach Leon has gone well.

However, Ophelia also vaguely sensed that Leon was somewhat wary of the stranger he had met for the first time.

This is evident from the tone of the other party's indifferent tone.

This is quite normal.

As a super-powered agent who was listed on the must-kill list by Hydra, how could he live until now without a little self-control and vigilance.

Then she won't be here...

It's just that Ophelia's cold eyes flashed a hint of surprise because of her own glamorous charm, which has always been unfavorable.

However, Ophelia is still full of confidence in herself.

After all, tasks that are too simple are too boring.

Slowly and little by little, taking his heart away, and then sending him to God with his own serpent's kiss is the most addictive part of this game...

However, she did not expect that after the next minute, Leon's attitude changed 180 degrees!

"By the way, you know that there are a lot of seagulls on the beaches of Long Island, they..."

“Best pizza in NYC, located in…”

"I recommend…"

Not only did he take the initiative to talk to Ophelia, introducing her to various attractions and delicious restaurants in New York, but also talked about various little knowledge about motorcycles with great enthusiasm.

The sudden change made Ophelia a little confused.

However, such a change made it easier for her to get closer to each other...

Ophelia, who knows how to tease men's hearts very well, seized the opportunity, smiled and echoed Leon's words from time to time, flicked her hair intentionally or unintentionally, and used various small movements to make her own special flirting perfume, constantly eroding Leon's heart. Defend.

However, Ophelia's behavior was right in Leon's arms!

How could Leon, who already had doubts about Ophelia, be seduced by the other party so easily? !

I wanted to reveal the identity of the other party in one sentence and have a hand-to-hand fight with the other party.

However, Leon thought about it and found that it was more profitable to choose another way of dealing with it.

That is: Count on the count!

Leon was neither clear nor interested in Ophelia's intention to approach him.

It's nothing more than that Hydra was afraid of his strength and felt that he could not kill him by sending someone, so he wanted to use the snake to exhaust the beauty and play himself in the palm of his hand.

He is more interested in whether he can get information about Hydra from this woman!

If the blond stunner in front of her is the legendary "Mrs. Hydra", then the secrets of the Hydra that she has mastered will be a huge treasure!

All along, Leon and Hydra have had many direct or indirect private confrontations, all of which are Leon in the light and Hydra in the dark.

Only he was beaten passively, always vigilant, and did not know when the sharp arrows flew out of the shadows; the Hydra hid in the shadows with peace of mind, watching him quietly, without worrying about his revenge.

This kind of game is unfair and too embarrassing!

However, this is also impossible.

The asymmetry of intelligence made him passively accept the various attacks of Hydra instead of taking the initiative to attack.


Ophelia's appearance made him see the opportunity to approach Hydra!

If he can get information about Hydra from Ophelia, Leon wouldn't mind playing a show with her...

So, under Lyon's deliberate catering,

The ambience in the car is very harmonious.

While chatting and laughing, the sports car quickly arrived at its destination.

With the envious gaze of passers-by and the sound of the "rumble" engine, the black Lamborghini stopped in front of a cafe on Thirteenth Avenue.

The next moment, the door opens!

What caught my eye was two long, white, slender legs, stepping on a pair of black high-heeled shoes.

Then, a tall figure stepped out of the car.

Ignoring the scorching hot eyes of the men around her, Ophelia turned slightly, lowered her body, looked at Leon sitting in the driver's seat, and smiled sweetly:

"Thank you, Leon."

Even if you know that the other party has a certain purpose, you will approach your enemy.

However, Leon was still stunned by the smile like a hundred flowers blooming, like a blooming rose in his heart, a little itchy...

Fortunately, Leon is also a veteran who has been in the midst of thousands of flowers, and the leaves are not touching his body.

Seeing Ophelia about to leave, Leon quickly took out a business card with his phone number on it and handed it to Ophelia:

"Hey! If you need help with anything, or want to visit the tourist attractions of New York, you can call me."

Not only intentionally or unintentionally, Ophelia's fingertip slid across Leon's finger when she took the business card.

At that moment, there seemed to be a numb current that suddenly flowed through Leon's heart.

"Okay, I'll contact you..."

Putting the business card in her bag, Ophelia smiled lightly and turned away.

Looking at Ophelia's retreating back, Leon started the engine, drove towards the appointed place, and galloped away.

In the air, only a faint word remained:

"Oh, woman..."

At the same time, Ophelia, who was standing somewhere, watching the sports car leave, also looked at the business card in her hand, and couldn't help sneering:

"Oh, man..."

. . .

Twenty minutes later.

Midtown Financial Building, top floor.

"When will it be put into the market?" Sitting on the seat, Leon asked the blogger in front of him while flipping through the documents.

"We are combining Osborn's channels to deliver the medicines to major pharmacies across the United States. According to the current publicity efforts and the speed of distribution, sales should be officially launched next week..."

"Well..." Leon nodded slightly and continued to ask: "Although we cooperate with Osborn, we are still the dominant one. However, Osborn is a businessman who can't afford to pay early, after all, you let the people under you, Watch closely."


Pushing the document on the desktop aside, Leon asked suddenly as if he had thought of something:

"By the way, what happened to the matter I asked you to investigate last time?"

"Oh, we already knew that Pioneer's..."

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