I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 234 Gentlemen, welcome aboard

"These people may be withdrawn or even abnormal, but I believe that as long as they are properly employed, they can just give us the help we desperately need..."

"you believe?"

"Emotions don't win wars, Director..."

"Indeed, but good soldiers can!"

Looking at the virtual images that disappeared with the sound of "swoosh", Fury couldn't help turning around and whispered:

"These stupid politicians..."

Now, it's the 12th hour that the Cosmic Cube has been taken away...

. . . . . .

Eight in the morning.

Somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, a huge aircraft carrier, like a motionless king, quietly patrols this sea area.

At this moment, in the distant sky, there appeared a small black spot that was approaching at high speed.

It was a gray S.H.I.E.L.D. standard fighter—a Kun-style fighter!

The design of the twin-turbine engine enhances the speed and flexibility of the fighter to the extreme.

With the sound of "huhuhu", the gray fighter plane, guided by the air crew, landed on the deck.

When the cabin door at the rear of the fighter plane was slowly opened, Leon, who was wearing a black tight-fitting combat uniform, walked down slowly with steady steps.

Looking at the air crew coming up, Leon casually ordered, "Put my equipment in."

"Yes, sir!"

Then, Leon saw Natasha standing not far away, dressed in casual clothes, smiling at him.


Leon stepped forward and hugged the long-lost Natasha. After releasing it, he heard Natasha's highly discerning smokey voice ringing in his ears:

"Why are you alone? What about Captain Rogers?"

Hearing this, Leon shrugged and said with a smile: "I asked a super loyal fan to pick him up..."

Natasha was stunned at first, then after thinking about it, she understood what he meant, and then chuckled:

"He might faint with joy..."

"Haha, that's not enough. However, this is his first official meeting with an idol, so he should be very excited..."

After chatting for a while, Leon seemed to remember something, and suddenly began to look around.

Looking at his actions, Natasha was also puzzled and asked aloud, "What's wrong?"

"Where's Dr. Banner? Didn't you come with him?"

Natasha, who was suddenly enlightened, immediately pointed to a man in a brown suit not far away, and reminded: "Oh! Did you mean big guy? He's there!"

The sight followed, and Leon soon saw the famous Bruce Banner.

"Dr. Banner!"

Hearing someone calling his name, Bruce Banner turned around immediately.

In addition to Natasha Romanov, who had just met, there was also a handsome brown-haired man in a black combat uniform.

"You are?"

"Hello, Doctor, I'm Agent Leon Coulson..."

Because of the "beast" in his body,

As a result, Bruce Banner has little contact with others, and it even seems that some are not very good at words.

However, in a few words, he still felt the friendly attitude of the other party from Leon's words.

Leon's first impression of him was not bad.

At least in the eyes of the other party, apart from friendliness and curiosity, Bruce Banner didn't see anything else...

After shaking hands with Bruce Banner and having a brief chat, Leon said goodbye to the two of them and walked towards the bridge area.

It was the first time he had come to an air carrier.

This steel behemoth can be said to be the technological crystallization of all scientists of S.H.I.E.L.D.

In particular, the use of the principle of light refraction to achieve invisible reflector technology is ahead of the times.

Not to mention, powerful firepower to destroy everything...

It's a pity that in the movie, the aircraft carrier was damaged by Hawkeye's engine and also destroyed the communication system.

Otherwise, such a big guy can at least contain part of the Chitauri army.

S.H.I.E.L.D. participated in the battle, and it can be regarded as a fault for Fury to make some compensation...

Thinking of this, a flash of determination flashed in Leon's eyes, and he murmured involuntarily, "Wait, Loki! I won't let you continue to succeed..."

After a few minutes.

Coulson, who still had a bit of excitement on his face, also came to the bridge area before Leon could sit on his buttocks.

Looking at his nephew, Coulson came to Fury and reported the situation to him.

Judging from the expressions of the two, Leon felt that there should not be too many surprises on Stark's side.

In this way, except for Thor, the god of thunder, who is far away in Asgard, all the original six members of the Avengers will appear.

Next, let's see how Loki makes a move...

At this moment, with a slight vibration, the huge air carrier began to lift off slowly.

Not long after, under the leadership of Natasha, Captain America and Dr. Banner also came to the bridge area.

As soon as he came in and saw Leon standing beside him, Steve was taken aback for a moment, and after nodding to Leon, he walked towards Fury who was oncoming.

"Gentlemen, welcome aboard!"

"Captain, long time no see..." After greeting Steve, Fury walked to Bruce Banner next to him.

"Thank you for coming, Dr. Banner."

Glancing at the hand that the other party stretched out, Bruce Banner hesitated before reaching out and shaking Fury.

"Thank you for not being rough... So, how long am I going to stay here?"

Allowing Fury and Bruce Banner to discuss how to find the Rubik's Cube, Steve, who was a little unfamiliar with everything around him, came to the most familiar place in the entire bridge area - beside Leon.

Looking at Steve's face, showing a little nostalgia, Leon knew that the blond man in front of him inevitably remembered the past.

For these people, World War II is a very distant history.

However, to Steve, it was like a memory from the next day...

In order to stop Steve's thoughts from dwelling in the past, Leon deliberately diverted his attention with words:

"Bon Voyage?"

Interrupted by Leon, Steve shook his head invisibly:

"It's okay, at least compared to the big and ugly aircraft of Hydra, the SHIELD's Kun-style fighter looks safer..."

"Returning to the battlefield, how do you feel?"

"There is a feeling that is both unfamiliar and familiar..."

Without waiting for the two to chat, they sat in front of the computer, operating the facial recognition system, looking for the bald brother of Loki and others, and suddenly interrupted the conversation between the two:

"Found! Facial features 67% match... No! Wait, cross comparison shows 79% match!"

"Where is the location?"

"Germany, Stuttgart, Kuningstraße 28!"

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