When he got Loki's specific location, Fury immediately ordered to send the strongest combat power he had at once:

"Scavenger" Leon Coulson, "Black Widow" Natasha Romanoff, and "Captain America" ​​Steve Rogers!

Without wasting any time, the three people who changed into their combat uniforms and took the required equipment immediately boarded a Kun-style fighter and flew to Germany...

. . . . . .

At eight o'clock in the evening, it was dark.

On the square, the guests who were supposed to be enjoying the melodious music of the banquet and the delicious food in the luxurious hall, all knelt down on a black-haired man wearing a dark green cloak, a helmet with antlers, and pale gold scales. in front of the man.

They could only kneel on the ground with fear on their faces, quietly listening to the man who held their little life, spreading his own fallacies...

"...This is your human nature, and in the end, you will always bow down and be your servants..."

When Loki finally finished his speech, a white-haired old man slowly got up from the ground and looked at Loki quietly with those turbid old eyes:

"I won't call someone like you a minister!"

Hearing this sentence, Loki's mouth twitched, "You will never find someone like me again..."

However, the old man was very tough, no matter whether the man in front of him had the ability to kill him instantly, he still scolded him back:

"There are endless madmen like you!"

Seeing that the other party was so stubborn, Loki thought about it, and then showed a cruel smile.

I saw him raise the spiritual scepter in his hand, aimed at the white-haired old man, and said solemnly: "Look at this old man, I will use him to kill a hundred people!"

As soon as the voice fell, blue energy that was eager to try began to gather on the tip of the scepter of the mind...

"Hey!" With a sound, the energy beam was lasing out!

Just as the beam of light was about to hit the horrified white-haired old man, a figure fell from the sky and used his shield to bounce the blow back!


Loki, who had no time to react, was directly knocked to the ground by the energy beam he fired.

And the owner of that figure is Captain America, Steve Rogers!

"You know, when I came to Germany last time, I also met someone like you who stepped on others' feet, and we broke up..."

Looking at the sudden appearance of Captain America, Loki's slender and pale handsome face couldn't help showing a sly smile, "Ha! Isn't this an American soldier?"

. . .

Just as Captain America and Loki were in the square outside the party, their words were not speculative and they were fighting hard, at the same time in a research institute dozens of kilometers away...

Holding a cylindrical container with iridium elements, Hawkeye, surrounded by several mercenaries, was about to leave the institute.

However, just after walking out not too far, Hawkeye's ears moved slightly, as if he heard something, his body froze, and he shot arrows with a rapid thunder!

In an instant, an arrow with a strong revolving sound flew towards the shadowy place on the side.

There was no groan of arrows piercing the throat, nor the sound of hitting a wall, and then,

It was a familiar voice:

"Clint, your arrows are useless to me..."

Along with the voice, Leon, who was wearing a pure black tight-fitting battle suit, quietly walked out from the dark place.

Hawkeye's brown pupils shrank slightly, revealing a hint of surprise.

What surprised him was not why Leon appeared here, but the arrow held tightly by his right hand!

You must know that your arrows are not something that ordinary people can catch...

Compared to Hawkeye's surprise, Leon didn't feel much about it.

Possessing two extraordinary skills of [Sensitive Senses] and [Sharpshooting], Leon has a natural sense of familiarity with Hawkeye's archery.

He can predict when the arrow will strike and from which angle.

Coupled with the double bonus of [Power of Thunder God] and [Qi of Kunlun], his reaction speed has reached a new height.

Although it is not as easy and freehand as Loki, he can still do it when he is prepared to catch the arrows that come from the lasing.

However, he was somewhat fortunate.

Fortunately, the eagle-eyed brother didn't use special arrows such as blasting arrows, flaming arrows, and acid arrows.

Throwing the arrow in his hand at will, Leon just wanted to speak, but he didn't expect that the other party did not give him such time!


Following Hawkeye's order, the surrounding mercenaries raised their assault rifles, aimed at Leon in front, and suddenly pulled the trigger!

Da da da…

Countless bullets, like the overwhelming locusts, attacked Leon swiftly with their claws and claws.

Just when the bullet was about to hit the body, something shocking happened!

I saw Leon's eyes condensed, and his hands were open at will. The next moment, from around his body, suddenly appeared blue arcs flying and jumping!

The frantic blue arc, like countless electric snakes, covered the surface of Leon's body, like a thunder and lightning armor, which instantly vaporized all the bullets shot at Leon!

The arc lasted for only a second and then disappeared.

However, the shock that remained in the hearts of everyone could not be dissipated for a long time...

"My God! What the hell did I see?!"

"Damn! What kind of monster is he?"

Taking advantage of the fact that the mercenaries and Hawkeye hadn't reacted from the terrifying picture just now, Leon's complexion sank, and he quickly took out a Glock 18 from the holster beside his thigh, raised his hand and shot!

Bang bang bang!

At such a close distance, under Lyon's precise marksmanship, except for Hawkeye, who rolled and avoided, the other five mercenaries were shot through their heads by bullets and fell to the ground.

Between the lightning and flint, he suddenly lost all his eagle eyes. Instead of sitting still, he knelt down on one knee and quickly pulled out a powerful blasting arrow, aimed it at Leon's torso, and shot it in a flash!

However, Leon, who had been prepared for a long time, slammed his legs, and his whole body jumped up like a rocket booster.

Like a black lightning bolt, Leon suddenly jumped behind Hawkeye.


Before waiting for the surprised Hawkeye to turn around and fight back, Leon reached out and patted his shoulder, and the flashing arc instantly sent out a powerful voltage.

With a convulsion in his body, Hawkeye was instantly stunned...

After the battle, Leon looked around, glanced at a few corpses on the ground, then looked at the resolute face with tightly closed eyes and frowned, and murmured unconsciously:

"Get some sleep, my friend..."

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