I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 248 A bolder plan


With a murmur, Amora slowly opened her eyes.

"here is…"

Clear glass, narrow spaces…

After looking around for a week, Amora frowned slightly, and quickly figured out her situation.

At this moment, she was lying in the transparent cage where Loki was imprisoned before!

Amora couldn't help but try to recall everything that happened before she fainted...

She only remembered that after she was struck by the terrifyingly violent lightning, she became unconscious and fainted.

As for everything that happened after that, she didn't remember anything.

However, from where he is, it can be inferred that no matter whether Loki's escape plan is successful or not, Amora has put himself in...

"I knew, that selfish guy..."

Cursing a few words in the bottom of my heart, Amora just wanted to sit on the bench, but she didn't, at this moment!


Perhaps the action involved the injury on his body, and there was a burst of pain in his chest, causing Amora to purse his lips and clench his teeth secretly.

There was a morbid pallor in that charming, fair face. Compared to the Queen Fan when she fought against Leon just now, Amora at this time was like a different person, more like a beautiful and charming poor woman.

Judging from the somewhat broken clothes on her body, Leon's thunder and lightning did not cause Amora to suffer too much trauma, at most the internal organs suffered additional damage from some shocks.

However, for Amora, who has almost never been injured, this is already a great humiliation!

Interesting to say, many of Amora's firsts were dedicated to Lyon.

For example, the first failure to charm the Midgards, the first defeat by a creature other than the Asgardians...

Thinking of this, Amora couldn't help but raise her head slightly, revealing her slender neck like a swan, her green eyes fixedly looking at the surveillance camera above the cage, and the corners of her mouth twitched.

she knows,

On the other side of the surveillance camera, the man who beat him is looking at himself...

. . .

At the same time, it is located in the bridge area on the third floor.

"Shhh!" Leon tapped on the tabletop of the round table and turned off the surveillance screen in the detention area.

Amora's eyes and that meaningful smile made his head hurt.

He could see the meaning behind that smile - this thing, it's not over!

To be missed by an extremely beautiful woman is a good thing for every man.

However, when this woman was the enemy of the enemy camp, and she was also a strong Asgard division, Leon couldn't help laughing.

He was not afraid of what Amora would do to him, but he was afraid that she would do something to the people around him!

You know, she is the legendary charm witch...


A low shout made Leon suddenly come back to his senses.

Looking up, Leon saw Steve sitting on his left and cast a concerned look.

"Are you OK?"

Temporarily suppressing his inner thoughts, Leon shook his head and smiled back, "It's okay, just a little distracted."

Some unnatural reactions, Steve saw in his eyes, but there was a slight misunderstanding.

He patted Leon's shoulder lightly and comforted:

"It's not your fault that Loki ran away, don't blame yourself too much..."

Leon was stunned for a moment, but did not explain, but nodded slightly, indicating that he knew.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the bridge area is a little heavy.

Perhaps it was not long after the battle was over, and the smell of battle still lingered in the air; or it was because the impact of this sudden battle was impressive...

There were only four people sitting on the seats around the round table. Lyon, Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, and Thor.

Several people just sat there without saying a word.

In front of the round table, Fury, dressed in black, had a deep awe written on his face.

"Loki escaped with a scepter, the whereabouts of the Rubik's cube are unknown, the engine of the mothership was damaged, and even Banner was lost. Our situation is not very optimistic."

"And, in this battle, the men I lost..."

Speaking of which, Fury couldn't help but pause, "Hill!"

Hearing this, Hill, who was standing not far behind Fury, took a step forward, holding a smart tablet, and said solemnly:

"According to statistics, we lost 165 SHIELD agents in this battle. Among them, almost all of the special forces were killed, and only two mentally normal members were slightly injured..."

Listening to the number of casualties reported from Hill's mouth, I don't know when, the expressionless Leon, the fists under the table, were already clenched tightly.

The faces of Thor, Stark, Steve and others also showed a bit of sadness. They are all very sorry for the deaths of these strangers.

Among them, Leon was particularly impressed.

Among these people, some are comrades who fought alongside him, and some are colleagues who can be named...

Even if it is not very close, Leon never thinks that these people should die in such a suffocating battle!

They are going to die, and they should die on the battlefield to protect world peace, not as a controlled puppet, with a gun pointed at their own people, die!

"Perhaps, I brought this situation on my own."

At this time, Fury once again attracted the attention of several people with an inaudible voice.

"Yes, we want to use the Cosmic Rubik's Cube to make weapons. However, I have never put all my chips on this matter."

"Because, I have an even bolder plan!"

As Fury paced slowly around the round table, he continued:

"I have an idea, Stark also knows, called the Avengers plan."

"The plan is to bring together some people with extraordinary abilities to see if the team they form can play a more powerful role; see if they can fight side by side in critical moments to win those wars that we can never win. …”

"Although we paid a heavy price in this battle. However, at least I have firmed up my previous thoughts..."

Fury's eyes gradually became sharp, and his tone was unprecedentedly pleading:

"Once the alien army under Loki is allowed to invade the earth, then the earth will become a battlefield for life!"

"And now, all we can rely on is everyone here!"

"In order not to let those who died sacrifice in vain, and for the tragedy not to repeat itself, I hope that you can unite, find Loki, and let him do what he does..."

"Pay the price!"

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