I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 249: When something goes wrong, there must be a demon

It's hard to say how much of Fury's words were motivating.

However, at least the few people present began to turn their heads and start thinking.

Thinking is a good start...

Rather than dwell on the grief of the past, think about how on earth can stop Loki.

After Fury and Hill took the opportunity to leave the bridge area, only the four of Leon were left, still sitting there.

After a silence, Stark suddenly got up and said to the crowd:

"Although what he said has some truth. However, I will not take orders from Fury and be his gun."

While speaking, he inadvertently glanced at Leon who was sitting beside him.

Leon also felt his strong dissatisfaction with Fury from Stark's eyes.

However, without waiting for Leon to express his position, Steve, who had a resolute expression, was the first to speak:

"The same is true for me. He is also responsible for the crimes committed by Loki. However, we can put those problems aside for now. The most urgent task is to find a way to find the whereabouts of Loki and the Rubik's Cube."

"Steve is right. Anyway, I came to Earth from far away Asgard to end Loki's plans. Time waits for no one, we should focus on this..." Sitting aside , Thor, with his arms on his chest, also agreed.

Seeing that Steve and Thor both expressed their opinions, Stark, who was the core of the team, couldn't help but turn his attention to Leon, who said nothing.

"Leon, what do you think?"

In the face of Stark's inquiry, Leon did not express his position on Fury's approach, but he said:

"I'm going to chat with the woman in the detention area. See if I can get some information out of her mouth..."

Stark took a deep look at Leon, suddenly showed a smile, shrugged, and joked:

"Go, Tiger..."

At that moment, although Leon didn't know what Stark was thinking, he vaguely felt that Stark's trust in him had deepened a bit.


In his eyes, Leon and Fury are not the same kind of people...

. . .

in an isolated room.

"Natasha? Why am I here? How did you get him out?"

Clint Barton, who had just recovered from mind control, couldn't help asking when he saw the red-haired woman sitting beside the bed.

Hearing this, Natasha was slightly shocked, and then replied softly:

"Cognitive recalibration, commonly known as knocking the brain!"

It sounds like this process is very random.

However, judging from the slight wound on Natasha's forehead, it can be seen that it is not as simple as she said to wake Hawkeye from the controlled state...

"Sorry, I just told you..."

"Don't! It's not your fault, you were just controlled by Loki without knowing what magic he used..."

"Loki...where is he?"

Before Natasha could answer, a familiar voice suddenly sounded at the door.

"He ran away!"

Hearing this, Natasha and Clint couldn't help but look towards the door together.

When the two of them saw the man standing at the door, they both showed a reassuring smile.

The pure black tight-fitting battle uniform, the short brown hair, and the handsome face that makes people feel good when he smiles...

It's Lyon!

After leaving the bridge area, Leon did not go to the detention area immediately, but went to the room where Hawkeye was, and wanted to check the recovery of Hawkeye.

Now, seeing Clint who was out of control, Leon was also secretly relieved.

"Hey man, how are you feeling?"

"Fortunately, at least it's much better than the last time we met." Halfway through the sentence, Clint suddenly asked, as if he had remembered something, "By the way, you said just now that Loki ran away, yes what happened?"

"Oh, you said that..."

Next, Leon briefly explained to Clint what happened in the detention area.

As soon as the voice fell, Natasha frowned slightly and asked Clint:

"Do you know where he went? Or where is the Rubik's Cube?"

"It's not my turn to be more concerned, and I didn't ask too much."

Turning over and getting out of bed, Clint, whose face was a little tired, picked up a glass of water on the table beside the bed, took a sip, and then said, "However, I know that he will act soon..."

"Just today!"

Hearing this, Natasha glanced at Leon, who was beside him, and said solemnly, "We must stop him!"

Seeing the firm eyes that Natasha and Clint cast towards him at the same time, Leon pursed his lips tightly and nodded:

"Yes, we will definitely..."

. . .

After staying in the room for a while, after confirming that Brother Hawkeye's condition had returned to normal, Leon said goodbye to the two and came to the detention area.

When Amora, who was standing in the cage, saw Leon again, her first reaction was not anger or surprise, but joy.

She knew that once Loki escaped, these Midgards would definitely find a way to get Loki's information from their own mouths.

I just didn't expect that the person who came to "interrogate" him was exactly the person he wanted to see the most.

"We meet again, Leon Coulson..."

A soft and heart-warming voice, gently spit out from Amora's lips, made people feel the urge to embrace her at all costs.

However, this move was of no use to Leon, who was immune to charm and mind control.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, I need all the information in your mind about Loki's plan. If you cooperate, maybe we will save you a few years in prison..."

Leon's tough attitude didn't surprise Amora too much.

Getting up from the bench, writhing in a graceful figure, Amora walked to the glass of the cage, looked up and down Leon with a smile, and then said:

"Okay, no problem!"

Hearing Amora's answer, Leon couldn't help but frowned.

This development, something is not right...

From the beginning, Leon did not pin all his hopes on Amora.

Anyway, he had long known that Loki was going to use the Ark reactor that powered the building to heat the Rubik's cube to more than 100 million degrees at the top of the Stark Building, thereby opening the portal.

He said to talk to Amora and get information, just to find an excuse.

This is why, as soon as he comes up, he acts so tough.

What surprised him was that Amora agreed to him so easily.

When things go wrong, there must be demons!

However, without waiting for Leon to speculate about Amora's intentions, her next words made Leon concentrate again.

"However, I have one condition!"

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