I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 263 Favorable point

"Despite the ravages of the city, the heroic feat of the Avengers squad in what has proven to be an alien invasion is more than a consolation for many..."

"It's great to know they exist, someone is watching over us..."

"According to expert statistics, the damage to New York caused by this war, which lasted only one and a half hours, is simply enormous..."

"There are superheroes in New York? Are you kidding me?"

Leon, who was sitting in front of the TV, held the remote control and kept changing the TV channel. However, news about the Battle of New York still dominates almost all TV, Internet, and radio channels.

In the end, with a "swoosh", Leon turned off the TV.

Throwing it away, he threw the remote control onto the bed, and leaned back, Leon lay down on the big soft bed, and closed his eyes tiredly.

That earth-shattering battle had only passed for less than 8 hours. The scenes of the war still haunted his mind, lingering.

After seeing off Thor, Leon took Natasha to a restaurant that Stark had already reserved, where he reunited with the rest of the Avengers, and spent a peaceful and comfortable dinner time together.

Of course, they also tasted the kebab that Stark was thinking of...

After that, after taking Natasha home, Leon, who was physically and mentally exhausted, also drove back to the "Lion" manor on Long Island.

The manor is still as usual, so peaceful and calm, like a paradise isolated from the world. Compared with Manhattan, which is full of rubble, it is simply the difference between extremes.

Perhaps, a drink and a peck, only cause and effect.

If it weren't for Lyon's efforts to resist the invading Chitauris in the Battle of New York, they would not have allowed them to expand the battlefield and spread to the whole of New York.

Perhaps the manor on Long Island will also be reduced to a messy ruin in this catastrophe...

Lying on the bed for a while, as if remembering something, Leon suddenly opened his eyes.

"Yeah, there's that..."

In the murmur, Leon lowered his mind and entered the system.

Click on the [Tasks] panel and enter the [Completed Tasks] column, and Leon quickly saw the main quest that was released five years late:

[Task Name: Battle of New York (Main Line)]

[Task content: This is a war that is about to break out! Do your best to win this war, it's your only choice! 】

[Task Status: Completed ((70%/100%))]

[Task reward: 200,000 experience]

Although he did not use a nuclear bomb to blow all the Chitarians back to the boundless universe, Leon at least closed the portal ahead of time, and made an indelible contribution in the war.

Therefore, 70% of the task completion is very reasonable.

However, the experience of as many as 200,000 made Leon excited all of a sudden.

Two hundred thousand!

This is a huge sum of money that can allow him to learn two [Epic]-level skills, and his combat power will skyrocket!

However, before he could decide whether to learn two epic skills, or to accumulate experience and sprint towards the legendary skills, a mechanical voice interrupted him:

【Ding! It is detected that the host meets the system upgrade requirements, and the forced upgrade is performed immediately! 】

"What the hell?!"

In the [System] interface that popped up temporarily, there was no option for Leon to choose whether to upgrade. This time the system upgrade is no longer a manual upgrade like the last system upgrade, but a mandatory upgrade!

Not only that, the upgrade time is much faster than the last time:

"The upgrade is in progress, there are still 4 minutes and 58 seconds until the upgrade is completed..."

The upgrade time is only a short five minutes!

As if thinking of something, Leon's expression couldn't help changing, and he immediately opened the [Character] panel and looked at the [Experience] column.

When he saw the moment from "200000" to "0\

,"As if he was hit by a falling thunder, the whole person was stunned.

With the 200,000 experience he just got, he flew away before he could warm up!

For a time, a huge sense of gap came to his heart, so Leon could only lie on the bed with a dazed face, staring at the ceiling with his eyes blankly, and murmured unconsciously:

"200,000 experience, just gone..."

"It's gone..."



Five minutes later...

【Ding! System upgrade is complete! 】

With this somewhat cold reminder, Leon barely cheered up and began to study the changes after the system upgrade.

Opened the [System] panel and searched several times, but Leon didn't find any unlocked new functions.

This made him frown, feeling that something was not right.

Finally, after careful observation, he finally found the changes that occurred after the upgrade.

It's still the [Character] panel, and the [Experience] column that made him cry without tears five minutes ago.

It's just that the word "experience" at this time has become the word "favorable point" at some point.

"This is the new change brought about by the system upgrade?!"

Feel better? What is that stuff?

Just when Leon showed the appearance of a black question mark, the system began to explain to him in a cold mechanical voice very understandingly:

[This is for the better growth of the host, and it is easier to obtain the upgrade of powerful skills. Favorite point, as everything. The ways to get it are also more extensive. In addition to completing the tasks released by the system, as long as it is an action that can increase the favorability, you can get favorability points, such as saving the world, preventing crime, helping grandma to cross the road, etc. Depending on the impact of the matter and the degree of favorability raised, the favorability points obtained will also vary. 】

The very humanized explanation made it easy for Leon to understand the benefits this upgrade brought him.

In short, it is the "experience" used to learn skills. In addition to changing the name, there are other ways to obtain it.

This is good news for Lyon.

After all, for a long time, he had no other source of experience other than completing the tasks issued by the system.

Although the task release frequency is still high, the experience income is still growing steadily. However, as the enemy becomes stronger and stronger, the skill level that Leon can learn is getting higher and higher, and the experience required is also increasing.

An [Epic] level skill also needs to be saved for half a year before it can be learned.

What about the more enhanced [Legendary] skills?

Five years? Six years?

When he slowly accumulated experience and learned the first legendary skill, Thanos may have snapped his fingers several times...

That shit!

Therefore, when he thought of the steady stream of good points in the future, Leon swept away the haze of "200,000 experience disappears instantly" just now, and his mood suddenly improved.

However, he did not expect that this was only the first surprise of the system...

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