I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

More after twelve o'clock!

The next day, Leon got up early from the soft bed.

After a simple wash, he bit into a homemade sandwich and hurried out the door.

He lives in a single apartment in Queens, New York.

This is the place where S.H.I.E.L.D. arranged for him.

Although it is not big, it has all the internal organs and everything it should have.

In particular, the private garage on the first floor of the apartment allows Lyon, a young man with a special occupation, to properly arrange his equipment and transportation.

As the second day of joining S.H.I.E.L.D., Lyon plans to drive to Washington today.

There are two reasons for running to Washington, which is more than 300 kilometers away:

One is to go to the Trident headquarters and hand in the report of yesterday's mission; the other is to find a place to test the extraordinary skills that you have just learned.

That's right, before separating from Hawkeye last night, Leon gritted his teeth and learned Hawkeye's extraordinary skill [Sensitive Senses]!

At that time, as the ten thousand experience dissipated, the purple light ball on Hawkeye's body, like a supernova explosion, turned into small stars, and then slowly entered Leon's body.

At that moment, Leon immediately felt a huge change in his senses:

Better hearing, can hear the whispers of tenants upstairs through the ceiling; stronger dynamic vision, even able to capture the rapid movement of a fly's wings; more sensitive to smell, even selling Mexican corn a block away You can smell the cake too.

The whole world seems to suddenly open up!

Leon felt that if he had another fight with Hawkeye, he might be able to defeat the opponent by relying on the fighting skills of various genres in one!

Of course, proper concealment of strength is still necessary.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain why his reaction suddenly became so sensitive. . .

However, Leon, who had just acquired extraordinary skills, could not resist the urge in his heart to find a place to try his extraordinary skills.

Just in time, the Trident headquarters sent a message to Clint Barton, asking him to send someone to the Trident headquarters to hand in the mission report.

From Lyon's point of view, it was like being sleepy and someone put a pillow right away.


Going to the Trident Sightseeing and testing out your extraordinary skills by the way is like killing two birds with one stone!

Therefore, this task was taken over by Leon who volunteered.

In this way, he drove a 20th birthday present from Uncle Phil, a newly listed silver Yamaha FZ-6N, and drove all the way to Washington, the capital of America.

. . .

hours later.

When Lyon took his agent badge, passed the checkpoints, and parked the motorcycle in the open-air parking lot, what he saw was a uniquely designed but majestic conjoined building.

"Is this the Trident Building?"

Trident (), is the largest headquarters of SHIELD and the heart of SHIELD.

The entire Trident Building is located on an island in the middle of the Potomac River in Washington, D.C.

The island covers an area of ​​about one square kilometer, all of which belong to S.H.I.E.L.D.

I don't know if it was the first time I came to the Trident headquarters, but Leon always felt that everything here looked very fresh.

However, the scattered plants and road monitoring with a sense of technology seem to be saying to every guy who wants to do things here: "Hey! Be careful! This is the site of SHIELD!"

Of course, Leon, the new Aegis, didn't care too much, and just silently observed the surrounding environment.

Although it was the first time I came to Trident headquarters, I didn't know where to go. However, Leon is not a fool, so just ask!

After asking a few passers-by of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the road, Leon quickly came to the main entrance of the Trident headquarters building.

He took out his agent badge, swiped on the detector of the gate, and the automatic gate was immediately opened.

As soon as he stepped into the building, Leon found his outfit, which seemed to be out of tune with the people here.

It was the spring season, he just put on a thin windbreaker over a white T-shirt, looking like a tourist coming and going.

It was in stark contrast to the surrounding staff who were wearing formal attire and hurried.

As the public headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the headquarters with the strongest defense, almost one-third of the entire S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters work in the Trident headquarters!

However, this does not mean that all the agents working in S.H.I.E.L.D. are agents like Leon and Hawkeye.

Scientific researchers, logisticians, and even ordinary electricians and cleaners are all dedicated to doing their part in this huge building.

With the support of hundreds of thousands of people and decades of development, S.H.I.E.L.D. has truly become the shadow of the world, the most mysterious but most powerful intelligence agency.

And now, Lyon has become one of them. . .

Lyon, however, was not too excited.

He was thinking about it now. After turning in the report quickly, he would find a shooting range and test the extraordinary skills he had learned from Hawkeye.

Can his sensitive senses allow his shooting skills to hit a hundred shots?

He was very much looking forward to it.

Facing a few glances mixed with various meanings, Leon leisurely came to the consultation office and showed a charming smile to the lady at the front desk, "Hello, I'm Agent Leon, how can I get to the Intelligence Department?"

The black-haired lady was fascinated by his smile. She pointed to the direction of two o'clock in a dazed way, and replied subconsciously, "Huh? Go over there and take the elevator. It's on the 8th floor."

"OK, thanks."

After speaking, with a beautiful turn, Leon took his long legs and walked towards the elevator.

And all of this was seen by a brown-haired beauty who was standing on the second-floor aisle, leaning against the glass guardrail. . .

Leon came to the Intelligence Department and handed in the detailed report on yesterday's mission, and immediately turned around and left under the curious eyes of the Intelligence Department.

The brisk pace and the faint smile on his face all described Leon's inner feelings at this time.

He can't wait to go to the shooting range to see how this [Sensitive Senses] skill can make his reaction speed and shooting accuracy reach!

After pressing the button of the elevator, it didn't take long for him to arrive at the underground shooting range.

There are not many people in the shooting range. There are more than ten shooting windows, and only five or six people are practicing.

After showing his credentials, Leon picked out a Glock 17, found the nearest shooting window, put on goggles and earmuffs, and started shooting!

Bang bang bang. . .

The gunshots continued without stopping.

In just a few seconds, Leon directly poured out all 18 bullets in a magazine!

Taking off the earmuffs and putting down the pistol, Leon looked at the target that was moving towards him, and an arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

18 guns, all within the ten rings!

Just as Leon was intoxicated with his divinely accurate marksmanship, a cold female voice sounded behind him:

"As expected of the strongest newcomer..."

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