I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 265 Charity Fund


The wide curtains were slammed open, and the morning light that penetrated through the window filled the carpet beside the bed.


A slender figure stood beside the bed and called softly.

Seeing that the man under the sheet didn't respond, and still closed his eyes, Colleen Wen couldn't help but smile.

let him sleep a little longer...

With this thought in mind, Colleen Wen just turned around and was about to leave the bedroom lightly, but she didn't expect that a lazy voice suddenly sounded from behind her:

"How did you come?"

When Colleen turned her head, what she saw was a smiling face.

Ten minutes later...

When Leon, who had washed up and changed into casual clothes, sat on the seat in the dining room and looked at the table full of rich breakfast, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows and then looked at Colleen who was sitting opposite.

"You did all this?"

Colleen, who hadn't seen her for a long time, looked a little taller again. Perhaps because of the hard training of SHIELD, the baby fat on the face also faded a little without knowing it...

Perhaps because of the mixed blood, the girl in the flowering season has the beauty of the East and the West at the same time, which makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Being a little embarrassed by Leon's gaze, Colleen turned her head slightly and said proudly:

"Yes, my cooking skills have improved a lot..."

"Suddenly came back and made me such a table of breakfast. Could it be that the sun has risen from the west?"

Leon's teasing did not make Colleen feel shy, but aroused the little girl's temper.

"Cut! If it wasn't for seeing how tired you were yesterday trying to save the world, I wouldn't have come back, wake you up, and make you breakfast..."

"Didn't I tell you on the phone, I'm fine, don't worry..."

Before Leon could finish speaking, Colleen interrupted him.

"Is there anything, I only see it!"

After a pause, Colleen looked Leon up and down, and found that he was in good spirits, with his bare skin, except for some scratches, there were no wounds, and he was relieved.

"Well... Judging from your appearance, it should be fine."

Looking at Colleen who was worried about himself, Leon felt as if a bright sunlight hit his heart, warm.

"Then can I taste your breakfast now?"

"Try this first..."

After a warm breakfast time, Lyon left behind Colleen, who insisted on washing the dishes, and came to the living room with a cup of coffee.

When Colleen finally finished washing the dishes and walked down the long corridor to the living room, she saw a solemn Leon sitting on the sofa, holding the remote control, watching TV intently.

Out of curiosity, she couldn't help but look in the direction of the TV.

On the TV, what is playing is the current situation in Manhattan.

"This is WhiH News Front, I'm Robin..."

"Where I'm standing now is Manhattan..."

On the TV, a black-haired female anchor is holding a microphone, standing in the ruins, not far behind is the once "crossroads of the world" - Times Square!

The battle for New York, which affected the whole world, finally came to an end.

The rest is disaster relief, debris removal and reconstruction. This will be a very long process, and it is very likely that all the debris will not be cleaned up in a few years.

The entire Manhattan, be it roads, tunnels, or bridges, was under military control. Countless ships, vehicles, and planes responsible for disaster relief,

All of them entered Manhattan Island continuously, and began to clean up the ruined Manhattan after the war.

Manhattan under the ruins has become a desolate cemetery...

On the TV, with the movement of the camera, the heart-wrenching scenes made Colleen, who was sitting beside Leon, clutching his cuff tightly.

Especially when the camera swept to some citizens who were cleaning up their dilapidated shops, looking gloomy and gloomy, the expression on Colleen's face couldn't help but turn a lot darker.

"Lyon, you said that these people's shops have been damaged by aliens, so they can't do business, how can they support themselves and their families? And those people whose houses have been destroyed and can't live in, what? manage?"


In the face of Colleen's question, Leon suddenly didn't know how to answer.

Before Leon could answer, Colleen suddenly grabbed his arm, as if thinking of something, and looked at Leon with those hopeful eyes:

"By the way, can we go and help them? Or give them some money or something?"

Colleen's words made Leon fall into contemplation...

Originally, Leon thought that his duty was over the moment he closed the portal.

As for the finishing work after the war, it was not his turn to worry about it.

However, when he saw the reports on TV and Colleen's appearance, for some reason, Leon suddenly had the urge to do something for the victims of this war!

After all, the reason why this war caused this, from a certain point of view, he also has a certain responsibility.

You can't just pat your butt and leave...

Thinking of this, Leon had a flash of inspiration and suddenly thought of a good idea.

"Perhaps, we can set up a charitable fund..."

"Charity Fund? What is that?"

Colleen looked at Leon with a puzzled expression, not sure what he meant.

"Well... Simply put, it's an organization that helps others for free."

While explaining the role of charitable funds to Colleen, Leon turned his head and explored the feasibility of this idea in his mind.

All you need to set up a charitable fund is enough money and government support.

Exactly, Lyon has both!

The more Leon thought about it, the more he felt that the idea of ​​"establishing a charitable fund" was simply a good idea to kill two birds with one stone!

On the one hand, it can help people who lost their relatives and families in this war to do their part; on the other hand, it can also use this kindness to rub the favor of the people and gain favor points.

While helping others, you can also gain favor points, why not do it? !

Do it when you think of it.

While Colleen was watching TV, Leon immediately picked up the phone and called Bo Tu, who was having breakfast.

Bo Tu originally thought that Leon called to make himself do something bad. Unexpectedly, when Leon came up, he asked him to set up a charity fund in the name of "Nirvana" group!

Although there are some doubts, after seeing Lyon's fighting power in the Battle of New York, Bo Tu's attitude towards him is even more respectful.

Without asking why, he answered directly:

"I understand, I'll send someone to do it right away."

In this way, a charitable fund that will provide Lyon with a steady stream of goodwill points in the future was born!

:. :

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