Before the charitable fund was actually implemented, Lyon received a steady stream of favor points from other places...

The Avengers superhero team, in the battle of New York, made a big splash and was known to the whole world.

Among them, Tony Stark, the billionaire who has appeared all day and appeared on the covers of various magazines, is naturally the most famous one.

The second is to count Captain America with a shield and rescue civilians everywhere, and Xu Jin with a red cape and a hammer to summon thunder and lightning... No, Thor.

As for the Hulk who smashed things everywhere, although he is also loved by the public, there is a little bit of fear mixed in the complex feelings.

The S.H.I.E.L.D. trio, because their job is an agent who needs to hide their identity, therefore, under the strong request of Fury, major TV stations and news newspapers did not disclose too much information to the public.

Except for a few vague photos, the public's impression of the three people only stays on the code names of the three people:

"Black Widow", "Hawkeye" and "Black Blade"!

That's right, because of the "scavenger" code name, it's a bit unremarkable and has no superhero features. Therefore, when the public analyzed the members of the Avengers, a famous TV host directly put the code name "Black Blade (e)" on Leon!

This name has been widely recognized by the public.

Who told him to hold a long sword that was as black as ink when he was fighting...

In the war, because Lyon was like a firefighter, he cleared the troops everywhere and saved many trapped civilians. Therefore, his image is more three-dimensional than Hawkeye and Black Widow:

A handsome brown-haired guy with a black katana(?)!

No way, for blind Americans, even if they have seen each other's photos, it is difficult to recognize that the person standing in front of them is the person in the photo.

Most of the time, people are identified by their hair color.

For example, Black Widow is a beautiful red-haired beauty, Thor is a burly man with blond hair...

At first glance, the most obvious appearance features often become the initial impression.

In any case, it is precisely because of the great contribution made in this war that on the fifth day after the end of the Battle of New York, the "Black Blade", that is, Lyon, who was gratefully received by the people of New York, finally began to soar!

Favors from Claire Elney, +15, +1, +1…

Favor from Anishal Erickson, +35, +1, +1…

Favors from Arya Molina, +258, +1, +1…

Looking at the constantly refreshed information in the panel prompted by the system, as well as the slowly beating favor points, the corners of Leon's mouth rose wildly.

In the Battle of New York, those who were indirectly and directly helped by Leon had a good impression of Leon.

Although the favor points provided by each person are not many. However, I can't stand the crowd!

At the beginning, Leon also checked with interest one by one, who provided him with favor points. However, he gave up when the speed of his own checking was a little slower than the speed at which the system information was refreshed.




Looking at the numbers displayed in the [Favorable Points] column,

It kept jumping up until it broke the 40,000 mark, and then it started to slow down gradually.

Leon, who finally had more money in his hand, immediately clicked on Luke Cage's skill list and learned the long-coveted [Super Strength (Extraordinary)].

This skill can strengthen his muscle tissue and bone density, and has the super strength that he can lift about 25 tons and use his fist to penetrate a 4-inch (about 0.1 meter) thick steel plate.

Of course, compared to the Hulk, who was able to conquer the ten clubs with one force, his strength was not enough to look at at all.

However, this skill is enough to make Lyon's physical fitness go a step further...

Just when Leon was thinking about whether to learn any more skills, a phone call interrupted his thoughts.

The caller was a little surprised.


"Hey! It's me, where are you?"

From the other side of the phone, it was Stark's frivolous voice with a hint of unruly.

What is the playboy looking for?

Wrinkling his brows, Leon muttered inwardly, while responding:

"I'm at home, what's wrong?"

"Exactly, you come to Stark Building now..."


As soon as the voice fell, Stark hung up the phone before Leon could answer.

Lyon, who was completely puzzled by Stark's actions, had to change his clothes, came to the garage, drove his Lamborghini, and galloped away...

Twenty minutes later, Lyon drove across the Manhattan Bridge and into the newly de-milited Manhattan Island.

In the car, Leon saw from a distance the battered Stark Building with only an "A" left, hanging alone on the surface, like a standing giant, very eye-catching.

With a "bang", he closed the car door and Leon walked into the private elevator in the parking lot to the top floor of the building.

As soon as the elevator opened, Leon saw the scene that caused 10,000 hits to his single dog:

I saw Stark hugging his girlfriend, Pepper, and standing there, looking like he was grinding his ears.

"Hey! You called me here just to show me this?!"

Leon stood in the elevator, spreading his hands, with a "you're teasing me" expression on his face.

On the other side, seeing the person coming, Little Pepper couldn't help but smile, waved to Leon, and said:

"Leon, you're here just in time!"

At this time, Lyon noticed that the entire top-floor mansion had become a construction site.

Looking at the scattered building materials, lights, ladders and other tools, Leon couldn't help raising his eyebrows, walking towards the two of them, and asked aloud:

"Are you planning to redecorate?"

However, in the face of Lyon's inquiry, the little pepper in a women's suit did not answer, but walked to the table next to him, picked up the stack of documents on the table, and said casually:

"The company is in a hurry and needs me to deal with it. As for your question, Tony will answer you."


Before Leon could react, Little Pepper stepped on high heels and walked into the elevator.

Before leaving, she also waved to Leon and said with a smile, "You guys have fun..."

Watching the elevator door close, Leon turned his head, looked at Stark, and said angrily:

"Tell me, when does this party start? I don't know if I can come..."

Hearing this, Stark rolled his eyes, spread his hands, and looked helpless.

"In your eyes, am I the kind of person who just thinks about having a party all day?"

Leon didn't hesitate or even thought about this question, and nodded directly.


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