I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 267 Avengers Building

Jokes and jokes about each other is the way Leon and Stark get along.

As soon as they meet, they have to fight with each other before they are willing to give up.

Judging from Stark's momentary speechlessness, it is clear that Lyon has a slight edge in this confrontation...

"Stop talking about this, I called you over this time to show you this..."

Following Stark's fingers, Leon's eyes moved to the virtual projection suspended on the table.

It was a three-dimensional projection model of a building, which looked very similar to the Stark Building at the foot of Lyon.

Leon frowned slightly and hesitated:

"Is this the Stark Building?"

"Yes, and no."

Stark showed a proud look, turned the entire three-dimensional building model with his fingers, turned the side with the prominent "A" large letter, facing Leon, and then said:

"This will be the headquarters of the Avengers - the Avengers Building!"

"Avengers Building?!"

Leon glanced at the letter "A" on the three-dimensional projection model, and couldn't help but think about it.

"That's a good idea..."

"Yeah, I knew you'd think this was a great idea!"

As soon as the words fell, Stark, who seemed to have found his confidant, stretched out his palm and gave Leon a friendly high five.

Then, he stretched out his hand and pulled down, and the stereoscopic projection of the entire building disappeared instantly.

Afterwards, Stark, who was in high spirits, operated on the virtual light curtain on the desktop.

While calling out the structural drawings of the building one by one, he introduced to Leon:

"This is the tarmac, where our Avengers can be parked..."

"This is the equipment room..."

"Look, I also reserved a room for everyone."

Having said this, Stark suddenly paused, glanced at Leon from the corner of his eye, and said with some meaning:

"However, you, the big boss of the Nirvana Group, are not short of my room, right?"

Stark knew that Leon was the master of the Nirvana group. Lyon was not surprised by this.

Nirvana Pharmaceuticals and the Osborne Group jointly sold the new drug "Shafwad", which once occupied various pages in the United States before the Battle of New York.

Especially after the listing, the terrible sales have become the focus of major media attention.

Even if the directions of Stark Industries and Osborne Group do not overlap, they cannot constitute competitors. However, curiosity still prompted Stark to send someone to investigate Nirvana Pharmaceuticals and the owner behind it.

It doesn't matter if you check it, you'll be shocked when you check it.

Nirvana Pharmaceuticals is just a medium-sized pharmaceutical company that was acquired not long ago, and the entire company is just a subsidiary of a huge group called "Nirvana".

And the owner of Nirvana Group is the young man in front of him!

Hearing Stark's obviously dissatisfied tone, Leon raised his mouth slightly, spread his hands, and deliberately showed a tugging look:

"No way, who told me to be so talented in running a company in addition to being a secret agent..."

Leon didn't say anything to explain,

Instead, Luoluo admitted it in a joking manner.

This is very much to Stark's appetite...

Hearing this, Stark rolled his eyes involuntarily, then looked at Leon with contempt and protested:

"Hey! You know, standing in front of you is the youngest billionaire in history..."

During the conversation, the two of them had a tacit understanding and exposed the sensitive topic just now.

After a few words with Leon, Stark suddenly asked Leon as if he had thought of something:

"I want to ask you, in the end, which one is the main business and which is the side business?"

Leon did not answer this question, but tilted his head slightly, stared at Stark's slightly obvious picture, and asked:

"What about you? Is being a superhero to save the world your main business, or a hobby?"

Stark was stunned for a moment, then gradually restrained the smile on his face, and whispered:

"That's a good question. But when I figure it out another day, I'll tell you, Socrates..."

The two chatted, and soon they chatted about the Avengers team.

How does a team of superheroes work together to maximize their energy and protect the world?

Does this Avengers Alliance belong to S.H.I.E.L.D., the World Security Council, or to the entire human race, or to them, the Avengers?

What is the purpose of this team? What are the responsibilities?

These difficult questions have been lingering in Stark's mind since the Battle of New York.

He has always wanted to find someone to discuss it with.

And the first name that comes to mind is not Bruce Banner, who has a common language with him in science; nor is it Steve Rogers, who has always been praised by his father, but Leon Coe, who is standing in front of him. Elson!

In the interaction with Leon, Stark felt that this is a person who, like himself, has a very realistic and rational way of thinking except for idealization.

This is also the reason why he will tell Leon the good news of the Avengers headquarters as soon as possible.

In a sense, this is Stark's trust in Lyon.

Walking to the bar on the side, Stark took out a whisky and raised his head towards Lei, "Have a drink?"

Spreading his hands, Leon shrugged slightly, "Why not..."

The two sat down at the bar and chatted while tasting wine.

Picking up the whisky in his hand and taking a sip, Stark gave a slight pause, and suddenly said:

"The Avengers, not Fury, nor the guns of S.H.I.E.L.D. What we do should be judged by ourselves, not by any government or the Security Council..."

Hearing the firmness in Stark's tone, Leon also took a sip of whiskey and nodded in agreement:

"It makes sense. Although I am a member of S.H.I.E.L.D., I also know that the original intention of S.H.I.E.L.D. was to protect human beings from those unknown things. However, once the system of an organization is expanded, it is easy to have problems. ."

"The Avengers should be an independent team!"

"However, you and I both know that the world will not tolerate us, such a threatening team that is at the same time completely uncontrolled or supervised."

"So, we have to work hard to fight for such power for ourselves!"

Looking at the excited Stark, Leon felt a little like another world.

You know, after the Ultron incident, it was this man who led the signing of the Sokovia Agreement, which was born to supervise the Avengers...

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