I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 269 Insight Plan

It is still in an ancient castle on the outskirts of the capital of Sokovia, in a large study room decorated in Renaissance style.

The four chiefs of Hydra, members of the Security Council Malik, Baron von Strucker, SHIELD Security Minister Pierce, and "Viper" Ophelia were all present.

However, the atmosphere in the study room was inexplicably heavy.

Except for Ophelia who was sitting on the seat, playing with the ends of her hair, and seemed to be distracted, the other three looked somewhat solemn.

The silence lasted for a long time, and finally, Malik, who was still sitting in the main seat, broke the delicate atmosphere.

"This time, with the help of those avengers, we won the war between humans and alien creatures. However, their existence is still the biggest obstacle to our great cause."

"Ophelia, how's the progress on your side?"

After hearing Malik's name, Ophelia, who had been outside the entire small team, stopped what she was doing and replied:

"It's going well. I have had initial contact with him. His attitude is a little ambiguous. However, I always have a feeling that he seems to know my identity. I feel that I need more time... "

From the words, it could be heard that Ophelia was very afraid of the "him" she spoke of.

"Leon Coulson, this man is the most critical part of our understanding of the Avengers. We must keep an eye on him. If there is any trouble, let us know immediately, understand?"

Hearing this, Ophelia twitched the corners of her mouth slightly, pursed her pink lips invisibly, and then replied expressionlessly, "Understood."

Malik, who presided over the meeting, did not care about Ophelia's slight changes, but looked around the crowd and continued in a low and dignified voice:

"Today's meeting is mainly for a plan submitted to the council by Nick Fury, so that you are brought together..." As soon as he finished speaking, he turned to look at Pierce, who was sitting on the left in a gray suit, and said. :

"Pierce, this project is up to you, so it's up to you to speak..."

After nodding with Malik, Alexander Pierce, the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the current Minister of Security, slowly stood up, opened his arms, and looked confident:

"Everyone, our chance is here!"

. . . . . .

At the same time, far across the ocean in Washington, Trident headquarters...

"You mean, that Asgardian woman, escaped?!"

Fury, who was sitting in the office chair, had a black face that could not help but reveal a hint of surprise.

"When did this happen?"

"Just now."

Standing upright in front of the desk, Hill, who was tall and tall, put the tablet in his hand on the table while he was talking.

Moving his gaze to the tablet, Hill's cold voice came from Fury's ears again:

"This is the surveillance video of the inside of the refrigerator at that time."

After watching the surveillance video over and over again, Fury, who frowned tightly, tapped on the tablet to turn off the video.

"According to the report of the agent on duty, there was a sudden loss of surveillance footage for about ten seconds in the cell she was in. After the surveillance was restored, she disappeared completely."

"There was no trace of how she left in the entire refrigerator."

Listening to Hill's intelligence summary, Fury lowered his head and pondered for a moment before he said solemnly:

"Perhaps, while on the mothership, she could have escaped. But she didn't do that..."

Listening to Fury's words, Hill couldn't help but think of a possibility, and his face changed, "Sir, you mean that she did it on purpose..."

Before Hill could finish her speculation, Fury interrupted her!

"Who knows what these Asgardians can do..."

"Let the war department form a special team, that Barbara Moores is quite good, let her lead the team.

Once you find her trace, you don't need to fight, just report to you, and someone will naturally deal with her. "

This person, Hill and Fury are well aware of...

Nodding his head, Hill responded, "As ordered."

After finishing this topic, Hill did not leave immediately, but still stood there with his hands behind his back.

Seeing this, Fury looked up at her slightly, and all he saw was a calm face and the corners of his mouth that were about to move.

"Anything else?"

As if he had made a decision in his heart, Hill's eyes narrowed and he said seriously:

"Sir, I think the plan you submitted may not be as easy to implement as you think..."

"Why do you say that?"

Looking at Fury who was still calm, Hill unconsciously pursed his lips and continued:

"After the battle in New York, I began to gradually understand why you were so obsessed with the Avengers plan in the first place. Although I always felt that it was a bad idea, they saved the world after all..."

"However, this insight plan may make our work easier, or maybe..."

"It will lead S.H.I.E.L.D. to another direction..."

From Hill's words, it can be heard that she has some concerns about the "Insight Plan" that Fury submitted not long ago.

Fury also knew that his adjutant's perception of himself was not very good.

According to his former boss, Pierce, Hill has submitted reports many times on the council side, most of which are criticisms of his own practices.

However, she always stood on the side of S.H.I.E.L.D. at critical moments.

That was enough for Fury to put her on the list of trusted henchmen.

Now, his confidants have doubts about their plans. As a superior, he should comfort him as he should.

After all, with Hill being so capable, Fury didn't want to lose her...

"I understand your concerns. Everything has changed since the Chitauri came to New York... Although the existence of the Avengers has saved us a lot of work. However, we are S.H.I.E.L.D., and we should be the one standing there. The front line of defense!"

"The problem of alien invasion, maybe the Avengers can solve it, but we can't leave everything to them to solve, right? You know, they are not subordinates of SHIELD and will not obey us."

"We need to do something to prevent this from happening again..."

During the speech, Fury slowly got up from the office chair, and the tone of voice was also a little bit more unknowingly:

"When a person lives in an era where gods and monsters coexist, what should he do to reflect his own value?"

"My answer is..."

"Do whatever you think is right!"

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