I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 270 Ward's Hesitation

"Your Excellency, the establishment of the charitable fund has come to an end. We plan to provide 100 million US dollars as the first batch of charitable funds, what do you think?"

"It's up to you to make up your mind. The most important thing is to ensure that these beneficiaries understand our intentions."

On the word "mind", Leon's tone was obviously a little more intense.

Hearing this, the disciple was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I will send someone to follow up."


In the huge study, Leon, who was sitting on the seat, raised his head and glanced at the disciple who was standing upright in front of him, but kept his head slightly bowed.

"How's it going with the damage control company?"

As if he had already prepared, he immediately replied: "It's very smooth. If there is no accident, you will soon be able to obtain permission from the relevant government departments."

"That's good. Once you get permission, immediately cooperate with Stark Industries to clean up alien objects. Especially the corpses and body tissues of these aliens, we have to study them in depth to see the genes of these guys, Will it allow us to develop more useful drugs..."

After giving some orders, with a wave of Leon's big hand, Bakugou left.

In fact, for these matters, Bo Tu does not need to come to the door in person to report, and can send a senior executive of the group to come here.

But he still came...

Leon knew that this was a way for the disciple to show his loyalty to himself.

Perhaps, in Botu's view, Leon's strength in all aspects made him willingly obey Leon...

Surrender to the feet of the strong is not a way of life.

This is the blood lesson Bo Tu learned from the dead Mrs. Gao, Sowanda and others.

After all, this man with a young face is not a kind person...

Not long after Bo Tu left, Leon was just about to sneak into the basement to continue adding to his mysterious plan. At this moment, an unexpected guest came to the door!

"Mr. Coulson, this is Granger. There is a Mr. Grant Ward at the door. I want to see you. May I ask..."

Hearing the words of the manor security guard, Leon's figure couldn't help but a thought came to his mind:

Ward? What is he here for?

After bowing his head and thinking for a moment, Leon roughly guessed Ward's intention, and then said:

"Let him in."


. . .

Five minutes later, in the living room on the first floor, Leon met Grant Ward, Marvel's best double agent.

The tall and straight figure, the slightly melancholy eyes, and the tightly pursed corners of the mouth, all portrayed an independent and special character who hovered on the edge of the individual and the collective.

For Leon, who already knew that Ward was a Hydra, he sympathized with Ward and understood why he became like that.

It's no surprise that a cowardly boy raised from an unfortunate home environment, raised by the ambitious Hydra of John Garrett, becomes a brilliant double agent.

To a large extent, human growth is due to the surrounding environment and the guidance of guides.

There is no doubt that John Garrett's influence on Ward was more profound than his later team members, Coulson, Fitz and others, had imagined.

However, Ward is more pure than those who are loyal to the Hydra organization, only loyal to John Garrett alone.

Everything I do is obeying John Garrett's orders...

Looking at Ward, who was looking around with some surprise on his face, Leon smiled slightly, pointed his finger to the sofa, and greeted:

"You're welcome, take a seat. What would you like to drink?"

"It will be all right."

Taking advantage of the opportunity to take a seat on the single-seat sofa, it can be seen from his sitting posture and rolling eyes that Ward is somewhat restrained.

After a while, Lyon, who was carrying two glasses of whisky from the kitchen, returned to the living room again.

"Don't you have to go on a mission today? Why are you so free to come and find me?"

The relationship between Leon and Ward seems to have improved a lot compared to the last brief glimpse at the air carrier.

From the "favorability degree: enthusiasm" above Ward's head, it can be seen...

"Oh, after the Battle of New York, the Director gave all the agents on the mothership two days off..."

"Colson told me that you moved, but I didn't expect you to move to Long Island..."

"Oh, the previous apartment was a little too small, so..."

After a few routine greetings, Leon put down the coffee table with a "bang" from the wine glass in his hand, and suddenly asked:

"By the way, you didn't come here today to visit my new home, right?"

Facing Leon's cold eyes that seemed to see through his heart, Ward trembled in his heart and did not answer immediately, but took a sip of the whisky in his glass, trying to appease the restless emotions.

After pondering for a while, Ward, who had been brewing in his heart for a long time, finally opened his mouth to tell the reason why he came to visit:

"I came today to thank you."


"Yes, last time on the air carrier..."

As Leon guessed, Ward came to thank him because he rescued him on the air carrier last time.

Of course, it is unknown whether there is an inspiration from John Garrett behind this.

After thinking about it in his mind, Leon waved his hand indifferently and interrupted Ward:

"If that's the case, you don't actually have to come in person. In that case, I just did what every SHIELD colleague would do... If it was you, I think you would go too. did, didn't it?"

This meaningful sentence made Ward stunned for a while, and then in his mind, he asked himself:

Will I?

Unfortunately, he couldn't immediately choose one of the two choices of "yes" and "no".

After hesitating, Ward did not answer directly, but said in a low magnetic voice:

"Anyway, I owe you one..."

Hearing this, Leon raised his brows, spread his hands, and shrugged: "Whatever you want..."

As soon as he finished speaking, Leon picked up the whisky on the coffee table again, as if to say to himself:

"You know what? Actually, from a certain point of view, we are very similar."

"I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. because I have an uncle who has served in S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years. And you have a supervisor who cares about you..."

Hearing Leon's meaningful words, the light in Ward's eyes flashed.

"However, I believe that you, like me, joined S.H.I.E.L.D. voluntarily, and devote yourself to protecting the world..."


Looking at the glass stopped in mid-air, Ward hesitated for a while before picking up the whisky in his hand and touching it.

"Bang!", Ward's voice, followed:


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