I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 276 Fighting in the Square

Located in the southeast of the center of Paris, not too far from the Vincennes Gate, is the location of one of the famous squares in Paris, the Place des Nations.

This square covers an area of ​​nearly 10,000 square meters, surrounded by ten boulevards leading to all directions.

This is a leisure place that Parisians like to go to very much, and it is also a place that foreign tourists must experience when visiting Paris.

In the center of the square stands a large group sculpture "Victory of the Republic" made by Yule Dalu. The sculpture is 11 meters high and uses 38 tons of copper. Dalu worked hard for 20 years to complete it, so some people jokingly call it "Slow Victory". .

The statue is very distinctive. The goddess of the Republic stands on a chariot pulled by two lions, majestic and unrestrained, waving forward, and there are nude or ** statues representing labor, justice, and peace below.

The traffic of this square is very convenient, and the huge flow of people can be regarded as a transportation hub.

Many people of all kinds come and go in this square, in a hurry...

No, a tall and thin man wearing a black hoodie and hiding his face under the hood, stepping on a hasty pace, was about to bypass the group of sculptures in the center and head towards the nearby group of sculptures. Go to the subway entrance.

However, the calm was suddenly broken!

Five black SUVs, like attacking beasts, rushed from all sides of the square towards the hooded man standing not far from the group of sculptures!

This sudden change caused many passers-by around the square to show surprised expressions.

Some women, with their eyes wide open, covered their mouths with their hands, trying hard not to let themselves be exclaimed by the scene in front of them;

And some people reminded very timely:

"Be careful!"

"Get out of the way!"


However, the hooded man seemed to be too frightened to move, but just stood there dumbfounded, motionless.

Just when the surrounding onlookers thought that the hooded man was just knocked away, the man moved!

I saw the man stretched out his hands that had been in his pockets, slammed down the edge of the statue next to him, and then pushed hard!

The next moment, under the shocked gazes, the hooded man jumped up like a high jumper!

This jump, stunned, jumped more than three meters high.


Two of the SUVs did not expect that the target that was in front of them actually "flyed" all of a sudden, and collided with each other without reacting in time!

The violent collision caused serious dents in the fronts of the two SUVs.

At this time, the hooded man who jumped up, then fell from the sky, and his feet landed steadily.

Perhaps it was the wind from the fall that blew the man's hood, exposing his face to everyone's eyes.

It was a face of indistinguishable age.

The wet blond hair was draped over his shoulders indiscriminately, covering more than half of his delicate face, revealing only the bridge of his nose and the corners of his lips tightly pursed.

Before the crowd of onlookers could clearly see where this man who could leap more than three meters was sacred, there was a "click", and the doors of the two SUVs that collided were suddenly pulled open!

The next moment, several burly men in black suits armed with automatic weapons jumped out!

Not only that, but more armed men in black suits got out of the other three SUVs and aimed their black guns at the blond man.

Seeing the bright firearms and the fierce expressions on the faces of these men, the curiosity of the onlookers in the square disappeared immediately, and they immediately turned into birds and beasts, and disappeared with a bang.

"They have guns!"

"Terrorists are attacking Paris again!"

Accompanied by all kinds of screams, the originally lively National Square suddenly turned into an empty space, with only the blond man surrounded by it, and more than a dozen black suits holding various firearms.


The surrounded blond man, facing the scene in front of him, did not have much emotional change on his face, and his face was indifferent. On the contrary, the black suits formed a fan shape, staring at each other as if they were facing a big enemy, their bodies tense.

The blond man stretched out his left hand and pushed aside the hair that was blocking his view, revealing a rather young and handsome face.

I saw him look around with those cold eyes, and then whispered:

"I just want to get out of that damn place..."

"Why do you..."

Before he could finish speaking, a man in a black suit holding a SCAR assault rifle interrupted him with a wave of his left hand:


With an order, all the black suits pulled the trigger in their hands in unison.

For a time, the gunshots were loud!

However, at the moment when the bullet flew out of the muzzle, the blond man made an unexpected move:

I saw him stretch out his right hand with lightning speed, turned into a silver-white flash, and slammed into the hood of an SUV beside him.

The next moment, with a strong pull, a whole car cover was easily removed and turned into a shield, blocking the blond man!

clang clang...

Countless barrages hit the hood, making a harsh sound.

And the blond man hiding behind the car hood could no longer suppress his inner grief and anger. For a while, his eyes widened angrily, revealing a hideous face:

"To kill them all!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blond man turned his body slightly to one side, his left leg stepped back half a step, and his right leg swung back. His full of anger turned into a violent kick and kicked the SUV beside him!

Amazing scene, again!

The black SUV weighing two tons, under the huge force of the right leg of the blond man, flew out like a child without resistance!


The entire SUV rolled in mid-air, turning into a perfect parabola, directly hitting the black suits on the right side who had no time to dodge and were full of horror.

Immediately afterwards, the offensive of the blond man struck again.

The right hand firmly grasped the car hood full of bullet holes and slammed it hard. The entire car hood was like a sharp circular saw, with the whistling sound of the wind, and easily stopped several black suits standing close to the waist. Cut off!

The next moment, blood and internal organs splashed everywhere, sprinkled on the statue not far away, adding a bit of flirtatious artistic sense to the most characteristic large-scale group sculpture "Victory of the Republic" in the entire National Square...

After this series of counterattacks, the blond man turned around and ran away without hesitation, leaving only a back that was gradually receding.

The few surviving black suits looked at each other in dismay, and no one dared to pursue.

Watching the figure of the target go away, a man in a black suit took out a walkie-talkie and said solemnly to the other side:

"Mission failed, target has escaped..."

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