I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 277 Special Team

"Wait, wait...watch out! That's a 'good night' gun!"

"The gun is on my luggage, and it doesn't work. Besides, why did we name it..."

"The bullet can be used, it is non-lethal, has strong braking ability, and can be divided in the subcutaneous tissue..."

"With a dose of only 0.1 microliters of dendritic toxin, right? I'm not Hermione, and I won't use that to cause instant paralysis..."

"You should let me..."

"Those bullets..."


With a sudden sound, Fitz and Simmons, who were quarreling, stopped arguing at the same time, and turned to look at the door of the laboratory.

Ward, who was wearing a neat black suit and frowned slightly, stood there like this, "Fitz Simmons?"

"He's Fitz."

"She's Simmons."

Fitz and Simmons pointed to each other and briefly introduced themselves.

"She specializes in biochemistry and I specialize in mechanical engineering."

The place where the three stood was in the cabin of a large plane.

Many aircrews in red vests are loading some items needed for flight onto the plane...

"Agent Ward?"

Facing the slightly puzzled Fitz, Ward nodded very coolly, took out a communication device and handed it to the other party:

"Colson said my communication receiver needs to be decoded, don't know if you've dealt with this model before, it's..."

Before Ward finished explaining, Fitz directly smashed the communication device with a small hammer.

Watching Fitz's actions, Ward was speechless.

Simmons on the side explained enthusiastically: "It doesn't matter, he will reset the intrusion detection and identification system chip."

"In-ear communication no longer requires an external receiver..." Fitz added, carrying a small chip.

"Then, how is it going to..."

As soon as he spoke, Ward's mouth was stirred a few times by Simmons with a cotton swab in his mouth.

"Embedded sensory neurosilicone would pair with your DNA, very trendy, wouldn't it?"

Ward, eager to clear the discomfort in his mouth with his tongue, had no time to answer.

Looking at the frowning Ward, Simmons asked with a smile in his iconic British accent: "Are you excited to join us on our exploratory journey?"

"It's like Christmas!"

At this moment, a roar of a car engine made Ward and Fitz both turn around and look at the source of the sound.

I saw an old-fashioned car that was covered in red, opened from the hole in the tailgate of the plane, and opened up along the pedals.

"That's one of Coulson's antique collections of Aegis, the flamethrower, the world's first GPS, and he's utterly obsessed with this junk..."

I saw the car stopped, and Coulson, wearing a pair of sunglasses, got out of the car.

An aircrew wanted to go up to help and tie up this irritating red sports car, but was strongly protested by Coulson:

"Don't touch Lola!"

Seeing this scene, Fitz, who was standing at the door of the laboratory, immediately gave a smirk, "He actually named it a girl..."

Seeing Ward and Fitz standing at the door, Coulson took off his sunglasses and waved to Ward, "Agent Ward, come with me!"

Following behind Coulson, the two passed the spiral staircase next to the laboratory and walked to the upper part of the cabin.

While leading Ward through a public event space, Coulson returned to the team's operations specialist, introducing:

"This mobile headquarters has been operating at full capacity in the 1990s, but then we had an air carrier, so it was temporarily eliminated, and it was not seen again until a few days ago."

"Don't underestimate it, it is a command fighter that represents the honor of S.H.I.E.L.D. for many years..."

This large aircraft, which Coulson calls a "bus", is a military armed transport aircraft improved on the Boeing C-17.

Equipped with six variable-direction jet engines, with vertical lift capability, numbered "S.H.I.E.L.D.6-1-6"

The lower part of the cabin is equipped with a fully functional large laboratory, garage and training room. In addition to the cockpit, the upper part also has a strategic layout room, an interrogation room, Coulson's exclusive office, as well as members' independent dormitories, public activity spaces, Living facilities such as a small kitchen and a minibar.

In short, the interior space of this plane deserves its name "bus"

And why would Coulson, Ward, and the science duo be on this plane?

Everything goes back a week...

. . .

A week ago, Coulson, who had just submitted the final report on the Tahiti project, was called into the office by Fury and was given a new task - to form a mobile command team!

This is a special team that is completely under the command of Fury and is not controlled by other departments.

In the many games with the Security Council, Fury understood a truth. If you want to do what you want to do, you must get rid of the restraint of the Security Council!

On the matter of the Avengers Monitoring Team, the reason why he did not express any opinion, but silently accepted the decision of the Council.

That's because he made a deal with the Security Council.

And this special team formed by his confidant Colson, is the price of the transaction!

For Fury, this idea of ​​paying part of the supervision power and getting part of the autonomy is a good deal.

After all, under the supervision of the Security Council, he can only use all means to carry out some unknown tasks...

However, this transaction still allowed the Hydra bosses in the Security Council, Malik and Pierce, to find an opportunity to put a nail in.

And that nail is undoubtedly the tall and sturdy man standing in front of Coulson at this moment, Grant Ward!

However, with all this, Coulson, who was thinking about how to crumple the entire team together, had no idea...

"This is your bedroom, if..."

Before Coulson could finish speaking, a female voice took over his words:

"If you want to pack up, hurry up, the plane takes off in five minutes..."

Melinda May, who was wearing a navy blue Aegis uniform, handed a document to Coulson as she spoke: "We may meet members of the Rising Tide Organization on the way..."

"Very well, we have to hurry. After all, the journey is a bit long..."

Looking at Melinda May who turned to leave, Ward's eyes were full of surprise, "Is that... the person I was thinking of?"

"She's just a pilot." Coulson, who looked down at the document, replied without looking up.

"Melinda May is just a pilot? Please, sir, what kind of medicine do you sell in the gourd?"

"You'd better go and put your luggage away..."

As soon as the words fell, Coulson walked to his exclusive office, leaving only the slightly dignified Ward, standing there...

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