I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 281 The Survivor's Mental Journey

Paris, 13th arrondissement, also known as Gaborland.

This area is the most Chinese living area in Paris. Due to the vigorous development of the area in the past ten years, there are many high-rise buildings and wide streets. With the Plaza Italia as the center, there are six avenues radiating in a star shape. Walking on each avenue, you can find Chinese restaurants anytime, anywhere.

Since there are many Chinese here, in addition to regular visitors, new faces will attract attention once they enter this area.

And for some, unnecessary attention is what they desperately want to avoid…

In a Chinese restaurant called "Tianji Chinese Food", a tall and thin man wearing a somewhat worn black hoodie sat quietly on the seat behind the booth.

Since entering this restaurant, this man has been using his eyes as sharp as falcons to constantly observe various movements outside through the glass windows.

From the face hidden under the hood and the breath of strangers, the identity of this man is like a butterfly in the mist, confusing...

The hooded man's name is Brian Adam. 26 years old this year, a native of Texas.

Why would he, a native American, show up in a Chinese restaurant on another continent and be so nervous?

Everything starts from three months ago...

. . . . . .

Three months ago, Brian Adam, an international mercenary who made a living by fighting and killing, was on an escort mission in the Middle East when he was seriously injured by a sudden bomb in an ambush by terrorists.

Fortunately, there were comrades who responded and brought him to the hospital for medical treatment in time, so that he did not lose everything in this ambush.

However, he still lost a hand and a leg in this accident.

After returning to his hometown of Texas with a pension, he slowly accepted this cruel reality with the comfort of his only family member, his sister.

However, becoming disabled, the physical and psychological blow to him, made Brian Adam gradually degenerate, become more and more irritable, and become more and more alcoholic...

He is immersed in alcohol every day, trying to find the value and meaning of his continued existence in the midst of drunkenness and dreaming.

Until one day, the man in the black suit came to the door, stood in front of him, and said to him:

"I have a way to make you find yourself again, and it can also make you stronger. Would you like to give it a try?"

To this day, Brian Adam still clearly remembers that he only saw the name of one company on the business card he received from the other party:

"Cybertek (Rongke Industry)!"

And Brian Adam's answer was desperate:

"As long as you can make me return to my former self, you can let me do anything!"

In this way, after a series of procedures, he was taken to an underground research facility in Europe by this man, and started another period of his life...

In that dark underground research facility, what Brian Adam had to face every day, in addition to the simple cells like prison cells, were those white coats with masks all the time.

Blood draws, urine tests, EKGs…

Various physical tests made Brian Adam think that these people really had a way to make him return to his former self.

It wasn't until one day, when lying on the operating table with the only remaining limbs tied, that he vaguely felt that something was wrong.

In a bright light that made people unable to open their eyes, those white coats, with a mechanical leg made of an unknown metal, were directly inserted into his broken leg!

At that moment, in Brian Adam's mind, there was only an unbearable, irresistible pain left!

In the intense pain, unable to resist, he could only watch as his missing limb was replaced by a mechanical prosthesis.

He didn't die in the operation,

Naturally, it became one of the finished products of Rongke Industrial's "XR75" cyborg soldier plan!

In a sense, he is a very lucky one.

He did change back to the old, lively Brian Adam. Not only that, he has become stronger than before!

However, when he learned from the mouth of another finished product that these people were going to implant remote-controlled bombs into their brains, and then auction them like goods, he was so grateful that a bucket of ice water was poured down.

Brian Adam, who was unwilling to become a murder tool, seized a golden opportunity and escaped from the research facility!

Rongke Industry, of course, will not allow its own property to escape like this.

The person in charge of the underground facility, that is, the president of Rongke Industrial, Otto Sloman immediately asked his superior, the parent company, Roxon Oil Company, for support.

You must know that the main business of Roxon Oil Company is not to dig oil and sell oil. Its mercenary business is also a well-known giant in the industry...

Brian Adam, who was hiding everywhere, fled from Estonia in Eastern Europe to the European hub where he is now - Paris, France.

It was not until two days ago that he was finally caught up by the mercenaries who were in hot pursuit, and was forced to expose his formidable combat effectiveness in front of everyone's eyes.

The driving force that has always supported Brian Adam to continue to escape is only his sister who is far across the ocean.

"Eve, wait for me, I will definitely go back to see you!"

. . .

Just as Brian Adam was immersed in the memories of the past, a few close calls brought him back to the real world!

"Sir? Sir? Sir..."

When he turned his head slightly, what caught his eye was a very friendly-looking face:

It was a young Asian girl in a waiter uniform. Those big watery eyes are very moving, and people can't help but feel good when they look at them.

At this time, the other party was holding a coffee pot and looked at him with a smile.

"Sir, do you need to refill your coffee?"


Just before he could react from the smiling face of the other party, several black SUVs suddenly appeared outside the restaurant!

Brian Adam, who heard the sound of the brakes, turned his head sharply.

When he saw the man in black who got off the SUV with all kinds of firearms in his hand, his expression changed greatly, and he immediately exclaimed:

"Get down!"

The next moment, the entire Chinese restaurant was shrouded in countless barrages!

The sound of gunshots, broken glass, and smashed cutlery melded into a harsh symphony that reverberated in the air.

In just over ten seconds, this "Tianji Chinese Restaurant", which specializes in Cantonese cuisine, suddenly turned into a messy hornet's nest...

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