I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 282: Enemy or Friend

"Cease fire!"

After a burst of violent shooting, a man in a suit who was suspected of being a small boss raised his right hand and shook it violently, ordering.

The next moment, all the militants, all with their guns down, stopped shooting.

"Disperse, move slowly, confirm your goals."

As soon as the voice fell, about eight mercenaries armed with various automatic weapons spread out in a fan shape, strode forward, and slowly headed towards the Chinese restaurant in front.

Meanwhile, inside the Chinese restaurant…

"Are you OK?"

Brian Adam put his hands on the ground, arched his body slightly, and looked down at the girl curled up on the ground.

At the critical moment just now, if he hadn't shielded this very bright Asian girl in time, the barrage that swept her would have torn her to shreds...

The trembling girl curled up on the ground, with a trembling voice, stammered and answered, "I...I'm not...it's okay..."

Seeing this, Brian Adam quickly looked around, using his former mercenary sense of smell, and instantly grasped the situation he was facing.

Inside the Chinese restaurant, it was a mess. Apart from him and the Asian girl under him, there were few survivors.

Several guests, as well as the owner of the restaurant, lost their lives in the attack just now, and just lay on the ground quietly, motionless...

And the enemy's firepower is too strong, hard anus is not the best option.

escape! ——This is the only thought that came to Brian Adam's mind at the moment.

When he saw the terrified girl lying on the ground, he couldn't help frowning, and then he asked:

"Hey! What's your name?"

Although it was a bit abrupt, facing her savior, the girl still suppressed the fear in her heart and replied:


"Well, Alice, let me ask you, is that the kitchen?" Brian Adam asked, pointing to a door next to the cashier.

The girl nodded.

"They're after me, so as long as they don't see you, they won't shoot you. I'll get your attention in a minute, and then you sneak into the kitchen and find a place to hide, Don't come out no matter what you hear. Got it?"

"Ming...Understood." A trace of determination appeared on the girl's pale face.

"Remember, don't get up, crawl over slowly!"

After the instructions, Brian Adam turned around, his eyes widened, he stretched out his mechanical right hand, held it under the dining table, and lifted it violently.

With a "bang", the entire rectangular wooden dining table flew out directly from the open window!

The entire dining table tumbled in the air, drawing a perfect parabola and smashing it straight at several men in black.

"Ah ah ah..."

The two mercenaries who were standing relatively close were directly hit in the head, and they suddenly fell to the ground with blood all over their faces.

The rest of the enemies with guns also found their targets through the attack direction of the dining table!

"Where is he!"

for a while,

Gunfire loomed over Brian Adam's position again.

Fortunately, after attracting attention, he rolled forward and changed positions immediately.

Otherwise, he may have become a hornet's nest...

Looking at the girl who was lying on the ground, slowly crawling towards the kitchen, Brian Adam understood that his target had to continue to attract firepower.

So, next, he used the speed bonus brought by the mechanical right leg to move around in the Chinese restaurant, dodging the attack while throwing some tables and chairs to slow down the enemy's attack...

After a few rounds, the girl reached the kitchen safely.

However, just when Brian Adam was secretly relieved, he realized that he was surrounded!

Over time, the number of gun-wielding enemies outside increased instead of decreasing. The large number of enemies directly surrounded the only exit of the entire Chinese restaurant!

Looking at such a battle, Brian Adam, who was hiding behind the cashier counter, couldn't help but twitch his mouth, revealing a wry smile.

"Is this the end?"

Just when he was depressed and ready to fight to the death, the mutation suddenly occurred!

In front of the Chinese restaurant, two black pie-shaped devices that flew out of nowhere, "bang" and "bang" exploded one after another!

In an instant, two thick gray fogs enveloped all gun-wielding enemies.

"Enemy attack!"

"what is this?"

"Cough cough..."

While the enemy was rioting, on the side of the street, an all-black Acura RDX with a bumper was installed on the front of the car, like a tiger going down the mountain, slammed into an SUV that acted as a blockade and rushed into the middle of the road. A circle of restaurants!

Brian Adam, who was hiding behind the cash register, was also attracted by the sudden appearance of the vehicle.

I saw a very conspicuous sign printed on the dark body - an eagle with wings ready to fly!

"That is?"


With the harsh braking sound, the all-black Acura RDX stopped in front of the door of the Chinese restaurant, and the rear door slammed open.

I saw Coulson in a suit, sitting in the back seat of the car, and beckoned to Brian Adam, who was looking at him secretly:

"Hey! If you don't want to die, get in the car quickly!"

Although he didn't know Coulson, judging from the other party's actions, it was obvious that he was not in the same group as those who were chasing him.

The enemy of the enemy is the friend!

Thinking of this, Brian Adam didn't hesitate at all, he immediately put his hands up, jumped out from the cashier, and rushed towards the car of unknown origin.

After Brian Adam got into the car, Melinda May, who was in the driver's seat, shifted gears, stepped on the accelerator, and the entire reversing process was completed in one go!

Accompanied by the constant sound of sirens in the distance, this all-black Acura RDX patted its butt and walked away...

. . . . . .

On an international highway on the outskirts of Paris, an all-black Acura RDX is moving at a constant speed. And in the car, Brian Adam was trying to figure out whether the people who saved him were friends or foes...

"who are you?"

Hearing this, Coulson, who was sitting beside him, stretched out his SHIELD ID, and said to Brian Adam, "I'm Agent Coulson of SHIELD, and it's Agent May who is driving..."

"SHIELD? I seem to have heard the name..."

Brian Adam lowered his head to think for a moment, then thought of something, and asked in a deep voice, "Why do you want to save me? What is your purpose?"

Coulson did not answer immediately, but softly reassured:

"I know you're confused and desperate for answers. But I hope you can trust us. We're here to help you."

"Help me? Can you get me out of this city and away from those guys?"

Hearing this, Coulson's expression became solemn, and he said solemnly:


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