The same seven cyborg soldiers blocked their way.

Different from Lyon's relaxed and freehand side, Coulson's side is a bit dangerous...

The "Good Night" gun in his hand can kill the enemy with one hit, but the premise is to hit the unarmored body part of the cyborg soldier.

However, he and Ward were not like Leon, who could hit the cyborg soldiers before they could react.

Therefore, as soon as they came up, the two were immediately suppressed...


The reinforced concrete walls are vulnerable to the fist of the Edman alloy machinery.

Coulson, who rolled over and avoided the attack of the cyborg soldiers, looked at the big hole sunken in the wall and couldn't help swallowing.

Glancing at Ward who was not far away, clutching his stomach and his mouth stained with blood, Coulson suddenly missed his nephew very much...

Fortunately, when they infiltrated the underground facility, Fitz handed them some gadgets, specially designed to deal with the gadgets of these cyborg soldiers.

Thinking of this, Coulson's eyes lit up, he immediately took out a circular chip from his pocket, and with a "boom", he threw it hard at a cyborg soldier who was getting closer and closer!

The other party was slightly startled, thinking it was something like a bomb, and waving his mechanical fist directly, trying to punch the unknown object into the air.

But he didn't expect that the circular chip would stick firmly to his mechanical fist with a "click".

Before he could react, a blue-white current of up to 3,000 volts instantly enveloped the opponent's robotic arm, accompanied by a burst of "zizizi" electric current. The huge voltage directly burned all the neural link components of its robotic arm!

The next moment, the entire robotic arm could only hang down to the ground, shrugging weakly.

Taking advantage of the surprise of the other party, Coulson's eyes narrowed, and he raised his hand to shoot!


The cyborg soldier who was directly hit between the eyebrows fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

Inspired by Coulson, Ward, who was not far away, also endured abdominal discomfort, took out the voltage patch, and threw it at the enemy.

Thanks to the research data brought by Leon, Fitz and Simmons found the weakness of these cyborg soldiers - the neural link element!

The surface material of the mechanical prosthesis is made of Edman alloy, which is very hard and cannot be broken in a short time. However, cyborg soldiers can use mechanical prosthetics flexibly only through the neural link elements in the mechanical limbs.

That is to say, as long as the neural link element is heated and overloaded, or even burned, the cyborg soldier cannot mobilize the mechanical limbs through the nerve center of the brain.

Therefore, Fitz specially made a batch of voltage patches for this weakness.

For this effect!

Under the circumstance of throwing the mouse, Coulson and the two used the voltage patch to temporarily restrain several of the other party's cyborg soldiers!

Soon after, Leon, who had easily dealt with the remaining five cyborg soldiers, and Brian Adam, came to meet and directly announced the end of the cyborg soldiers...


Looking at the last cyborg soldier,

Falling to the ground, Coulson immediately faced the other side of the communicator and said:

"Skye, what's going on with you?"

As soon as the voice fell, Skye's voice suddenly came from the communicator of the four:

"I'm in. This place is very big, but according to the broadcast signal just now, the office in the North Wing should be the place you're looking for."

"it is good."

Just replied, Coulson and others, who had just taken two steps, heard Skye's reminder again:

"By the way, I haven't found any research data about the "XR75" plan in the system, there is no trace at all! Maybe they already knew that we were coming and deleted all the data..."

Hearing this, Coulson couldn't help frowning, looked at Leon beside him, and said solemnly:

"It seems that our visit has been prepared for a long time..."

"Then what do we do next?" Brian Adam, who followed Leon the whole time and lay down all the way, asked aloud.

Glancing at the cyborg soldier lying on the ground, Coulson lowered his head and pondered for a moment, instead of answering Brian Adam immediately, he turned to the other side of the communicator and instructed:

"Mei, report the situation to the headquarters and ask the logistics department to send someone over to bring these cyborg soldiers back."


As soon as the voice fell, Coulson was about to continue speaking when he was interrupted by a sudden alarm!

drip... drip... drip...

After a series of rapid alarms, there was an unexpected mechanical broadcast sound:

"The base self-destruction program has been activated, please leave as soon as possible..."

"The base self-destructs..."

The same words were repeated three times before ending. Sure enough, I answered that sentence: important things, I have to say it three times...

The situation suddenly became dire.

When Coulson heard the broadcast, his expression became solemn, and he immediately asked Skye on the other side of the communicator:

"Skye, what happened?!"

"Someone started the self-destruction program of the base, and soon there will be a big explosion, burying this underground facility in the ground!"

Faced with this situation, Leon, who had a calm face, also frowned, "Can you turn it off?"

"It's a password system that requires pupil recognition to start and stop, and I simply can't turn it off remotely! If there is"

"How long do we have left?"

"three minutes!"

The bad news that came one after another made the four of them change their faces.

This is underground!

In the event of an explosion, not to mention other people, even Leon, the superhuman, may not survive.

Thinking of this, Leon's eyes narrowed and he said repeatedly:

"Skye, direct us out of here!"

"I understand…"

Accompanied by a high-speed keyboard tapping, Skye's slightly excited voice rang again in the ears of the four:

"Yes! There is a secret exit in the north wing, and the guy who started the self-destruction program should have escaped from there."

"Well, let's go, maybe we can catch the bastard before he escapes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Leon could step forward, he shouted lowly and stopped everyone.

"Wait a moment!"

I saw Brian Adam, who was standing aside and never interrupted, pointed at the cyborg soldier lying on the ground, and asked in a deep voice;

"Then what do they do?"

This question is very acute.

For a time, Coulson and Ward didn't know how to answer.

Although these cyborg soldiers are all enemies, in any case, these people are all living beings.

If I leave them like this, I will always feel uneasy...

However, the reality is harsh, and there is often no one-size-fits-all approach.

In life, when making difficult decisions, you often just choose the relatively favorable option from two options...

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