I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 287 Want to go? Did you ask me!

Noticing Coulson's shaky eyes, Leon knew that it was time for him to stand up!

I saw his eyes narrowed, he took a step, put his hands on Brian Adam's shoulders, and said earnestly:

"At this time, the only thing we can do is to get out of here! Only then can we find out who is behind this plan! Only then can we guarantee that victims like them will not appear again!"

"Do you understand it?"

Looking at Leon's blue eyes full of determination, Brian Adam nodded silently as if he understood something.

The lesser of two evils, he still understands the truth...

"Let's go! Time waits for no one..."

Looking at the back of Leon leading forward, Coulson's eyes flashed a hint of admiration.

Sometimes the real hero is the one who dares to make tough choices...

. . .

Under the guidance of the super hacker Skye, the four people who chose the shortest escape route took the last elevator ten seconds before the self-destruction and explosion of the underground base and reached the ground!

As soon as he came to the ground, the sharp-eyed Leon saw a helicopter on the tarmac hundreds of meters away, with its propellers running at high speed, ready to take off.

And sitting on the helicopter was a surprised man.

Don't think about it, that guy must be the bastard who started the self-destructing program!

Thinking of this, Leon couldn't help but look solemn, and his anger was surging like a volcanic eruption!

"Get out of here quickly!"

Leaving such a sentence, Leon quickly invoked the power of the god of thunder in his body, bent his knees slightly, and jumped suddenly.

The next moment, a powerful airflow rose into the sky and pushed Leon forward like a cannonball.

Leon, who jumped more than 20 meters away and repeatedly bounced with his legs, was still not satisfied, and still shouted in his heart:

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

On the other side, watching Leon getting closer and closer, Otto Sloman sitting in the helicopter was also terrified, urging the pilot to take off quickly.

However, it also takes a certain amount of time for a helicopter to take off, from a few seconds to a slow one.

Judging from the rotation speed of the helicopter's propeller, there is not much time left for Lyon!

Coulson and the others also noticed the helicopter taking off, and they also thought of going with Leon.

While the three of them ran forward desperately, they kept cheering for Leon in the bottom of their hearts.

However, before Leon could catch up with Ultra Sloman who was about to escape, the underground research facility had reached the end of his lifespan!


A thick tongue of fire caused by the explosion shot straight into the sky from the exit!

The whole ground began to crack and collapse, and the rumbling sound continued to hit from the ground...

Fortunately, Fitz had already estimated the collapse range of the entire underground facility after the explosion, and reminded the three to evacuate away from the center of the explosion.

Otherwise, there is a real possibility that the three of them will be dragged into the pit together by the collapsed ground...

Just when the three of Coulson were lying on the ground, gasping for breath, the explosion did not affect Leon's pursuit. He was getting closer and closer to the helicopter that was taking off!

Even the high-speed rotating propeller and Otto Sloman's smug face can be clearly seen...

Seeing that the helicopter took off and flew nearly ten meters above the ground, Leon sneered and jumped hard.

Under the eyes of Otto Sloman's pupils gradually dilated, Leon flew towards him like an eagle soaring into the sky!

With a "pop", Leon firmly grasped the edge of the helicopter's cabin with both hands, and then pulled hard, and the whole person jumped into the helicopter's cabin.

Looking at Otto Sloman with a confused face, Leon twitched the corner of his mouth, revealing a sneer:

"Want to go? Did you ask me?!"


After knocking out Otto Sloman with a punch, Leon immediately threatened the driver with a cold tone:

"If you don't want to be thrown from here by me, then drive the helicopter back obediently!"

. . . . . .

Back on the "Bus", after throwing the fainted Ultra Sloman into the interrogation room, everyone gathered in the strategy room again.

After the facial recognition system, the identity of Otto Sloman was quickly put in front of everyone.

"Otto Sloman, CEO of Rongke Industry..."

Listening to Skye holding the tablet and introducing the information of Otto Sloman to everyone, Leon, who was standing aside, frowned tightly and looked preoccupied.

Coulson noticed his strangeness and couldn't help but ask:

"Lion, what's the matter? You don't seem satisfied..."

Hearing this, Leon raised his head slightly, facing the doubtful eyes of everyone, and said solemnly:

"Obviously, this is just a small fish..."

"How to say?"

Originally, Leon thought that the senior cadre of Hydra, Dr. Liszt, could be caught in this place.

But I didn't expect that the old guy Liszt would slip away early...

It seems that after his last infiltration and sabotage, Hydra and Dr. Liszt have improved their memory and become more cautious.

Although the president of Rongke was caught, the value of Otto Sloman was definitely not as high as that of Liszt's big fish.

However, Leon certainly won't say it directly...

After thinking for a moment in his mind, Leon continued to add:

"We all know that Roxen is the mastermind behind the entire "XR75" plan. Rongke is just a pretense, an abandoned child that can be abandoned at any time! Otto Sloman, Rongke, come to pull out the Roxon behind, without evidence, it is very difficult for us to do..."

Lyon's dissatisfaction, Coulson is also very understanding.

When things don't go as well as expected, it's perfectly normal to have emotional swings.

He also felt worthless and sad for the cyborg soldiers lying on the ground.

However, as a past person, Coulson understands even more that when things go unsatisfactory, thinking in a positive direction is the best way to solve the problem.

He is like this, and I hope Leon is like this...

I saw Coulson put his hand on Leon's shoulder and comforted him in a deep voice:

"Having said that, we can still pry out some information from this Otto Sloman. In that case, our raid will not be a waste of effort."

"Besides, this opponent is very cautious. We can't always think that we can solve them all at once. This is unrealistic."

After a pause, Coulson's tone gradually became sharp:

"Today is only our first fight. If nothing else, there will be a second, third..."

"As long as we work together, one day we will make those bastards pay the price they deserve!"

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