I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 288 This is my team

Coulson's words, while very inspiring, make a lot of sense.

However, it is an indisputable fact that Dr. Lister, the key figure in the cyborg soldier program, and Roxon Oil Company are still at large.

This game is far from over...

. . . . . .

Half an hour later, the logistics staff of the European branch of S.H.I.E.L.D., as well as local government departments, arrived at the explosion site.

After handing over the finishing work, Coulson and the others took the jet-black, extremely handsome "Bus" and flew up to a height of 10,000 meters...

In Coulson's exclusive office, Coulson was going to have a heart-to-heart talk with Leon between his uncle and nephew.

"Ha! Commander still has special treatment..."

Looking around the room, Leon, who was sitting on the sofa, joked while reaching for the whiskey that Coulson handed over.

Coulson, who also poured himself a glass, sat facing each other and smiled slightly:

"You, the leader of the Avengers Supervision Team, don't have an office of your own?"

Hearing this, Leon rolled his eyes unconsciously and spread his hands in a helpless gesture.

"Don't mention it! The entire supervision team is only three people. Do you think Fury will send us a handsome and big plane like you? He is not so generous..."

"That's true. According to Hill, the second helicarrier is still under construction, and the funding required is simply astronomical..."

Leon's mouth twitched, revealing a mocking smile:

"Who asked him to come up with another insight plan..."

The advantage of being upgraded to a level 8 agent is that Leon has been exposed to more and more secrets of SHIELD, and deeper and deeper.

And the viewing authority of the insight plan is exactly level 8!

Therefore, Leon naturally knows that this shocking plan to destroy S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra together has already begun at this time...

After a few chats, Coulson suddenly changed the subject:

"What do you think?"

Leon couldn't help raising his brows at Coulson's endless words, and his face was full of doubts: "How about what?"

"This team, what else!"

Curling his lips, Coulson said helplessly: "Do you think Fitz, Simmons, Ward, and Skye can be a real team?"


After pondering for a while, Leon scratched the rim of the cup with his index finger and replied:

"I don't know much about Ward. However, I know that his combat skills, in the entire S.H.I.E.L.D., are considered top-notch. More than enough to be an action expert on the team... As for Fitz and Simmons, I bet , they will definitely be of great help to this team!"

Speaking of which, Leon suddenly thought of something, raised his brows slightly, and said solemnly:

"As for the girl named "Skye", she is not from S.H.I.E.L.D., I don't know. However, judging from her hacking skills, the Rising Tide organization really did not hire the wrong person..."

Coulson raised his glass,

Taking a sip, he said:

"Actually, I plan to invite her to join the team."

Lyon was not surprised at all by Coulson's decision.

He just picked up the glass in his hand, took a sip, felt the mellow whisky, and slipped into his throat, and said:

"Understandable. With such a technical support behind it, it always makes people feel at ease."

"However, I always feel that she still has something to do, hiding it from us..."

Looking at Coulson's frown with the word "Chuan", Leon thought about it and said with relief:

"It's not new. Everyone has their own secrets, and she's a member of that radical hacking group, and it's normal to be wary of people in suits. The most important thing is, you think, her joining, Did it help..."

"Besides, it's your choice, no matter what the consequences are, you'll be responsible for it... This is what you taught me, didn't it?"

Hearing this, Coulson couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment, then he smiled and scolded:

"You kid, you're still learning fast..."

Raising his eyebrows, Leon spread his hands and made a "no way, I'm such a dick" expression, which caused the smile lines in the corners of Coulson's eyes to deepen...

"I don't know about the rest, though. But, I know Ward wouldn't like the idea."

"This is my team, I'll make the decision!"

. . . . . .

Leon came out of the office and saw that except for Melinda May, who was flying the plane, everyone else was sitting in the public activity area of ​​the cabin, as if they were talking about something.

Looking at the very harmonious atmosphere, Leon smiled slightly, then stepped forward and walked forward.

On the sofa, Skye, sandwiched between Fitz and Simmons, was receiving thanks from Brian Adam:

"If it wasn't for you, we probably wouldn't have escaped that place, so thank you..."

Bryan Adam's words made Skye a little embarrassed, and unconsciously fluttered his hair, trying to hide his inner fluctuations.

"It's no big deal, I just did what I could, you don't have to..."

Before she could finish speaking, a sudden voice interrupted her!

"Do not!"

When everyone heard the sound, they saw Leon's face with the corners of his mouth lightly raised.

"Adam is right, we were able to escape from that underground facility, and a large part of the credit is due to you."

"So thank you, Skye..."

After finishing speaking, Leon approached Skye and patted her on the shoulder as a token of thanks.

However, in the face of Leon, who was close at hand, Skye's little fan girl who had always regarded him as a savior and an idol, her heartbeat immediately jumped wildly.

She didn't know how to answer, so she could only lower her head slightly to block her blushing face, so that no one else would notice her strangeness.

Fortunately, Leon's next words allowed her to escape this somewhat dreamy scene.

"By the way, Coulson asked me to call you over, he has something to tell you..."

"Ah! I'll go now!"

Before he finished speaking, Skye, whose face was covered by his hair, jumped up and walked towards Coulson's office as if he were running away.

Looking at the back of Skye's departure, Fitz, who was confused, poked Simmons beside him with his elbow, and asked:

"What's wrong with her?"

Simmons, who had the same expression, spread his hands, saying that he didn't know.

No matter how everyone guessed, it was unexpected that Skye showed such a little girly attitude because of Leon...

After walking to Coulson's office and calming down, Skye stretched out his hand and knocked on the door three times in a row.

The next moment, Coulson's voice came from inside:

"Come in!"

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