I Have a Good Impression on Marvel

Chapter 289 Strucker's Purpose

I thought Coulson called him over to thank him for his assistance in this mission.

However, Skye never expected that Coulson would invite himself to join his team!

"What do you think of this proposal?"

Coulson, who dropped a bombshell, looked as usual, just looking at Skye quietly, waiting for her answer.

This question made Skye's mood that had just calmed down suddenly surged up again...

After swallowing, Skye put on a relaxed look as much as possible and replied:

"Join your crazy group? I'm not a team player..."

"I don't think so. Take this raid mission as an example, you can't do it any better... Together, we can make some contributions to this world. And you, can be of great help!"

After a pause, Coulson spread his hands and smiled:

"Also, you can sit in the best position and enjoy the most amazing show on earth, isn't that what you want?"

This sentence touched Skye's heart.

She didn't forget that she learned to crack the system, joined the Rising Tide Organization, and pursued the purpose of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Given the chance to see how SHIELD works up close, there's no reason to give it up, right?

Besides, if you join Coulson's team, you may be able to get in touch with Leon and learn more about the man who saved his life.

Thinking of this, Skye suddenly felt that this might be a good idea.

Seeing Skye's moving expression, Coulson involuntarily twitched the corner of his mouth and said softly:

"Before the plane arrives in Los Angeles, you still have enough time to think slowly..."

. . . . . .

In an ancient castle on the outskirts of the capital of Sokovia, Dr. Liszt, who had slipped out of the underground facility in advance, was standing by the desk with his hands behind his back, not saying a word.

On the leather seat behind the desk, the owner of the castle, Baron Wolfgang von Strucker, is sitting.

Baron Strucker, with a flat head and a single mechanical lens in his right eye, was not focusing on Dr. Liszt's body at this time, but on a tablet in his hand.

I saw a short video being played on the tablet computer.

This is a picture of twenty-five cyborg soldiers in an underground facility in Estonia, teleporting back before dying.

Thanks to Hydra's eye implant technology, the right eye of every cyborg soldier is a surveillance camera and a bomb that can be detonated at any time.

Hydra can use these artificial eyeballs to manipulate these cyborg soldiers behind the scenes.

Once the situation is not right, as long as you press the button, the micro bomb in the eyeball can blow the brain of the cyborg soldier into a tofu brain with a "Boom" sound...

In every video that his fingers crossed, he faithfully recorded the whole process of how Leon easily swept the cyborg soldiers.



Baron Strucker lifted the tablet in his hand high and slammed it to the floor!

But the fact that the tablet wasn't broken thanks to the expensive wolf-skin carpet seemed to add to Strucker's ire!

"It's him again! It's this damn Leon Coulson again!"

The hoarse voice was full of resentment and anger, and Dr. Liszt, who was standing beside him, was also shocked by the sky-high anger, causing his body to tremble slightly.

"It was this guy last time who sneaked into the underground research institute, stole our research data, and destroyed all the servers! This time, we specially used the guise of Rongke to conduct experiments..."

"Everything went so smoothly...until today! Those useless wastes actually let the experimental subjects escape, and also involved S.H.I.E.L.D.!"

"How dare they... how dare!"

As he spoke, Baron Strucker, who was annoyed, stood up directly, swept his hands, and swept all the items on the desk to the ground.

clap la la...

It seems that once people reach the critical point of their emotions, they like to relieve stress by destroying things.

Once the vent is released, the whole person will relax a lot.

However, as a confidant of Baron Strucker, Dr. Liszt, who has followed him for many years, is the first time he sees his boss, so angry...

After venting, Baron Strucker adjusted his glasses, as if nothing had happened just now, and said solemnly:

"How about that idiot Rongke?"

"It's very simple. Just say hello to Your Excellency Pierce and let the subordinates hidden inside S.H.I.E.L.D. find any reason and solve him halfway through, then there will be no problem."

"After all, dead people can't speak..."

Hearing this, Baron Strucker gave a "hmm" and then instructed:

"Take care of this and don't leave the tail behind."

Dr. Liszt nodded, as if thinking of something, he could not help frowning: "Understood, it's just..."

"Just what?"

After hesitating for a while, Dr. Liszt took a step forward and said softly, "Roxon's attitude doesn't seem to be satisfied."

"Not satisfied?" Strucker asked with sharp eyes.

"It seems that we have not taken corresponding measures to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D...."

Hearing this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Strucker's mind!

"In that case, tell them that Leon Coulson is your trouble now, and you can take measures as you please!"

Listening to this sentence in Listable's ear, his frowning brows could not help but loosen:

"You mean, let Roxon deal with Leon Coulson?"

"why not?"

While speaking, Strucker stood up, came to the window, and quietly looked at the lake in the yard, with a meaningful tone:

"Our goal has never been S.H.I.E.L.D., not the Avengers. Rather than wasting time on this, it's better to pass these troubles onto Roxon."

"I think they should also be very happy to deal with the guy who has repeatedly ruined their business..."

"I understand."

Dr. Liszt, who was about to turn around and leave, seemed to remember something, and asked again:

"By the way, what do you think of the plan I told you before?"

Hearing this, Strucker, who was standing in front of the window, couldn't help but pause. After pondering for a while, his hoarse voice sounded again:

"It's not the time yet."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. just took it from that Asgardian, too many eyes staring at it, we can't take it out of S.H.I.E.L.D. attention..."

Dr. Liszt pursed his lips, unable to hide the disappointment in his eyes, and continued to ask, "What shall we do?"

"All we have to do is wait!"

"When those stupid people find out that their IQ cannot understand the mystery and ignore it, our opportunity will come naturally."

"Don't worry, another artifact of a higher civilization, the scepter that can manipulate people's hearts, will fall into our hands sooner or later..."

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