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"Passed the trial?"

Kuangsha was speechless.

When I first entered the realm of immortals, I came to the trial island to participate in the trial, which is like walking on thin ice.

Even if dozens of people come together, they only rely on the fairy array to shake the dipper, and then secretly plucked the hair off the dipper.

But Zhou Ran stunned this **** beast, the **** beast of Dixian Peak, even the tail was cut off, and he was defeated.

"Of course passed! Well done!"

Kuangsha couldn't help expressing his emotions.

"That's good."

Zhou Ran smiled slightly, and picked up the chopped tail.

It must be said that the dangling tail is very beautiful, just like a gemstone, with a colorful light, and more importantly, this tail is extremely hard, comparable to any magic weapon.

Kuangsha quickly pulled a pinch of hair from the body, and carefully put it away.

The hair is so beautiful, like the tail, that it shines brightly under the fire.

"Zhou Ran, we hurriedly left here, and if we wake up, it will surely retaliate!" Kuang Shading urged.

Zhou Ran did not refute, and passed the door of space together with Kuangsha.

This is outside the gate of Dengxian, and Chihiro is still waiting here.

Chihiro saw the two coming out, and he was relieved. Although they didn't know whether they had finished the trial, from their appearance, they should be safe and sound.

"How is it going?" Chihiro asked curiously.

Kuang Sha was about to answer, and the gatekeeper Jin Xianren of the Gate of Immortals came slowly.

Jin Xianren's expression was very ugly, and said to Zhou Ran: "I didn't expect you to be able to inflict heavy damage, even the tail was cut off. Are you really just the beginning of Dixian?"

As a gatekeeper, every move of the Trial Island is under the control of the Jinxian people.

Zhou Ran was able to defeat the Dao, which shocked the Jinxian people. In the past trials, he had never encountered such a thing.

"It just happened."

Zhou Ran said indifferently, seemingly humble, but actually showing arrogance.

The Jinxian people looked up and down Zhou Ran. This person was indeed extraordinary. The early strength of Dixian actually defeated the beast of Dixian Peak.

This kind of thing can't be done by ordinary strong people.

Chihiro was also shocked. Zhou Ran was so powerful, no wonder Grandpa took him so seriously.

But now you can't waste time outside the gate of Ascension, Chihiro is busy: "Jinxian people, since they have passed the trial, according to the regulations, they should log their names into the official book of Xianji and let them pass through the gate of Ascension. You can’t talk without counting!"

"When do I not count?"

Jin Xianren sneered. As a gatekeeper to the gate of Immortality, maintaining fairness and justice is his criterion, and he will naturally not go against it.

With a light finger, Zhou Ran and Kuang Sha's eyebrows were hit.

Zhou Ran's eyebrows suddenly burst into weak light, and the black air of Kuangsha's eyebrows suddenly became invisible. Instead, it was the same faint weak light as Zhou Ran.

The low light did not last long, and soon disappeared.

Jin Xianren breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Zhou Ran, from today on, your name has been logged into the Xianji main book. As for Kuangsha, your name has been removed from the Xianji side book. Please log in again! But please Remember, this is just the beginning. The survival of the fittest in the longevity world, weak meat and strong food, if you do not work hard to become stronger, you may be eliminated by the longevity world at any time!"

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