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After Zhou Ran arrived in the longevity world, he hadn’t eaten delicious dishes for a long time.

Kuangsha also ate a lot. The period when he fell into the deserted land was an unforgettable humiliation of his own life. Thanks to Zhou Ran, he returned to the world of longevity.

Everything you lose will be recaptured by yourself, starting with food.

Only Chihiro, she did not eat much, but silently watched Zhou Ran and Kuangsha eating.

It wasn't until the wine was full that Chihiro said: "Zhou Ran, Mad Sand, Yunzong is not a mess, there are several fairy strongmen sitting in Yunzong, Yunzong Sect Master is a heavenly level, even my grandfather must be afraid Three points! You have just logged into the Xian Ji, you have a weak foundation, but you can’t offend the dignitaries, so in Yunzong City, don’t do anything!”

This remark is naturally to tell Zhou Ran and Kuang Sha.

Zhou Ran smiled and said, "Chihiro, do I look like someone who can make a mess?"

"That's nature!" Chihiro smiled bitterly, "Zhou Ran, even in the deserted place, you can easily protect yourself, but you have destroyed the Soul Palace, which is related to the operation of the entire longevity world, you can do For such a bold and courageous thing, you are naturally the kind of person who provokes trouble!"

Zhou Ran looked at Chihiro carefully, but did not expect that in her heart, her impression was so bad.

Since thousands of thousands of orders, Zhou Ran will not deliberately work against her.

"Relax, I'm honest in Yunzong City, and I won't provoke wrongdoing!"

I came to the world of longevity to realize my own value, so there is no need to provoke trouble everywhere.

"That's good!"

Chihiro was relieved.

It was too late, and the three did not continue to drink and eat meat, but went back to their rooms to sleep.

Before going to bed, Zhou Ran carefully observed the pedestrians on the street from the window.

Although it is already deep, there are many pedestrians on the street.

Even in the world of eternal life, it is not the immortal strongman who walks everywhere. Taking Yunzong City as an example, most of the city residents are only below the level of Huashen and Hedao.

The powerful of the fairy realm is also rare.

This is probably the reason why the strong elves are favored in the longevity world. Power represents everything, and only the strongest can stand at the top.

It is precisely because of this, the competition in the longevity world is also very fierce.

In order to maintain their status, the strong men continue to fight, but because of the loss of the Yuanshen, they have fallen into the abyss of nowhere.

When he thought of this, Zhou Ran felt sad.

Although all of them are not strong in the world, they are all caught in an infinite loop and unable to extricate themselves.

Zhou Ran didn't know that when he came to Yunzong City, he was seen alone.

This person is no one else, it is the Beiming who entered the longevity world with Zhou Ran.

Bei Ming was very surprised to see Zhou Ran.

The passage from the inner realm to the longevity world can only be entered by the powerful of the immortal realm, and even he only barely enters. After reaching the longevity realm, he was bruised and wounded for a long time before he entered the door of the immortal world.

Zhou Ran He De He Neng, actually came alive to the longevity world.

Not only that, he also crossed the gate of Dengxian, and more importantly, his strength has reached the early stage of Dixian.

From the feather state to the immortal state, an opportunity is needed, which is not something that ordinary people can do.

How did Zhou Ran enter the realm of immortals?

Bei Ming whispered in his heart, which also dispelled his thoughts of making trouble to Zhou Ran.

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