Zhou Ran looked coldly at the four people in front of him.

  The unscrupulous means to achieve the goal led to the fall of King Ming, who is not strong, and all four died.

  Lei Hong, Yang Tai and Yao Sichen, seeing Zhou Ran's eyes fierce, have also given up the idea of ​​survival.

   Even if it is called a country, Beichen, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang are nothing more than small countries, and even the clan powers are inferior. The three sovereigns face no power like Zhou Ran.

   Xiaoling still refused to give up, she hugged Zhou Ran's thigh.

   "Master Zhou, don't kill me, I will be filial to Grandpa! Grandpa is not dead yet, he still saves, you save him, I have been by my grandfather in my life!"

   Xiaoling said while crying, a pitiful look.

   Zhou Ran smiled slightly, not sure.

   It's because the Ming King himself can't stand it anymore, a true element bursts out, unbiased, and the middle-aged Xiao Ling frowns.

   Xiaoling hadn't reacted yet and fell into the pool of blood.

   The person who shot was the immovable Ming king. Although the immovable king was about to die, there was still the ability to kill.

   "Ming Wang, why did you shoot?" Zhou Ran looked at Ming Wang.

   King Ming sighed: "The old man's life will soon be gone, the fairy is hard to save, and he doesn't care about people's words anymore. Zhou Ran, you are a hero of the world, and you can't commit to dirty your hands for this kind of woman!"

   "Thank you." Zhou Ran said lightly.

  Although I haven't met Ming Wang for a long time, but I didn't know each other, and I also sympathized with Ming Wang.

   Xiaoling is dead, and the three sovereigns see it, knowing that they have no possibility of living.

Lei Hong scolded: "Zhou Ran, if you want to kill then kill, with your ability, you can only succeed in the outer domain! If you go to the inner domain, let alone Lord Shiji, just find a strong person and you can You have broken pieces!"

   Yang Tai said angrily: "Zhou Ran, Shimen will definitely avenge us!"

  Yao Sichen gritted her teeth and said, "Zhou Ran, Yao Guangguo is weak, but has always been connected with the internal forces. You killed me. The interests of these internal forces are damaged. They will not spare you!"

   The three sovereigns vented their anger.

  Zhou Ran did not hesitate at all, and the Jade Blood Sword flew up.

   The sword gas burst out, and the three sovereigns died under Zhou Ran's sword gas.

   killed the three sovereigns, and Zhou Ran came to the Ming King: "Ming Ming, your hatred has been reported to you, you can rest assured."

   King Ming smiled bitterly.

   "The old man did not expect that he would die here, nor did he expect to make a friend when he died. Since he is a friend, let this thing be yours!"

   said, Ming King exhausted all his strength and crushed his Vajra pestle, which actually contained a golden key.

   King Ming carefully gave Zhou Ran the golden key.

   "What is this?" Zhou Ran stunned.

   "Don't underestimate this golden key, you can enter the Fanyin Mountain by relying on this key, and the Fanyin Mountain hides something that amazes countless powerful people!"

   "Fanyin Mountain?"

   Zhou Ran's mouth was slightly tilted, and he had not heard of a place name. I wonder if he is in the outer domain or the inner domain.

King Ming explained again: "It was for this golden key that the old man was harmed by Jianzong. Not only was he exiled, but even his family was killed! Jianzong was deliberately thinking about this key, they did not know the old man. Hide the golden key in the Vajra pestle. Zhou Ran, the old man will give you this golden key today!"

   "I will keep it well."

  Zhou Ran put the golden key into his Qiankun ring.

   King Ming pointed to Long Ting, who was unconscious on the side, and said: "Speaking of Jianzong, it has a lot to do with this girl's sword move."


   Zhou Ran was a little surprised.

  Teaching Long Ting himself is the Five Elements Sword of the North Dome Fairy. How can this set of swords be used by others?

   "Ming Wang, is this really the case?"

"The old man is going to die, what do you deceive you to do?" Ming Wang sighed, "The old man once fought with the master Jianzong. The master's sword moves are very similar to this girl, but the master is much stronger than this girl. ."

   Zhou Ran's face sank.

I once heard from the North Dome Immortal that the Five Elements Sword Skills do not allow rumors, but a traitor emerged under his door. This traitor betrayed the Master and established his own portal. Presumably the Five Elements Sword Skills used by the master of Sect Zong and this Traitor-related.

After handing over the golden key to Zhou Ran, Ming Wang had no worries and said, "Zhou Ran, the golden key will be handed over to you. The treasures of Fanyin Mountain will never be allowed to fall into the hands of people with improper mental skills! A friend, old man Only this one request, as for revenge or something, the old man never extravagant! People die like a lamp, no matter how strong people can escape, the old man went!"

   If the person is about to die, his words are also good.

  Ming Wang finished his last words and closed his eyes.

  Zhou Ran stood up and saluted King Ming’s body, saying: “Ming King, you can rest assured! I will keep the golden key well, and I won’t let it fall into the hands of others.”

As soon as the words were finished, Long Ting, who had been unconscious for a long time, finally woke up.

  Long Ting looked at this scene in front of her, and was suddenly stunned.

  What happened during this period of unconsciousness?

   "Master Zhou...this..."

  Long Ting wanted to ask in detail~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but she saw Zhou Ran's somber face and she couldn't speak.

   "Let's go."

   Zhou Ran said silently, then he picked up the body of King Ming, and the two of them went out of the city.

   The sovereigns of Beichen, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang all died in Zhou Ran's hands, but none of Beichen's guards and citizens dare to stop Zhou Ran.

   This person's strength is too strong, no matter who rushes up, it is just moths to fight the fire.

  Zhou Ran took Long Ting out of the city under the eyes of everyone.

  The two came to a wood outside the city. Zhou Ran saw that the feng shui was good here, and buried the King Ming here.

  After burying Ming King, Zhou Ran took out the fragments of Vajra.

  In order to take out the golden key, the Vajra pestle was destroyed, but for Zhou Ran, these fragments had other uses.

Zhou Ran hit the debris together, and then urged the innate real fire. Under the forging of the innate real fire, these fragments melted and condensed. After a while, Zhou Ran was refined into a golden tombstone. The tombstone read "No "Dynamic King buried here".

  Long Ting looked at Zhou Ran blankly, Zhou Ran's innate real fire was controlled by pure fire, which made her dumbfounded and admired.

Zhou Ran inserted the tombstone into Ming Ming's tomb, and then said to Long Ting: "Long Ting, Ming Ming is not a strong man. This tomb is too small to match the identity of Ming Wang. I hope you can pay to repair the grave of Ming Wang! "


   Long Ting nodded.

   Of course, he will not refuse Zhou Ran's request, and after becoming the head of the Dragon family, he is also fully capable of repairing the tomb of the immovable king.

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