"Thank you."

   Zhou Ran thanked Long Ting for Ming Wang.

   "No... nothing..."

   Long Ting's face blushed, and Zhou Ran was grateful, making her feel a little embarrassed.

  The two stayed in front of Ming Wang's tomb for a while, Zhou Ran suddenly said: "Long Ting, I'm leaving."

   "Leave? What is gone?"

   Long Ting looked at Zhou Ran inconceivably. Although he had already guessed it, he did not want to believe it.

  Zhou Ran said: "I want to leave the Long family and go to another place."

   With this remark, Long Ting's eyes were wet.

All relying on Zhou Ran's relationship, he got rid of his tragic fate and became the head of the Dragon family.

   All this is Zhou Ran's credit, Long Ting didn't even think about Zhou Ran's leaving the Long family.

   "Master Zhou, why am I not doing well? Why are you leaving the Long family?" Long Ting asked urgently.

   "It has nothing to do with you, I am going to Neiyu."

   "Inner Territory?" Long Ting opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe his ears. "Master Zhou, Neiyu is not a place to go if you want to go. You can't enter without a customs clearance!"

   "Custom clearance? What is that?" Zhou Ran asked.

   "People in the outer realm can enter the inner realm only after they have the customs clearance! Unfortunately, even the sovereign of the Xinyu Kingdom does not have that kind of thing!"

   "Is there such a thing?"

   Zhou Ran smiled. It turned out that it was not so easy to enter the inner domain from the outer domain.

  Long Ting again said: "If there is no customs clearance, you must pass the bloodline test, but the bloodline test is very difficult, and the pass rate is almost zero!"

   "Either way, I will definitely go to Inland."

   Zhou Ran looked firm, and his expression made Long Ting speechless.

   It seems that no matter how he opposes, Zhou Ran cannot be prevented from leaving here.

   "Master Zhou, why are you going to the inner domain?" Long Ting asked cautiously.

   "I don't know." Zhou Ran told the truth.

Is    the golden key for King Ming? Or is it the disciple of the Northern Celestial Sword in Jianzong? Or is it to be stronger?

  No matter what the reason is, the inner domain can't help but go.

  Zhou Ran and Long Ting were silent for a while, then left the tomb of Ming Wang and headed towards Xinyu.

  After returning to Xinyu, Long Ting immediately found Zhou Ran, and he handed Zhou Ran a map.

"Master Zhou, this map hopes to help you!" Long Ting pointed to the map and patiently told Zhou Ran, "From Wancheng, the nearest route is to bypass the Black Blood Ridge and reach Luoshengmen from the north. There is a city called Luo Sheng City. If you are lucky, you can find the people of Hei Lu in the city, and you can buy the customs clearance from them."

  Long Ting said a bunch of place names, but Zhou Ran ignored it, but asked: "Long Ting, looking at the Black Blood Ridge from the map, it's quite big. Isn't it a superfluous detour?"

"Of course you have to make a detour!" Long Ting exclaimed, "Master Zhou, there are the strongest monsters in the Outer Realms in the Black Blood Ridge. Even if your strength is strong, I am afraid it is difficult to cope! There is no place where people go, all The people who go to Luosheng City are all detours."

   "Well." Zhou Ran said silently.

Long Ting does not care about the Black Blood Ridge. He continued: "Master Zhou, the most important thing to enter the inner domain is customs clearance. Buying from Hei Lu is the best. Here are some red soul coins used in the inner domain. I don’t know if it’s enough!"

   said, Long Ting handed a bag of coins to Zhou Ran's hands.

  Although Longting is the owner of the Long family, the Long family is not very wealthy because of its remoteness and thin property.

   This bag of money, I am afraid that it has exceeded the load of Long Ting.

Zhou Ran glanced, and found that the dark red round crystals in the bag were extremely familiar. It seemed that it was the red soul stone that was seen in the Wuxing Hall of the Five Elements and Five Elements in Qiankun, but the difference was that the breath in these crystals was much weaker. It seems that this is the common currency of the internal domain.

   Zhou Ran looked at Long Ting and nodded gently.

  If you don’t accept it, Long Ting will be more attentive, and Zhou Ran will redecoin money into Qiankun: "Long Ting, thank you! This is not a farewell to the inner domain, I will return."

   "Hmm." Long Ting nodded crying, "Master Zhou, you can rest assured! You don't have to worry about my affairs and the Dragon family's affairs, I will take care of myself!"

  Zhou Ran didn't spend much time at Long's house, but Long Ting had a sense of dependence on Zhou Ran. When Zhou Ran left, she was still reluctant.

   However, there is no banquet in the world, no matter how unwilling Long Ting is, Zhou Ran's departure cannot be stopped.

  Zhou Ran spent two more days at the Long family. After everything was ready, he left the Long family and headed for Luo Shengmen.

   walked for several days in a row, and finally came to the Black Blood Ridge.

   The Black Blood Ridge has no bounds, before it is on the way to go.

  Long Ting once told me not to cross the Black Blood Ridge, because there are the strongest monsters in the Black Blood Ridge, but Zhou Ran doesn't want to waste time.

   was hesitant, and a carriage appeared in front of Zhou Ran.

   The carriage stopped at the entrance of Black Blood Ridge, and a master and a servant were talking.

   "Master, do you really want to cross the Black Blood Ridge? This is too terrible, right?"

"I have to rush to Luosheng City within one day, otherwise, Lin's business will be all over! Besides, piranhas only infest at night, as long as we are fast enough to be able to leave the Black Blood Ridge before night, that group of animals Take us for granted!"


   The servant was still hesitant, but Zhou Ran walked over.

   "Two of you, do you want to cross the Black Blood Ridge? In this case, how about taking a ride?"

   "What?" Lin Xuan looked at Zhou Ran in amazement~www.wuxiaspot.com~ friend, are you not sick of your head? I'm in a hurry to make this decision, why do you follow us in danger? "

   "Actually, I'm in a hurry."

   Zhou Ran made up a reason casually.

   Time is pressing, Lin Xuan also has no time and Zhou Ran nonsense, he said: "Since you want to go with us, you come up!"

   Zhou Ran boarded the carriage, and Lin Xuan's servant had no choice but to walk into the Black Blood Ridge in a carriage.

  The servant driving technique is good. Although the carriage is fast, it is also quite stable.

On the carriage, Zhou Ran and Lin Xuan introduced themselves.

Lin Xuan told Zhou Ran that he was the son of Lin Family, the cargo family of Outland. The servant driving outside was named Lin An. This time he was in a hurry to go to Inland, but Lin’s customs clearance has expired and he had to buy it from Hei Lu. However, the people of Hei Lu are arrogant and stipulate that they must rush to Luosheng City within one day. They are forced to help themselves before crossing the Black Blood Ridge.

  Zhou Ran also introduced himself to Lin Xuan.

  I am from Wancheng. I went to Neiyu to do one thing, but Zhou Ran did not tell Lin Xuan what he had to do.

   Lin Xuan didn't care about Zhou Ran's purpose, but was surprised that Zhou Ran didn't have a customs clearance. .

   "Master Zhou, are you kidding me? Going to the inner domain, and actually not buying the customs clearance, how do you pass the Luoshengmen? Do you want to pass the bloodline test? That is impossible!"

   Faced with the irony of Lin Xuan, Zhou Ran was not angry, but just said: "After all, what is this inner territory? Why is it so difficult to get in?"

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