With enough food and drink, Zhou Ran and Lin Xuan left the tavern.

It was too late and the two had nowhere to go.

Lin Xuan grimaced and said: "Master Zhou, Jingguo city-state, staying to see the Jing card, unlike when entering the gate, you need to compare the Jing card and your identity, it is not easy to get confused."

"so what?"

Zhou Ran smiled faintly.

Lin Xuan looked at Zhou Ran in surprise. After entering Ducheng, he was always sincere and scared, afraid of being taken away. Why did Zhou Ran always calm and calm, not at all flustered.

"In this case, Master Zhou, what should we do?"

Lin Xuan asked carefully.

Zhou Ran thought about it and said, "Let's go to the place where you can stay and try your luck. If you can't stay, I will think of a way!"

"it is good."

Lin Xuan nodded.

Somehow, as long as he was with Zhou Ran, Lin Xuan felt quite relaxed, and his tense mood suddenly disappeared.

The two went towards the inn.

Although Ducheng is lively, but near late at night, there are not many people on the street.

Only two or three pedestrians form a stark contrast to the daytime hours.

The two went a few steps further, even the pedestrians could not see.

At this moment, a person passed by the two.

"is her?"

Zhou Ran froze.

The people who walked by were not others, but the dancers they met in the tavern.

At that time, Wu Ji was wearing a glamorous look, but at this time she was wearing a cloak, hiding her face in the cloak, which was not easily noticeable to outsiders.

It is a pity that Zhou Ran cannot be concealed.

"Master Zhou, who is the man who passed by just now?" Lin Xuan curiously said.

"It's the dancer who we saw in the tavern. So late, where is she going?"

"It turned out to be the dancing girl!" Lin Xuan smiled. "But we are already unable to protect ourselves, so don't worry about other people's business."

"I'm afraid it's not that simple!" Zhou Ran's face sank. "The dancer has a thing on her body, which is dense and suffocating!"


Lin Xuan couldn't believe his insight was not as sharp as Zhou Ran's.

"Let's go and see!"

Zhou Ran pulled Lin Xuan to catch up with Wu Ji.

Wu Ji traveled all the way and came to the entrance of Ducheng's inner city.

Ducheng is divided into an outer city and an inner city. The outer city is a place where ordinary citizens live.

So the guards in the inner city are much stricter than those in the outer city.

Wu Ji carefully pulled out a red jing card from her body, and after the guard checked the jing card, she let Wu Ji in.

Lin Xuan wondered: "She's just a slave, why can she enter the inner city? Where did he get his Jingpai?"

"Let's go to the inner city too!" Zhou Ran said suddenly.

"Go to the inner city too? But how do we get in..."

Before Lin Xuan finished his speech, Zhou Ran jumped up with him.

This jump, light and high, happened to cross the inner city walls without being noticed by the guards.

After coming to the inner city, Lin Xuan's mood was even more tense. He cried to Zhou Ran: "Master Zhou, we outsiders, actually came to the inner city of Ducheng. If we are known, we will die!" "

Zhou Ran didn't speak, but just silently looked at the houses in the inner city.

Although the outer city is also prosperous, compared with the inner city, it is far inferior.

The houses in the inner city are larger and more luxurious than those in the outer city. The identity of people living in the inner city is naturally not simple.

After the dancer arrived in the inner city, she was familiar with the car and headed towards a mansion. She did not find that she was being followed.

Zhou Ran and Lin Xuan saw Mai Ji walked into the mansion and jumped on the roof to peek.

Maiji came to the courtyard of the mansion, and someone had been waiting for a long time.

"Did something bring?"

A man asked indifferently, there were a lot of family guards around him, Zhou Ran looked at those householders, but all of them were innate masters.

Worthy of being the city-state of the Inner Territory, it has reached the point where the innate master walks everywhere.

"Hey, I brought it!"

Wu Ji trembling, she carefully took out a glass lamp.

He Ye looked at this glazed lamp carefully and nodded involuntarily.

"Yes, this is the thing, give it to me!"

Saying that, He Ye made a wink at the surrounding Ding Ding, and the two Ding Dings stepped forward immediately and wanted to take the Liuli lamp away.

Wu Ji immediately protected the glazed lamp with her body and shouted: "Hey, if your person is one step closer~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I will destroy this lamp!"

"Lily, what do you mean?"

He Ye's mouth slightly tilted, but he didn't panic.

Lily again said: "The boss is kind to me. If it is not to save my younger brother, I will not betray him and steal this lamp! Hey, I will not take this until my younger brother is safe from danger. The lamp is for you!"

Lily had a firm attitude, and He He smiled, and he whispered something to the family Ding around him. The family Ding immediately brought Lily's brother out.


Younger brother Lian Sheng saw her sister and immediately cried out, his eyes full of tears.

Lily also cried and hurriedly said: "Heye, you will let him go, I will give you the glass lamp!"

"it is good."

He Ye nodded, and Jia Ding released Lian Sheng.

Liansheng came to Lily and Lily hugged him.

"Lian Sheng, you are wronged! Go back with your sister!"

He He said again: "I have released your younger brother according to the agreement. Should the glass lamp in your hand be given to me?"


Lily handed the glass lamp to a family member in a proper manner. The family member respectfully handed the glass lamp to He Ye's hands.

He He played carefully, and the more he looked, the more he enjoyed.

"Yes! It is this thing! With it, the He family can finally raise their eyebrows!"

He Ye's excited expression, but Lily is not interested. He's not safe. Lily takes his brother and turns away.

But there were no steps, but the sisters and brothers were surrounded by the family.

Lily panicked and hurriedly said, "Hey, what do you mean? I have handed over the glazed lamp, why don't you let us go?"

Lord He carefully put away the glazed lamp and came to Lily's face step by step.

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