Seeing that Lord He was angry, the family members were also arrogant.

A family member dragged Lian Sheng out of Lily's arms.

"Lian Sheng!"

Lily shouted, but was helpless.

He Ye sneered, said: "Lily, don't think I don't know your identity! You are a pariah from the foreign domain, don't know how to get to the inner domain! Someone bought your sister to be a slave, and later sold it to him. Owner of Qikai Pub! That guy looks at you with a good look before he makes you a dancing girl. Dancing a girl as much as she can, I dare to refuse me?"

He Ye's words made Lily panicked.

"Hey... what are you going to do?"

"What to do?" He Yeyin smiled, "Of course I did what I wanted to do! Few of you, took her clothes off!"

He He ordered Jia Ding, and several Jia Ding would naturally not be polite.

A congenital class of householders is more than enough to deal with a dancer who has no hands.

"Stop! Stop!"

Lily cried, but it was useless.

His younger brother Lian Sheng also yelled, but was caught by Jia Ding, and his yelling did not help.

"Hey, hey!"

He He smiled badly, and he came to Lily's face step by step.

This dance girl's figure is so good, it must be very comfortable to play.

Several Dings put their hands up and down, preparing to take all of Lily's clothes off, but did not want to appear suddenly, kicking several Dings out.

Seeing this, He He was dumbfounded.

"Who is it! Dare to spoil this uncle's good thing!"

"Who am I? You are not qualified to know."

Zhou Ran smiled faintly.

Just now I have been quietly peeking on the roof, but I don't want He Ye to be such a mean person.

Zhou Ran naturally couldn't sit still, suddenly shot and rescued Lily.

"Good boy! I don't want to live!"

Lord He was furious.

His family members are all innate masters. This person doesn't know what to do.

"Kill me!"

At the order of He Ye, all the family members swarmed up and rushed to Zhou Ran.

Just now Zhou Ran attacked successfully, but this time, the family members are prepared, naturally they will not be afraid of everyone.

The family members were aggressive, but Zhou Ran looked calm.

Congenitally ranked family members, they don't even think about it.

As soon as his figure flashed, Zhou Ran evaded the attack of the family members, and his figure had appeared on the edge of Liansheng.

The family member who caught Liansheng hadn't had time to react, and Liansheng was taken away by Zhou Ran.

Zhou Ran handed Lian Sheng into Lily's hands and said, "Brother returns it to you, but don't lose it again."


Lily couldn't help grateful.

Although I don't know who Zhou Ran is, Lily looked at Zhou Ran and felt a lot of peace of mind, and his life appeared again.

"What are you doing! Quickly kill me!"

Lord He was furious.

The family members not only did not hurt Zhou Ran, but also allowed Zhou Ran to save Lian Sheng.

If spread out, He's face will sweep away.

He He's fierce order, the family did not dare to neglect, they all tried their best to take Zhou Ran's life.

Zhou Ran smiled slightly and cast his figure again.

The family members thumped once again and could not discern Zhou Ran's movement at all.

Zhou Ran came to He Ye in silence, and with his hand stretched out, the glass lamp became Zhou Ran's bag.


He He was surprised, this guy actually stole his treasure.

With the glass lamp in hand, Zhou Ran was too lazy to stay in He's mansion, and he came to Lily and Liansheng again.

"Got to go!"

Zhou Ran lifted the sisters and brothers together and took the sisters and brothers away from the Hejia mansion.

The speed is so fast that He Ye and all the family members cannot react.

"Chasing me! Hurry to chase me!"

He Ye shouted, but to no avail, Zhou Ran and others had already fled.

After leaving the He Family Mansion, Zhou Ran and Lin Xuan met.

Lin Xuan ran away like crazy and gave thumbs up to Zhou Ran while escaping.

"Master Zhou, I really have you! Dare to make trouble in the inner city of Ducheng, not only took away the treasure, but also rescued this woman!"

"It's no big deal." Zhou Ran said lightly.

Soon, the crowd came to the inner city wall, Zhou Ran painted the gourd like this, and led three people out of the inner city lightly.

After coming to the outer city, the street was silent.

Everyone didn't know where to Lily stopped immediately and said, "I can't leave, I have to go back to the inner city! He Ye won't let us go, he must lay troops in the inner city. At that time, there will be some masters out there!"

"So what?" Zhou Ran didn't have any fear on his face. He looked straight at Lily. "For a person, blood is not the most important thing, the most important thing is the heart! Isn't it even your heart? Are you already a slave to the Inland People?"

Zhou Ran's words made Lily stunned.

I already admit my fate, but I didn't expect Zhou Ran's words, but also aroused my hope for life.

"Sister, let's run away!"

Liansheng pulled Sister La's clothes.

Lily knew that he was not alone, and he must protect his younger brother.

"I know a secret place!"

Lily made up her mind and took Zhou Ran and others to the corner of the outer city.

There is a ruined house here, the house is desolate, a gloomy scene, it is difficult to imagine such a house will appear in Ducheng.

"Here is..." Lin Xuan surprised.

"Don't ask so much, come in!"

Lily urged, and led everyone into the house.

After coming in, Lily explained: "This is where my former owner lived. Because he offended the dignitaries, the whole family was killed, and the house was broken down and no one lived."

"So it turns out."

Zhou Ran smiled and took out the glass lamp he had taken away.

The reason why I followed Lily and rescued Lily's younger brother from He Ye's hands was all because of this glazed lamp.

"Lily, do you know what this is?"

Everyone knows what the concept of immortal level is. In a small glazed lamp, there are actually fragments of such strong souls.

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