I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 940: The strength of the Kingdom

  The main force of the Qing army led by Zhang Dan was trapped in the Echo Valley by the Vientiane Army.

   In this way, there were few guards standing by the host of Qing Guoguo. Zhou Ran saw the opportunity and led hundreds of imperial guards toward the military account of Qing Guozhong.

   These hundreds of imperial guards were personally selected by Zhou Ran, and all of them were of Jin Dan or above strength, so it was very convenient to lead them.

   In between, the guards came to Qingguozhong military account.

   Outside the Chinese military account, there were only hundreds of escorts. At the order of Zhou Ran, the Imperial Guard rushed towards the **** of the Lord of the Kingdom.

   The guards were suddenly shocked. Isn't the Jingguo Guards fighting the Qing Army's main force? Why can they come here?

   "Protect the sovereign!"

   "Never let these people hurt the sovereign!"

  The guards were united and formed a wall in front of the Chinese military account to resist the invasion of the Imperial Guard.

It is a pity that Generals such as Duan Xuan and Zhang Dan are not present. These escorts are not led by anyone. They are fighting each other, and naturally they are not as good as the Imperial Guards led by Zhou Ran.

   After a while, this group of guards was knocked down to the ground by the guards.

  Zhou Ran let the Imperial Guard surround the Chinese army tent. The Lord of the Kingdom of the Kingdom was inside, and it was difficult to fly.

After all, he is the master of a country, Zhou Ran also has to give some face, and then he rushed towards the Chinese military account: "Guo Guoguo, all the guards around you are gone. , Please follow me!"

  As long as he seizes the host of the country, he can force the host of the country to sign the armistice agreement. In this way, it is possible to avoid being burnt.

   Therefore, Zhou Ran chose the tactic of raging east and west.

  Zhou Ran's words, but the Chinese military account was silent, and there was no sound in it.

   "Sure enough, as the high commander said, the mysterious **** of the Kingdom of God is mysterious and not flattering."

  Zhou Ran said to himself, no matter who Xu Qingguo is, he would also take him back to Jingguo.

   Therefore, Zhou Ran winked at the two guards around him.

   The two imperial guards, with their hearts in mind, prepared to enter the Chinese military account and arrested the master of the country.

  At this moment, within the Chinese military account, he suddenly released a momentum.

  Zhou Ran suddenly felt bad and shouted: "Flee!"

   But it was too late, a violent explosion occurred in the Chinese military account, the entire Chinese military account was like a fireball, and it rushed into the air.

The guard soldiers around    had no time to dodge, and half of them died under the fireball.

  Fortunately, the soldiers who escaped the disaster did not dare to do anything.

   Zhou Ran's face sank, this time, he was paralyzed.

   If the Chinese military account is a master, Zhou Ran will naturally be wary, but the Chinese military account has no breath, empty and empty. It seems that the strength of the national leader is not strong.

   But in fact, the strength of Qing Guoguo is far above several generals. Not only that, he can also restrain his breath.

  'S powerful power, even Zhou Ran felt surprised.

  Look again, the fireball that is flying into the air is gradually burning out.

Under the fireball, the host of Qingguo finally showed his true face.

   This Qingguo lord, let alone the Jingguo people, even the Qingguo people, rarely have respect.

  Zhou Ran subconsciously looked at the Lord of the Kingdom of Qing Dynasty. Although he was young, he had white hair, and the pupils in his eyes were bloody.

   looks so reminiscent of ghosts, it is no wonder that the sovereign never shows people in his true colors.

  The rest of the soldiers of the Imperial Guard, seeing the respect of the Lord of the Kingdom, immediately had a lot of discussion.

   "This is the Lord of the Kingdom of China? It looks too scary, right?"

   "It's like a ghost, and he will have nightmares when I see him!"

   "No wonder he has never shown people in his true colors."

  Zhou Ran commanded the soldiers of the Imperial Guards to retreat. What he saw was not the appearance of Qing Guoguo but the strength of the other party.

   Strange people must have magical powers, they can't be sloppy.

   Lord Qing Guo looked at Zhou Ran coldly, and then slowly fell from the sky, came to Zhou Ran.

   "Are you the champion of Jingguo?" the host asked, his words cold.


   "I didn't expect to be so young." Lord Qing Guoguo sighed. "In that case, how can you abandon Jing Guo and come to my side to help me? Everything Jing Jing gave you, I will give you double!"

  The host of the country began to solicit Zhou Ran.

  Zhou Ran shook his head and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. Qingguo went on battles so many times that people don't talk about life, how can I help you to abuse?"

A cold expression appeared on the face of Lord Kwok Kwok and said, "I don't know how to lift it! Since that's the case, I'm welcome to blame you! The leader of Kwok Kwok is just a piece I used to cover up, to dominate the entire territory. , I am enough by myself because I am the strongest!"

   In his speech, Lord Guo Guo released the power in his body.

   The true element fired, making the body of Gyeongguk Kingdom sparkle, and soon turned into a fireball.

  The soldiers of the Imperial Guard felt scorching and could not help but retreat for dozens of steps. In the presence of the King of the Kingdom of the Kingdom, if they were negligent, they would die.

   Zhou Ran also looked somber.

   This prince of the Kingdom of God is not alarmist. His strength is indeed above the generals such as Bai Chen and Duan Xuan.

  Among the opponents he has dealt with, only the Snow Beast of the Northland ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ can be comparable to it.

  The power of the snow beast was inspired by Yan Hui, but this lord of the country was his own power, which was stronger than that of the snow beast at that time.

   "Another realm of feathering!"

  Zhou Ran said silently that his words also came into the ears of the Lord of the Kingdom.

   "Feathering state? This is not just the feathering state. My strength has reached the triplet of feathering. This force is something you can't even imagine!"

   As soon as the words fell, the Lord of the Kingdom of China launched an attack on Zhou Ran.

   A fist-sized fireball struck Zhou Ran in front of him.

  The hot breath made Zhou Ran's cheeks hurt, Zhou Ran's subconscious flash, avoiding the edge.

   The fireball exploded behind Zhou Ran, the ground suddenly shivered, and mushroom-shaped smoke rose into the air.

  Zhou Ran looked at the smoke behind him. Although the fireball was small, the power implied in the fireball was not small, just like a nuclear weapon. If he was hit, he wouldn’t feel good.

   missed a hit, and the master of Gyeongguk suddenly sneered.

   "I didn't expect you to hide? But it was just a small trial, and it was impossible to escape from my hands!"

   said that there were more fireballs in the hands of the Lord of the Kingdom.

   Fireballs are small, but they are all dazzling and shocking.

   Qingguo Guo gently waved his hand, the fireball surrounded Zhou Ran, and the space Zhou Ran was able to avoid was gone. .

"go to hell!"

  The host of Qing Guoguo manipulated the fireball, coming in all directions.

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