I Have A Hundred God-level Apprentices

Chapter 941: Son of Donghua

  Zhou Ran knew that avoiding was inevitable, and he could only take out the jade blood sword from the Qiankun ring.

   Afterwards, Zhou Ran broke the huge force produced by the fireball explosion with the indestructible jade blood sword and escaped from it.


   Qing Guo Guozhu's face showed a surprised look.

   originally thought that Zhou Ran was only in a powerful position. Unexpectedly, the combat strength of the single player was quite strong, and he was able to fight against him in court.

  Since this is the case, Qingguo Guozhu will not be neglected.

   The shape of the fireball in his hand changed and became a sword formed by a flame.

  The host of Qing Guoguo walked toward Zhou with a sword of fire.

  Zhou Ran raised the jade blood sword and bumped into the fire sword.


   looks like a cold weapon contest, but bursts out a violent explosion.

   The bodies of Zhou Ran and Qing Guo Guo have been surrounded by flames, and the burning flame made the surroundings burn.

  The soldiers of the Imperial Guard watching the battle were all dumbfounded.

   Exactly how powerful cultivators can fight to show the picture of purgatory?

  Zhou Ran knew that the enemy was powerful, so he only used the strongest jade blood sword in the nine-handed spirit sword to fight against it, but even so, the strength of the Lord of the Kingdom of Guo Guo still surprised Zhou Ran.

   Feathering's triple strength is much stronger than the snow beast he defeated. This guy is the strongest one of the opponents he has encountered.

   Zhou Ran was shocked by the power of Qing Guoguo, who also did not believe his eyes.

   "Why is it that the culmination of all areas can resist my attack?"

   The host of Qingguo was suspicious. Zhou Ran's strength was indeed only at the peak of his path, but to this extent, he was able to fight for himself.

   Jingguo has the weakest comprehensive strength among the twelve inland regions, why did such a master suddenly appear?

   "I heard that you are an apprentice of Donghua Fairy? Is this true or false?" Qing Guoguo asked.

"of course it's true."

   "You nonsense! The apprentice of Donghua Fairy, there can be no such strength! That person is clearly a straw bag, you are not him at all!"

   Qing Guoguo saw Zhou Ran's false identity, but for Zhou Ran, it was no longer important.

  Whether you are Zhou Ran or Qingfengju, you can’t live without defeating the opponent in front of you.

   "No matter who I am, as long as the strength is true, then fight me with pleasure!"

   Zhou Ran said arrogantly, waved his hand, and forced the retreat of Qing Guo.

   The host of Qing Guoguo was inexplicable. When this guy was carrying him hard, he still had such strength.

  In a daze, Zhou Ran had already waved the jade blood sword in his hand, and a fierce sword gas came towards himself.

  The master of the Kingdom of Qing Dynasty knew that the sword energy was fierce, and he did not dare to neglect. He held a fire sword and drew a circle in front of him.

   It is not impolite to come and go. Lord Guo Guo escaped Zhou Ran's attack and immediately launched a counterattack.

   Above the blade of the fire sword, a fire dragon flew out and went towards Zhou.

  Fire dragon is like life, opened the big mouth of the blood basin, intending to swallow Zhou Ran.

  The jade blood sword in Zhou Ran's hand flew out and slammed into the fire dragon fiercely, the fire dragon and the jade blood sword joined together.

  The two forces collided together, and once again a violent explosion occurred. The ground where Zhou Ran and Qing Guoguo were located has been split because of the ground. If they were not clever, they would just fall into the ground.

After the explosion, the fire dragon disappeared, the jade blood sword also buzzed, and there was a crack in the sword.

  Although the crack can repair itself, the strength of Qingguo Guozhu made Zhou Ran astounded.

   At this moment, Zhou Ran can no longer hold the idea of ​​catching the other party alive. If he does not use all-out fighting, he is afraid that he will be injured.

  After making up his mind, Zhou Ran raised the jade blood sword high.

  The power of the dragon in the body burst forth and lingered on the sword of the jade blood sword.

   Surrounded by the air, there was a sound of dragon sounds, which sounded through the sky, resonating with the jade blood sword.

  The soldiers of the Imperial Guards retreated farther. This was the first time they saw Zhou Ran exerting his full strength. It was so powerful that he did not give up much with the Lord of the Kingdom.

   Lord Guoqing also looked down, Zhou Ran's internal strength continued to increase, he also felt the crisis.

  Although it is only a realm of union, this power is no less than that of the feathered triple self. What is this guy's practice?

   Zhou Ran is ready to use the magical dragon to break the sky, but before that, he must reconcile the power of the body with the chaotic formula.

   Chaos tactics came out, the various forces in Zhou Ran's body suddenly fused together, and even the aura in the surrounding air was also absorbed by Zhou Ran.

  King Guo knew that Zhou Ran's trick was so powerful, he no longer had the slightest reservation, and also brought his own power to the peak.

   Zhou Ran's insight is particularly keen, and he can find clues from the subtle details.

   The power of Qingguo's lord was entangled with his own power, and Zhou Ran noticed a familiar smell.

   This smell is the last remaining on the bookmark that records the Soul Search method, and guides the person who destroyed the bookmark.

   Zhou Ran's movements stopped, and he looked at the Lord of the Kingdom.

   "Are you east away? Sons of Donghua fairy and Antarctic fairy?"

   Zhou Ran's words made Ling Qingguo hesitant.

   It took a long time~www.wuxiaspot.com~The Lord of the Kingdom regained his consciousness, and a dismissive smile appeared on his face.

"Dongli? So long ago, where do I remember? Now I am the host of Gyeongguk, the unique man in Gyeongguk, and the person who will rule the entire inner realm! I have long since abandoned this name, "Dongli" Now!"

   Dongli dismissed his words, but Zhou Ran knew that Qingguo was the person he had been looking for.

   inherited the heritage of Donghua Fairy, and also agreed to Donghua Fairy's request. Naturally, she could not kill her son.

   Zhou Ran did not attack, but Dongli refused to give up.

  Taking advantage of Zhou Ran's chance to distract, Dongli waved his fire sword and fell from above and below.

   "Go to death!" Dongli said loudly.

  However, although Zhou Ran gave up the attack, the force brewed just now is still there. This force is extremely sharp and was inspired by Dongli's attack.

   East was suddenly hit by this force, and the fire sword in his hand also took off, becoming a blossoming little flame.


   Dongli was taken aback, and he realized that Zhou Ran's strength was amazing. Originally it was just a realm of combining powers, and he exerted his full strength, but he was still above the feathered triple.

  Since this is the case, Dongli will naturally not love war.

  Dongli took advantage of Zhou Ran's nostalgia to get rid of Zhou Ran's entanglement and went straight to Echo Valley. .

  Although the Vientiane Army Array that trapped Qingjun’s main force, it could not withstand the power of the feather state.

  Dongli used his own strength to forcibly break through the battlefield. The main forces of the Qing army led by Zhang Dan were all out of trouble, and they fled under the leadership of Dongli.

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