"What is this?"

   Duan Xuan exclaimed, why is there such a trap in the palace of Qingguo?

   He who is in the same realm is almost sucked in. The weaker ones can't resist at all.

   was stunned, the stone door in front of him opened.

"come in!"

  The voice of the host, Dongli, came from the stone room.

   "Sovereign Lord, I'll just report it outside the door!"

  Duanxuan humbly said that the Lord of the Kingdom of Kingdom never let others look at his appearance. As the commander of the three armed forces, he must naturally obey.

   "It's okay, come in!" Dongli said again.

  Duanxuan then walked carefully into the stone room.

   The stone room is not big. There is only one person from Dongli. He is sitting cross-legged.

  Duanxuan saw the appearance of the Lord of the Kingdom, and he was shocked. It is no wonder that the Lord of the Kingdom of the Lord did not meet people, just like a ghost, no matter who read it, he would be surprised.

   "Master, why are you?"

  Duan Xuan asked curiously, he never knew the reason for the closed practice of the sovereign.

Dongli's mouth slightly tilted, saying: "The champion of Jingguo is a strong enemy, even if it is me, there is no certainty of winning! The battle of Jianjiaguan, I actually fell out, if I don't improve, wait. I still couldn’t win the second meeting, so I retreat and practice."

"It turned out to be so." Duan Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Master, the soldiers, after retiring from Jianjiaguan, they are all at a loss. When is the next time to send troops to Jingguo? The soldiers were relieved by the goal. In addition, the Qingguo Taxation Department suffered heavy losses, including the Director Qingwen Liang, and the taxation department survived. How can the taxation continue?"

Duan Xuan threw out several questions in a row. Dongli thought for a while and said, "Before I leave the border, the army is temporarily closed and must not be rashly dispatched! As for the affairs of the tax department, leave it alone for now, and Qingguo's taxation will be suspended. "

   "Taxes stopped?" Duan Xuan stunned. He couldn't believe his ears. If there were no taxes, the military pay would be gone. By that time, how would he fight against other countries? "Guardian, please think twice!"

  Duanxuan struggled according to reason, the ground shook as soon as the words were exported.

   "Master, please be careful, I'm afraid it's an earthquake! If this stone room collapses, it's better to go out earlier!"

  Duan Xuan persuaded that Dongli was very calm.

   "Don't be afraid, just a monster."

   "Monster? What monster?"

  Duanxuan is unknown. So when he entered this stone room, he felt uncomfortable and didn't know what was going on.

   Dongli left the face with a cold look, and said: "I think I am talented and clever. With decades of practice, I have only entered the feathering triple. Unfortunately, even so, I can't defeat Jingguo champion Hou."

  The words of the Lord made Duan Xuan take a breath.

   It turns out that the strength of the master of the kingdom has been overwhelming, and the triple feathering is not only one step away from the realm of the fairy.

   Dongli again said: "So, I just raised this monster, this monster is very powerful and needs to be closed and raised."

   "Closed feeding?"

  Duanxuan couldn't believe his ears.

   originally thought that the retreat of the sovereign was to enhance his own strength. I did not expect him to retreat to raise monsters. What kind of monsters need to be closed for breeding?

   Dongli smiled slightly, and he injected his real element into the ground.

  The monster under the ground seemed to perceive the real element of Dongli, shaking slightly, in response.

  Duanxuan realized this, and busy said: "Master, you feed the beast with real yuan, I am afraid that your body will not be able to support."

   "My body is fine." Dongli sneered. "The stone gate banage was originally meant to hurt oneself and others. If even Zhenyuan is unwilling to give up, how can he use gluttonous food for me?"

   "What! Gluttonous?"

  Duanxuan stood up in shock.

   No wonder he was just sucked in just now. It turns out that the monster beast raised by the owner is actually one of the four great beasts.

   Like this kind of beast, how can it be easily raised?

   Not paying attention, I am afraid that the entire Qingguo will be eaten by gluttons.

   "Master, please give up feeding gluttons! To defeat Jing Guo, you don't need to rely on gluttonous help at all. I am willing to lead the army and break through the capital of Jing Guo!"

  Duan Xuan asked the sovereign.

   Dongli smiled coldly and said again: "Duanxuan, you don't have to worry, the gluttonous condition is stable and will not run away. I have already relied on my true yuan to make the gluttony mainly me."


  Duanxuan wanted to persuade, but was interrupted by Dongli.

   "Duan Xuan, if you really think about Qing Guo, there is one thing you need to do."

   "As long as the Lord Lord orders, I will die forever!"

  Duanxuan showed loyalty to the host.

   Dongli's mouth twitched slightly, and said: "Since you are willing to dedicate your life for the sake of Qingguo, then this time, let you be a gluttonous sacrifice!"


  Duanxuan didn't understand Dongli's words, thinking about it, the ground under his feet suddenly cracked a gap, and he fell into the gap when he had no time to react.

Dongli saw that Duanxuan fell off and said coldly: "Duanxuan, to make gluttonous gluttons for my use, we must sacrifice the strong man in the same realm~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This time, you will be wronged !"

   originally thought that Duan Xuan would fall into the gluttonous body, but did not want to stretch out a hand and grabbed Dongli's foot.

   This is Duan Xuan's hand. Duan Xuan doesn't want to be a sacrifice to the **** beast, desperately resists.

   It is a pity that such a rebellion will not help at all.

   Dongli kicked lightly, Duan Xuan's hand had nowhere to put effort, and he fell into the gap again.

   "Sovereign, you are cruel to Zhongliang, doomed not to die!"

  The roar of Duan Xuan's exhaustion came from below. The general Qing Guo finally woke up at the last moment of his life.

   This roar also became Duan Xuan's last words.

   The gap gradually closed, Duan Xuan never had the opportunity to come out again, and his voice could not be heard.

   Dongli looked at the closed gap on the ground and said, "Duan Xuan, thanks to you, the beast is finally activated. One of the four beasts is finally for me!"

  The gluttonous man absorbed the strong men of the common realm, and the ground began to shake violently.

   He was eccentric in the centrifugation, he slowly squatted down, stroking the ground. .

"Duan Xuan, you don't have to be afraid of being alone. Not long after your death, your wife and children will soon be with you, not only you and your family, but even the people of the whole country will be buried for you! This is also a helpless thing. If gluttony is to exert its strongest engulfing force, it must be sacrificed with enough life. The souls of the entire country can become part of my victory, and this is worthwhile!"

   Dongli's laughter is mixed with a crazy smell, which can be heard in the entire backyard of the palace.

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