Zhou Ran came to Licheng. This is the capital of Qing Guo, the largest city-state besides the capital.

   Even as a companion, Licheng is far less than any city-state in Jingguo, except for the slightly taller houses, it is still a gloomy scene.

   "It seems that the whole country is totally useless except for its strong military power!"

   Zhou Ran smiled bitterly, although Licheng city-state was bleak, it was better to stay here for one night because the sky was getting late.

   walked into Licheng, Zhou Ran saw many people.

   Although the house is dilapidated, it is the accompaniment anyway. Many dignitaries and nobles have a courtyard in Licheng, so the streets of Licheng are also lively.

  Tea shops and wine shops have everything. Many city residents are chatting inside, and they are bored.

  Zhou Ran hungry, also walked into a wine shop, ordered some food.

The diners beside    had no worries at all, and had been vociferous.

   "Qingjun defeated again, deserve it! It is a pity that Qingjun has not been annihilated by the whole army! If Qingjun is gone and other countries occupy Qingguo, our good days will come!"

   "Isn't it? The devil, the sovereign, didn't even think about the life and death of the citizens! The army defeated the war, the people suffered; the victory, the national still suffered! In this way, who wants the army to win the war?"

   "I heard that the taxation department has also been criticized. It's very popular! It's hard to donate miscellaneous taxes, which makes the people miserable. Those of the taxation department should all go to hell!"

   "I just don't know when the devil will die. If he doesn't die, all the citizens will live in dire straits!"

   who can come to the wine shop to drink and eat meat, is also wealthy in Qingguo, but such a person, but no one helps the host to speak, all the nonsense.

  After Zhou Ran came to Qingguo, he heard it all the way and knew that in the minds of Qingguo, the sovereign was like a devil.

   No matter what you do, or word of mouth, it is extremely bad.

   The son of Donghua Xianren is indeed a bad guy.

Zhou Ran didn't know why Dongli would become like that. He still had hope in his heart. Maybe there was a reason for all this to happen. The prodigal son turned back and did not change the gold. As long as Dongli awakened, he could still fulfill Donghua's entrustment .

   After drinking, Zhou Ran left the wine shop and saw a drunk man sitting on the street, screaming at the passing pedestrians.

   "Qingguo should have been destroyed long ago! There is such a sovereign, and the best is destroyed!"

   "My daughter died in the palace. When she died, her clothes were not in order. When I went to theory, I was beaten to death by the guards of the palace!"

   "Everyone who helps the abuser must not die! Although I can't see it anymore, I know there will always be such a day!"

   "The devil will perish one day, I am waiting for this day!"

   Passers-by passed by the drunkard, but no one stopped persuasion and turned a blind eye.

  Zhou Ran noticed that the drunkard's two eyes had already had no eyes, for fear of being blinded by the guards of the palace.

  Licheng is the capital city of the Kingdom of Qing Dynasty. The drunkards sang a lot of words on the street, but no one stopped it. This made Zhou Ran a little surprised.

   It seems that not only the people's hearts, but even Licheng's guards do not think that the lord of the country is worth allegiance.

  , whether such a sovereign can change, Zhou Ran has no idea.

  The drunk man made a noise on the street for a while, and a few people came. He respectfully invited the drunk man into the carriage, and then the carriage drove away.

  Zhou Ran was surprised, and he grabbed a man by the roadside and asked, "Brother, who is that drunkard? Why did he talk indiscriminately, no one ignored it?"

  The man looked up and down Zhou Ran and said, "You are from a foreign country, no wonder you don't know. That man is the father of Licheng's lord, and his eyes were digged by the lord."

   "Citylord's father?" Zhou Ran stunned, "So his daughter, isn't the citylord's sister or sister?"

"Yes." The man nodded. "This matter is known to all the people of Licheng. The main concubine of the kingdom of Guo Guo chose the concubine of Licheng to go to the palace. Unexpectedly, the sister died in the palace. , The death was miserable! The father of the city master went to theory, but was injured by the guards of the palace, and even his eyes were blind!"

   "Since this is the case, why doesn't Licheng Lord resist?" Zhou Ran asked again.

"How could it be?" The man sighed. "The sovereign is very strong. Even if he tries his best, he can't defeat it. In addition, there is an army in the hands of the sovereign. Licheng fights hard with it. Only the end of destruction! Therefore, the Lord of the City can only swallow his breath, apologizing to the Lord, saying that his sister was killed by suicide, has nothing to do with the Lord of the Lord, his father's eyes are also accidentally blind, and has nothing to do with the guards of the palace. "

   Men's words made Zhou Ran sigh.

   Tangcheng Licheng City Lord, a party of princes, in front of the Lord, actually had such a mess.

   This is not because of loyalty, but because of fear.

   The whole country, I'm afraid it has fallen into a deformed situation.

  Zhou Ran no longer chats with men, Licheng is not far from Qingguo, as long as he stays here for one night and starts tomorrow, he can reach Guodu.

  After arriving in the capital, other things will be discussed after seeing the host, Dongli.

  Zhou Ran found an inn~www.wuxiaspot.com~ to stay in the inn.

   prepares to leave Licheng early the next morning, but does not want to sleep late at night, but the whole Licheng is in trouble.

   "Run away! The army is attacking the city!"

   "If you don't escape, you can't escape!"

  Zhou Ran woke up from his sleep and saw that the shop’s second junior all rushed out of the door. He immediately grabbed the store’s second junior and asked, "Little brother, what happened?"

   Xiaoer, with a bitter face, said, "Guest officer, it is not the right time for you to come. Qingguo's army ran away and burned and robbed everywhere. Their goal this time was Licheng!"

   "Army runaway? Why did Qingguo's army attack Qingguo's city-state?" Zhou Ran asked again.

  The second person in the shop couldn't get rid of Zhouran, he could only say everything he knew.

"I just heard about it. It is said that Duan Xuan, the commander of the three armed forces of Qing Dynasty, died inexplicably. There are no leaders in the Qing army. Everyone wants to be the commander. They couldn’t sit still, they wouldn’t cultivate the fields, they would only fight, so they plundered the city-state of Qing Guo!”

  The second element of the shop made Zhou Ran feel funny.

  The Qing Army was indeed wonderful, and even wanted to plunder itself. In this case, what is the significance of this army?

  Zhou Ran originally wanted to leave Licheng the next morning, but now he can't walk away.

   Qingguo’s army had surrounded Licheng, and I was afraid that even a fly could not escape. .

   "It seems that this time, it will take some time."

   Zhou Ran smiled bitterly, and walked up to the city wall.

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