I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 880: Don't tell you!

   "Xiao Hei, how strong is this massage?"


   "This way?"

   "Did you knead the dough..." The little black and white tender feet kicked Jiang Lin lightly, but they still did not retract, but continued to place them on Jiang Lin's thighs.

   "How about this?"

   There is no way, Jiang Lin can only be "forced helplessly" to continue rubbing Xiao Hei's legs.

   In fact, Jiang Lin is really resistant!

   just kidding! Is Jiang Lin the kind of person who likes to rub the legs of cute soft girls? She is one hundred and fifty years old!

   My Jiang Lin is very serious!

   "If it wasn't for Xiao Hei to help me, my Jiang Lin would rub her legs?!"

   Jiang Lin said viciously, but the movements on his hands did not stop for a moment.

   And Xiao Hei looked at Jiang Lin's hands that were actively massaging, and the corners of his mouth were gently raised: "It seems that you like to massage me very much?"

   "No, don't talk nonsense! Don't slander me!" Jiang Lin denied Sanlian.

   "Oh?" Xiao Hei looked at Jiang Lin interestingly, "I just asked you to squeeze me a quarter of an hour. This is all two sticks of incense, why don't you let go?"

"Cough cough cough..." Jiang Lin's face blushed, but his expression straightened up quickly, "I'm not trying to make you comfortable, brother, for the sake of brothers, let alone rubbing your legs, brothers, I can do two things. Ribs!"

   "Then you can squeeze Wu Ke's legs?" Little Black Kazilan looked at Jiang Lin with big eyes blinking.

   Jianglin immediately remembered Wu Ke and their big hairy legs...subconsciously said: "No, I should have cut their legs."

   "Chuck..." Xiao Hei laughed like a little hen, and his two soft feet kicked gently in Jiang Lin's arms.

   But Jiang Lin realized that he didn't hate it at all!

   Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel lost in thought!

   can't do it! I and Xiao Hei are brothers! Be firm! Be firm!


   And the purpose of the Jade Heart Sect is to cut the red dust, destroy the desires of people, and ask with one heart.

   I heard that in the Jade Heart Sect for hundreds of years, men are as hard as a stone, ruthless and desireless. No matter what the Huanxi Sect is helpless, and women are as cold as a sword, and they have no feelings.

  Especially the rumored master sister of Yuxinzong, known as the bright moon since the beginning of Yuxinzong, is indeed extremely beautiful, ranking seventh in the color list, that is, that Leng Bingqing,

   And the teacher also knows that, although it is ranked seventh, but this time the color A list starts, the top ten rankings are already in no particular order, because each has its own characteristics.

   And Senior Sister Leng Bingqing doesn't feel like a normal person, but like a sword without any temperature.

   I heard that a female disciple who was in the same line was stripped of clothes and defiled by a thief. When this senior sister said that she wanted to'get justice and cut him into a stick', we couldn't feel a bit of murderousness and anger. "

   "It is unreasonable! This is so brilliant, and there are girls who have been so brutally brutal!" Jiang Lin was very uncomfortable! I still have a strong sense of justice, "What are the characteristics of that thief? As a teacher, I want to be fair to that girl, not to get close to the Jade Heart Sect's senior sister!"

"That thief heard that he is close to six feet tall (one foot equals 33 centimeters), and his face is distinct. He has a refined and Confucian style. Upon closer inspection, he is still a bit cold and abstinent, but he is still a little bit cold and abstinent on closer inspection. Gentle..."

   At this point, Qian Zhenduo noticed that the teacher was wearing a Taoist robe of Yuxinzong.

   lewd thief...

   was stripped of clothes...

   like a scholar...

   There is the style of Confucian generals...

  Looking at high cold abstinence from afar...

  I look a little bit gentle...

   Suddenly, Qian Zhenduo's eyes widened!

   "Little fat."

   "I just heard that a disciple of the Yuxin Sect visited the brothel and violated the rules, so I came to ask, but you are not my disciple of the Yuxin Sect. How do you have my Yuxin Sect disciple's clothes?"

   When Leng Bingqing mentioned this incident, Qian Zhen mentioned it in spirit, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Fairy Leng." Jiang Lin is still in danger, "My name is Jiang Yida, and I am a man of justice who is full of justice, but when he was on the way, there was a robber who wanted to rob me! In the end he was caught. I robbed him. It’s a pity that my clothes were broken in the fight, so I had to pull them off. If there is any misunderstanding, please forgive me."

   "Then do you know that this dress may actually be owned by a woman?"

   "There is such a thing!" Jiang Lin expressed shock for ten thousand years, "I didn't expect the robber to be so frantic!"

   Leng Bingqing narrowed his eyes and looked at Jiang Lin, but Jiang Lin unexpectedly began to take off his clothes: "In this case, this dress will be returned to Guizong first, no thanks."

   Seeing Jiang Lin suddenly undress, the female disciples all said "Ah", and then they covered their eyes, but they could still see their curious and shy eyes from their fingers.

   "Goodbye Lengzi, I'll ask the fairy to hand over the clothes." Jiang Lin put on a white gown and was about to run away. As a result, a sword gas was directly blocked in front of Jiang Lin.

   "Tao friends, don't be anxious..."

   Leng Bingqing slowly stepped forward.

   "Bingqing’s junior sister is about to arrive, so it’s okay for her to thank her fellow daoists in public."

   Listening to this miserable cry, some women wanted to drew their swords to cut Jiang Lin, especially at Leng Bingqing's side, Jiang Lin already felt a sharp sword aura.

   But the girl's next sentence directly stunned everyone.

"Scumbag! Why did you just take off my robes and do nothing to me! Do I really look so ugly? Do you have a flower picker like you? Do you think you are handsome if you are handsome? !"

   The girl continued to cry loudly, but the faces of the others were extremely wonderful, as if the three views had been crushed by the grass mud horse.

   Even Leng Bingqing~www.wuxiaspot.com~ those nice apricot eyes blinked and blinked, but she knew that she was practicing swordsmanship and didn't react for a while.

   "Girl, I just thought your school uniform was pretty good at the time, so I was impulsive. I'm really sorry, but you can't slander my innocence out of thin air. What do your senior sisters think I do to you?"

   Jianglin is even more helpless.

   "Why did you keep crying before then?"

"Senior sister, if this beast wants me, it's fine, but this man is not even as good as a beast! He just pulled out my robes without touching me, and gave me the money. Senior sister, Xiaoqian is not ugly. When I think that this man should treat me this way, I...I want to cry..."

   At this point, the younger sister who claims to be Xiaoqian is still worried about her unbelief, and continues to add.

   "Sister, Xiao Qian is really innocent."

   "Innocence... innocence is good..."

   Although there have been some twists and turns, Leng Bingqing doesn’t know what to say, but it’s okay for her sister to be fine.

   But Xiaoqian is a girl after all, so she was stripped of her clothes...



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