I Have a Lot of Resurrection Coins

Vol 2 Chapter 881: How can this be good.....

"Sister Shulu, do you have anyone you like?"


"That's great, Sister Shulv doesn't like seniors, right?"

"..." Shu Lvbai glanced at the girl who was about to marry as a wife (in fact, she was already married as a wife), "Why do I like him?"

"Senior is super gentle!" The girl dissatisfied!

"Gentleness is a necessary quality for a flower picker." I have read "White Album", "The Sun Lives on Campus", "Your Youth Love Story Has a Hammer Problem" and other classic books concluded.

After reading this, although Shulv felt that the whole book was a bit strange, Shulv felt that she already knew a lot about the so-called love.

Especially the scumbag!

"Senior is still very good at taking care of others!"


Shu Lv looked through the book "Starting from the Flower Thief, the Life of Jiang Lin's Legend", which was written by Longmen Zong Qin Xiao, Haotian Zong Zhao Ritian, Non-Zhu Liuzong Master Brother, disciple Qian Zhenduo, and Water Curtain Cave Sect Monkey A biography of Jiang Lin co-edited by Yaoxiao Junior Sister (generally written after death).

"It's really good at taking care of people." Shulu nodded, "He once invited a monkey demon girl to eat bananas."


"Senior is very kind!"

"Longmen Sect Tan Xiao said that they often went to the women's bathhouse in the clan to enjoy the moon together, steal medicine from the medicine garden, and shabu and bake their wings in the spirit bird courtyard."

"..." The girl's breathing increased, and the little bear undulated a few times, "Senior is talented!"

"'Even if it becomes a black hole, it's the place I've longed for all my life'." Chen Fang said slowly, "This sentence was also said by Jiang Lin."

The girl's cheeks were red, and the little girl said coquettishly: "Sister Shulv..."

"Okay, okay." Shulu gently closed the book, "Say, what can I do?"

Although Shulu and Murongqin have not known each other for a long time, after these days of getting along, Shulu feels that Murongqin is a girl with a very cute mind.

She is a native of the Yaozu world, but she doesn't have the violent and **** smell of the Yaozu world.

On the contrary, she is very kind, it can even be said that she is a little simple, her mind is extremely clear, and she has a light scholarly scent.

And the book green, which is the book itself, is even closer.

"Sister Shulu, after reading so many books, you must know a lot of things, right?"

Murong Qin held her small hand to her chest, looking at Shu Green expectantly.

The corners of Shulu's mouth moved slightly, and she wanted to tell Qin'er, "It's not that the more books you read, the more things you really understand."

But looking at her sincere eyes, Shulu found that she couldn't even speak for a while, and couldn't bear to extinguish the girl's expectations.

"Sister Qin'er first tell me what's the matter."

"That..." Murong Qin's cheeks were slightly red, and his two little index fingers poked at each other lightly, looking extremely embarrassed.

But the girl finally summoned her courage.

Standing up, the girl bit her ear at Murong Qin and said something softly.

Gradually, the face of the girl who talked became more and more red, and the face of the girl who heard the words became even more ruddy.

"Sister Shulu has a way?"

Murong Qin lowered her head and gently pinched the skirt. The crimson of her cheeks was like the red glow on the side of the day. It was the same color, but it was more beautiful.


The green eyes of the book are flowing, like Jiang Lin is watching Xiao Liu Bei, for fear of being discovered by others.

"It's not... and it's not impossible..."

"Really?" Murong Qin's eyes lit up and happily grabbed Shulu's little hand, "Also ask my sister to teach me!"

"But..." Shulv bit her lower lip lightly, looking at Murong Qin with embarrassment, "but these methods are all I have seen from the book, and they are not necessarily useful."

"It's okay! Since it is written in the book, it must be effective." Murong Qin said firmly.

"okay then....."

Shulv beckoned to Murong Qin, and Murong Qin clings to his ears obediently.

There were only two people in the mountain forest, but their voices were extremely small, as if they were plotting something.

Although Murong Qin's cheeks are getting redder, but his eyes are even brighter!


The red clouds faded to the horizon, and night finally fell.

Jiang Lin, who came out of the black courtyard, realized that he seemed to have no fixed place?


Although my house was burnt down, Fang'er and Qin'er could live there by themselves.

But Jiang Lin was more inclined to go there.

After all, I and Barley already have the real life of a Taoist couple, and they also have the name of a Taoist couple. They are just a few days away from the formal wedding. In fact, they are no different from husband and wife.

As for Qin'er, Jiang Lin was still a little undecided.

But Jiang Lin also knew that he couldn't delay it for a few days.

The day after tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, I must go to Qin'er.

At the latest at the latest, that is also the day of marriage.

As long as the "memory hasn't recovered in a day", then I will never have an excuse to refuse Qin'er.

"How can this be good..."

Holding his hands on his back, Jiang Lin thought as he walked, wondering if there were any other routines to delay Qin'er tonight.

For example, play a night of flying chess with Qin'er?

And just as Jiang Lin was thinking, he waited until he stopped before realizing that he had already reached the courtyard of Qin'er.

Jiang Lin turned his head and wanted to leave! After all, Qin'er thought she was with her yesterday, so she can go to Barley today!



Just when Jiang Lin had just turned around, he saw a graceful girl in a plain dress standing in front of him.

The moment she saw herself, her eyes were shining, and Jiang Lin couldn't help but feel guilty in that scumbag.

"Qin'er, I..."

"Needless to say, my husband ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, when Jiang Lin wanted to explain, but actually didn't know what to explain.

The girl stepped forward and gently pulled Jiang Lin's hem.

"Tomorrow, seniors have to go to see Fake Sister, otherwise she will be angry."

Jiang Lin: "???"

"Qin'er, what are you holding in your hand?" Jiang Lin felt that he had to change the subject.

"Oh, yes... it's wine..." Murong Qin hid the wine jar behind him.

"Huh? Does Qin'er drink?"

"That... Sister Shulu gave me a prescription. This wine has the effect of calming and sleeping." Under the moonlight, the girl's eyes flowed gently, and then she blinked Kazilan's big eyes and looked purely. To Jiang Lin, "Senior want to drink it?"

"Great, I just want to use this."

Jiang Lin has decided! Just fall asleep by yourself! Wouldn't that be it? !

This wine happened to sleep peacefully!

Ever since, Jiang Lin took over the wine jar and filled it suddenly.


"Why does it taste a bit strange?"

"This wine..... This wine is called Qiankouxiang, and the more you drink, the more mellow it gets."

"That's it." Jiang Lin sulked again, it doesn't matter if he wants to, he just wants to get drunk and lose consciousness.


Take one bite after another.

One bite after another.

Why am I still not drunk at all?


Why is there an animal world looping in my mind?

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